Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Cut this, Martore!

You naughty Gannett Blog readers demand local-yokel coverage, so here's a follow-up to an earlier version of this viral holiday favorite:

Send your own ElfYourself eCards


  1. Well,it beats a Mogulus feed of an empty studio... not by much, mind you.

  2. Hell, it beats 95% of ALL Mogulus feeds from my site.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I just removed a post: Puh-leeze, give me a break guys; I've taken (unfairly) heat for having a blog that's not friendly to women.

  5. Hiring Gracia is the biggest mistake Gamnett made since acquiring the Detroit paper.

  6. 10:17 - no THAT is a low blow - she is not that bad!


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