Sunday, March 29, 2009

Furlough House Swap: We got dibs on Craig's crib!

The Adirondack-style clubhouse at Trillium in Cashiers, N.C., where Jackson County public documents show CEO Craig Dubow owns a $1.5 million country estate in the gated golf community.

Facing another furlough, Laura Cochran of Gannett Digital joined co-workers last week on free text-message broadcaster Twitter, where they launched Furlough House Swap for employees who aren't working or earning to vacation on the cheap, the Chicago Tribune says today.


  1. Hmmmmm Gannett Digital making lemons out of lemonade, looking for solutions. Imagine that. By reading this blog you'd think Digital is the devil. Glad to see you chiming and supporting an idea when it suits your needs Jimbo.

    Kudos to Laura for doing something instead of talking about it or in the case of this blog ...whining, bitching, and moaning.

  2. It's a cute idea. At least they didn't have to study it for months in committee, write up a proposal, submit it for approval, have to go back and make changes, resubmit, create the site, test it for months, then launch it -- after all the furloughs are over.

  3. Check out for information about the house swap. The site should be up soon.

  4. Digital is a pretty cool group of people. Very creative!!

    I want first dibs on Saridakis's pad!!!


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