Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Finalists just announced for companywide awards

Corporate has disclosed the finalists for 2008 Innovator of the Year, Manager of the Year, Sales Executive of the Year, Corporate Staffer of the Year and the Leadership & Diversity Award. Interesting to note the three finalists for Manager of the Year:
Winners in all categories will be announced April 2 at a reception at the Gannett-USA Today headquarters complex in McLean, Va.

So, what's the back-story, here? How many managers got nominated, and who chose these finalists?

Please post your replies in the comments section, below. To e-mail confidentially, write gannettblog[at]gmail[dot-com]; see Tipsters Anonymous Policy in the green rail, upper right.


  1. Margaret Buchanan! Wasn't she going to be fired? What a joke!

  2. Hey you Whitehouse!
    Ha ha, charade you are!

  3. Margaret Buchanan?

    What a joke indeed.

    If they rewarded actual performance and innovation - instead of those, like Buchanan, who are best at following orders - then Kevin Corrado in Green Bay would win hands down among the Community Publishing Division.

    But, alas, Gannett can't get past those who blindly and bluntly - without regard to the front-line employee - follow corporate directives.

    So sad.

  4. Re: 4:03 pm

    Ditto that, Kevin is terrific!

    I figured out long ago with this company the ones who win the President's Rings are always the ones with the best creative writing skills, not actual results! Especially when the publisher is too lazy to write the recommendation and the director's nominate themselves! :)

  5. Indeed, 4:07.

    I'm a former director and always, always felt uncomfortable writing my own President's Ring nomination.

    Corporate politics also plays a HUGE part in who wins and who doesn't. Diversity factors in as well - and IMHO it should.

    Thus, there are years deserving people are passed over - and years people win (or are nominated, i.e. Buchanan in this case) and you think to yourself WTF?

  6. Pat Dorsey in Tallahassee would be another, BETTER, candidate than Margaret Buchanan.

    An excellent publisher who treats his people as fairly as Gannett allows him to. There's never a question he cares. Very professional. A finance guy who understands and respects the core principles of NEWSpapers.

    But the economy probably cost Pat the numbers he needed to be considered.

  7. As nice as it is to recognize people who have done great work, Gannett just announced furloughs and pay cuts. No one cares about rah-rah when they just found out they're losing another 1/13th of their pay (managers and +$90k lose 2/13ths), that the newspaper business will likely not turn around, that the company's digital plans are mired somewhere in 2005...

    Only people with a stake in the awards, and certain people at corporate, will attend a webinar like this at a time like this. I'm guessing the overall feeling when the memo came out was "you must be kidding me", although with more expletives.

    I _have_ only been with Gannett for three years, though, so maybe people who've been around a lot longer put more stock in this. I just can't get behind it. I don't see the point.

  8. I am sorry folks, but the Gannett Presidents ring is a candy ring. Please accept this $0.25 and go to your nearest bubble gum machine and pick your favorite color. Lick away!!!

    Kiss the ring of Craig Dubow...That is all these ass licking nominees know how to do.

    Especially Buchanan who has been licking Clark-Johnson, Barb Henry and DICKey!!!

  9. Buchanan is the poster child for what's wrong with Gannett.

    She treats her employees from OC members on down poorly and could care less if she does it publicly. And, despite gains from buying circulation and a less challenging budget due to the death of the JOA, she really doesn't appear to have any record of success that's been devised on her own. The few attempts to do so in Cincinnati have roundly failed.

  10. Most of the Gannett Managers are 'what's wrong' with Gannett. But you have to start at the top with Dubow and work your way down to Lougee. ALL of the execs and most of the Managers should be fired!

    Let's take a furlough and then give the money to the execs for their bonuses! What a crock!

  11. Just for a fun change of pace...
    Let's name some of the BEST managers we've ever worked for/with! Two of them I've worked with have already been mentioned here, Kevin Corrado and Pat Dorsey. Interesting that their backgrounds are in IT and Finance instead of the traditional news or advertising. Come on, let's name names for the GOOD ones and let them know we appreciate them! (Even, and especially, if they have left GCI)

  12. How many long-time employees did Whitehouse walk out the door in 2008? No chance to say goodbye or even clean out their desks. Nice to see that work being rewarded.

  13. Anyone have the complete list of finalists?

  14. Margaret Buchanan?


    Bet the nomination letter was written by Tom Callinan.

    Enough said.

  15. OK, 5:51 here's my testimonial:

    Hands down the best manager I ever worked for is Bill Hunsberger, who was CD in JacksonMS, Publisher in Hattiesburg, VP of Circulation in Cincinnati and President & Publisher in JacksonMS.

    Bill died suddenly June 14, 2004. He was President & Publisher of The Clarion-Ledger at the time of his death.

    Bill knew every employee by name. Circulated throughout the building and was VERY active in the community. Business leaders (advertisers) respected him and wanted to work with him.

    He truly, sincerely cared about Metro Jackson and everyone at The Clarion-Ledger. He wanted you to succeed not only professionally, but personally.

    Bill trusted his employees to make good decisions, and let them manage their responsibilities. He listened. Morale was always high and The Clarion-Ledger posted strong numbers under Bill's leadership.

    God bless Bill Hunsberger. I know I'm grateful to have had the privilege and honor of working with and for Bill.

  16. 6:29 PM - Here you go

    Finalists announced for companywide awards

    The finalists for 2008 Innovator of the Year, Manager of the Year, Sales Executive of the Year, Corporate Staffer of the Year and the Leadership & Diversity Award were announced. Finalists are:

    Innovator of the Year -- Dan Buettner, IT manager/Regional Toning Center; Dona Pickett, promotion specialist, WFMY-TV at Greensboro, N.C.; and Rebecca Rahm, program director, KSDK-TV at St. Louis, Mo.

    Manager of the Year -- Margaret Buchanan, Interstate group vice president and president and publisher of The Cincinnati Enquirer; Jim Toellner, president and general manager at WGRZ-TV at Buffalo, N.Y.; and Patricia Whitehouse, manager/human resources at KUSA/KTVD-TV at Denver.

    Sales Executive of the Year -- Jody Gilbert, account executive III at USA TODAY; Tina Hamilton-Easter, account executive at WUSA-TV at Washington, D.C.; and Nicole Nichols, account executive at WKYC at Cleveland, Ohio.

    Corporate Staffer of the Year -- Donna Brenyo, manager/accounting services at Gannett; Asa Darrow, director/Gannett Graphics Group for Gannett Broadcasting; and Rob Mennie, vice president/senior news executive at Gannett Broadcasting.

    Leadership and Diversity Award – Newspaper Network of Central Ohio; Reno Gazette-Journal; Rochester (N.Y.) Democrat and Chronicle; and The Des Moines Register.

    Winners in all categories will be announced Thursday, April 2 at a reception held at Gannett/USA TODAY headquarters in McLean, Va. The program will be videocast live on http://gannett.gci starting around 4:30 p.m.

  17. Hands-down, no contest, absolutely the best HR person I have EVER worked with is Patricia Whitehouse. When I left the Cracker Factory aka KUSA 9News I took her to breakfast on my last day.

    Want to fix Gannett? Fire every one of the senior asshats above GM, and put Patricia in charge!

  18. With performance like the company had this past year, should Gannett really be naming an Innovator of the Year? Isn't the issue that we've failed to be innovative enough?

    Best manager for whom I've worked: Rick Jensen, now publisher in Salisbury. Got the job done, rewarded good results, treated people like human beings.

  19. Sorry 5:51, I have never worked with a good manager at Gannett. I'm sure some of are terrific.
    Love companies like Gannett that reward the few and ignore the rest.

  20. Leadership and Diversity Award -- Newspaper Network of Central Ohio?????????
    That has to be a sick joke. Its specialty may be eight-page papers,sans news! Or maybe leading the bucket brigade at the News-Messenger in Fremont when rain water pours through a hole in the roof. No money to fix it, big-wigs say. At least the NNCO nomination will give worker-bees in that group a good belly laugh. We'll put the leadership of NNCO up against any bunch of bunglers New Jersey has to offer. Ready to take on the challenge NJ?

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. Well, at least no managers from The Arizona Republic made the list of nominees. Talk about low-wattage leadership driving a once-fine newspaper into the ground.

  23. ATTENTION 7:48: We've done some quick research and we cannot accept your challenge. Our dummies are no match for your dummies in NNCO. Thus, you win.
    New Jersey

  24. Naming Buchanan Manager of the Year is further proof that Gannett truly has no character, nor respect for its employees.

    Rewarding her in anyway further condones her abusive style over what Gannett likely needs most, managers who will sincerely treat the few people that are still left to do the work with respect. It’s clear that she just doesn’t get it, or worst, doesn’t care.

  25. These are not "companywide awards" as not all segments of the company are represented. They're a sham.

  26. The President's Ring is worthless - like a new car, it depreciates 20% or more as soon as you walk off the stage. Case in point: Susan Ihne, P-Ring winner, summarily fired by Randy Hammer, P-Ring winner, in Asheville. Apparently, not enough P-Rings to keep the job.

  27. Darrell Larock has been the center of the Gannett Broadcast IT world. Gannett has NO idea how screwed they will be if he ever parts ways with the company.

  28. @10:22 - Darrell is a great guy. He won an Unsung Hero aware in 2006. There are many people like Darrell in the company who work with integrity and the single minded purpose of doing their jobs well.

  29. Jody Gilbert? Seriously? Based on what?

  30. In Westchester, Gannett newsroom managers of the year awards are given to some of worst managers in the building.

  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. Patricia Whitehouse at KUSA is a real class act - Kind, caring, and still human - even while doing things she is told to do. She really is the best.

  33. Patricia Whitehouse is basically a good person but scared to death for her own job. Unfortunately, the fear factor wins out every time. She isn't always honest because she is paranoid.

  34. Best manager: Jack Mundie, the Director at the Maryland Operations Center for Gannett IT.

  35. I have to wonder what defines leadership and diversity -- in Gannettspeak.

    Des Moines is a diverse city with Bosnian, Hmong and many other cultures.

    But the Des Moines Register is far from diverse. Perhaps anitdeserve? One of the Whitest, culturecentric newsrooms.

  36. Naming anybody from broadcast an "staffer", "salesperson" or "innovator" of the year is silly as we are best at being the worst. We are a giant black hole of expense thanks to our local leadership and newsrooms being inflexible to change. High hopes were held for Lougee now we in TV land all suffer.

    -Disgruntled On the Air

  37. So, Buchanan gets a nod because: circ moved up from the death of the JOA and her buying it; a softer budget due to JOA unknowns; significant savings from printing her own TV book at Indy's loss; and, a wealth of people and expenses to cut like few others have.

    What a joke.


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