Friday, November 14, 2008

Layoff deadline: Making lists, checking 'em twice

Today's the deadline for publishers to submit to Corporate any remaining lists of employees targeted to be laid off in the community newspaper division's 10% workforce reduction early next month. Those proposals now go through "the standard review process,'' according to the timetable that division chief Bob Dickey gave in his original memo on the mass layoff. Then, once Corporate OKs these proposals, publishers will give individual employees the bad news. That could start any time, but is expected to be completed by about Dec. 3.

Earlier: Our newest paper-by-paper list of laid-off employees


  1. I am sure the crooked publisher where I used to work will target some good hard working people. Her girl buddies will probably be fine. Lay off more men so the women can finish running the paper in the ground! I am not against women just those women!

  2. what is the standard review process?

  3. This is so awful. I look around the room and think, "Who will be cast out into this stinking economy?'' Scary, scary times.

  4. The decision has been made for some people already - and in some cases is already public knowledge. At least in Cincinnnati.

  5. Opps. Make that Cincinnati. Didn't mean to put that extra n in there.


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