Monday, December 01, 2008

R-r-r-ing! More layoffs by phone, readers say

(Updated.) Another reader just reported they were laid off over the telephone, in a comment that followed similar reports from a handful of other readers. Without identifying the state where they work, Anonymous@8:24 p.m. writes: "Just got a call from my manager. I am being laid off tomorrow and will be compensated for my time here, quite generously, but tomorrow we are letting go about 22 individuals. I feel relieved and sad."

Yesterday, Anonymous@6:51 p.m. commented: "I am on the East Coast and am a manager and was just called tonight and told I will be terminated, but will still have to do some work before I can leave. My official (last) day is Dec. 19, and then I get my severance. I also have to sit with HR to fire the rest of my team. BTW, my entire group is going. Apparently, they have to start early so they can accomplish all this by mid-week."

Earlier: We're building a paper-by-paper tally of layoffs. Just three papers are listed so far; will yours be included?


  1. From the main open thread for the day:

    Can't ONE of you people getting these calls tell us where you're from?????? Pleeeeeease!!!

    11/30/2008 7:17 PM

    Bottom line, you don't have a credible source. Anyone could have written this anonymous post with fabricated information - typical with this blog

  2. Alexandria Town Talk- December 1 is the day for another 10% cut. They have already lost HR( 30yrs), IT(31 yrs), City Editor and Marketing directors

  3. Bill,

    Are you OK?

  4. That's just mean to call people on a Sunday. Don't forget to include the phone conversation as "time worked."

  5. Phoenix is doing this.
    Got a few tips. (don't know how complete accurate they are) There will be no more redelivery Mon-Fri (maybe not eventually but soon)Layoffs will include redelivery drivers. (not contracted drivers according to sources)
    Redelivery will only be Sat & Sun.

    gee we thought they were going to give a "head count" or fyi or something. They are just doing it and yes it happened by phone! :(

  6. Did anybody stop to consider that maybe the phone call method is a better way? It saves the managers the embarrassment of being pulled into a supervisor's office to face the firing squad and enough time to pull themselves together in private before they have to face their staffs and other co-workers the next day.

    But I'm sure nobody sees it that way, because that would be something semi-positive, and God forbid we have anything but fear-mongering and misery on this pathetic site.

    And before anyone makes a comment, no, I am not in management. I'm just a regular minion waiting to learn my fate, which by the way won't happen until Dec. 10.

  7. I agree, but think text messages would be more efficient and save time for the managers.

    What up? See u later gator. job go bye-bye. See HR for more.

  8. What up Alexandria ? How can you throw the City Editor overboard and still sail the ship ? who is doing the work with no City Editor for crying out loud ???

  9. If your city editor gets wacked you probably had a crappy city editor. Nobody, and I mean NO-BOD-DEE, gets ride of a even a mediocre city editor.

  10. The City Editor usually does the job of about 3 people. Doesn't make sense to squash the City Editor.

  11. Jim:

    Why do you make an article out of "news" you cannot verify here but actually report the news when other times you tease us with hints of news you cannot verify. If that journalism?

    Also, if you are going to make a big deal out of cost & stats figures, why is it you use stuff so old it is meaningless? And then don't even take the time to pull the complete data? To top it off, you skew your article by failing to compare ALL the revenue and ALL the expense.

  12. ......I just talked to my favorite local city beat reporter and he verified: layoffs coming this week.

    Wilmington DE

  13. Regarding the Alexandria "city editor:" The guy actually was an AME and was let go during the round of director cuts.

  14. I would much rather get a call the night before, regardless of the day of the week. At least I'd have some time to digest it and be better able to deal with the pitiful looks from my co-workers.

    Being accosted as you walk into the building in the morning is just not right.

    As if firing people because you're not making enough profit is.

  15. Someone asked for specifics about location... Not sure that matters... it's everywhere. Word around the water cooler was that Dec. 3rd would be the day for us. A source says that our HR has all the conference rooms booked for that day so I would probably bank on that.

  16. "Being accosted as you walk into the building in the morning is just not right."

    Unless you're in IT - then it's expected. ;-)

  17. 10:12 PM -- LOL!


  18. I am former Gannett employee who was laid off last month from the employer I left Gannett to work for. It was a surprise to all of us let go and was done over the phone. I appreciated the phone call, actually. It gave me time to digest the news in the privacy and comfort of my own home and to inform my family and friends before our local alternative weekly published it (including my name) the following day online.

    There is always something to complain about, I suppose, but for me, the phone layoff was the way to go.

  19. Hmmmm... well there is no good way yes? What I will say in defense of the big G in Phoenix, is that last round they dispensed of the usual SOP of walking the employees out via security... gave them the news and let them say their goodbyes and leave at their pace. Kudos for that. Personally, I would like to get the word discretely at the beginning of the week and given the rest to get things in order. Granted, Corp. has a lot to balance there... All things equal, I would rather have a phone call rather then drive in and then be promptly walked out in front of my piers.

  20. "Piers"??? And you're a journalist? Wow.

  21. I had heard the same about the calls. There'd be a call that this was going to happen and you could set an appointment to come in at your convenience -- when you were ready and even at a time when you could avoid your coworkers, if that was your wish.

    As some of these people said, it struck me as a place where you could digest the news in a place where you would be supported, and therefore far superior to being called to a meeting as all your coworkers eyes fall upon you -- or away from you -- and then having your computer access shut off while you're in that meeting.

    I don't think there is a good way to tell people they're losing their job. But it also seems to me that, if handled with the kind of sensitivity described, it was just plain better than most ways.

  22. 5:45, why do so many think those that post here are all journalists? Cut him/her some slack.

  23. The people who are writing these slams should have the guts to post with a name.


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