I was impressed this morning when I reviewed the technical aspects of the Register' s coverage. To be sure, it had a professional partner in Iowa Public Television (IPTV). That brought expertise the Register likely didn't have entirely on its own.

The organization is reader-friendly because it lets voters more easily "shop'' the website for issues, and the candidates' responses. That's simply good First Amendment journalism. Of course, the competition isn't far behind: The New York Times offered an impressive video presentation of its own this morning.
Reviews of the debate were mixed. The Washington Post called it "lackluster.'' But The Politico, a new Web entry in political coverage, was impressed. "Carolyn Washburn, editor of the Des Moines Register, asked all the questions and did so in a manner that suggests she believes a presidential debate should be more about information than entertainment,'' Roger Simon says. "That is a staggering concept and one that some reporters may not have liked -- there were few of the fireworks that fuel juicy story lines -- but I have a feeling serious voters, which the Iowans who vote on caucus night are, got a lot out of it."
Here's Washburn in her introductory remarks; as you can see, because the Register provided the embeddable code for its videos, I'm able to past them on this blog -- extending the paper's coverage (and its brand) well beyond Iowa.
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