Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tip: How to screw up your blogging schedule

Follow these three easy steps:
  • Pack all your belongings, and move into your boyfriend's San Francisco condo -- on short notice.
  • Wait until the very last moment, April 15, to prepare your income tax returns.
  • Switch to a Mac, after 20-plus years of working on a PC.
(Note: To fall really behind in blogging, do all three at once!)


  1. Maybe too much hanky-panky with you boyfriend Jim!!!

    Anyway, we miss you. Come back and tell us what is going on with our company. You are a better communicator than Dubow (eh, Martore), the CEO.

    Are you coming to the Annual Meeting? Everyone is asking about it (at least everyone in my office).

  2. Thanks, Anon@1:28 p.m. I'll be updating on the annual meeting in a few days. I'm curious: What office are you in?

  3. Just curious - what prompted the switch to the world of Mac? (Granted, the Macbook Pros are cool... considering getting one myself, which is why I ask... I am currently an ardent PC user.)

  4. To Anon@7:31 a.m.: I switched to a Mac for a couple reasons. My Dell desktop is now five years old, and I needed to upgrade. Buying another PC would require my learning Vista, at a minimum. Since I had to learn a new operating system, I figured it was time to do what I'd wanted to do: Try a completely different platform.

    I knew I wanted a laptop. I knew I wanted to learn how to make online videos -- don't we all? -- and everyone said that, for anything graphics-related, a Mac was the way to go.

  5. I have a Mac too. I would never own a Dell — their customer service is in India! (Maybe Gannett got the outsourcing ad design idea from them)... I'd rather talk to Americans who speak English. I can't understand the Indians and they can't understand us either!

  6. The other reason I switched to a Mac is well-known to business readers: I bought an iPhone in January, and was so impressed, I wanted to try Mac computing, too.

  7. Note on Dell's support in India.

    If you seek online support from Dell - i.e. a chat session - you still get someone in the U.S.

    I have a Dell laptop and used the online chat for support, which was fabulous. Within a minute of ending the chat, I had an Email with support ticket number AND the complete chat conversation.

    Since I have "complete care" with Dell, the technician came out to my house the next day to replace the DVD drive, at no cost to me. (Apple does not offer such a service plan.)

    What OS and computer you use is a personal choice. You have to get what fits your comfort factor.

    But I just wanted to let you know that support with Dell has complete migrated off-shore. The tech that came to the house said the online chat (because of translation issues) will remain in the U.S.


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