Monday, March 22, 2010

Health care | Director Shalala's two faces, Part 2

In a statement on just-passed health care reform, published this morning by The New York Times, Gannett board member Donna Shalala said: "This historic legislation recognizes two fundamental rights: First, people who get up every day and go to work have a right to good health insurance for themselves and their families. Second, that every child no matter where they live or what their family’s income has a right to a healthy life. Medicare honored the most vulnerable — the elderly and disabled. We now honor working Americans and all our children."

It's noteworthy, yet again, that Gannett's board of directors has rewarded top management for thousands of layoffs that cost dedicated employees their medical coverage.

What's more, Gannett's top executives -- known as named executive officers (NEOs) -- are entitled to post-retirement medical benefits, plus supplemental coverage, according to the new shareholders proxy report. That benefit extends to their eligible dependents -- even after the executive dies:

"The company would continue to provide supplemental medical insurance coverage for the executive’s eligible dependents up to an annual maximum of $12,500 per year, in addition to the regular post-retirement medical insurance coverage available to the NEOs on the same terms as provided to company retirees generally, for the duration of the life of the eligible dependents."

Finally, last year, Gannett paid Shalala $92,607 in director fees.

Earlier: On health care, the two faces of Director Shalala


  1. Actions speak louder than words.

  2. It's because of people like Shalala that liberals are held in such contempt by both the right AND the left.

    It's nice that maharajahs like her and the smirking shoe salesman Dubow get such big bucks and excellent health care.

    But thousands of us and our families have lost (or are about to lose) our jobs and our health care, thanks to the egregious incompetence of Gannett's board of directors and self-aggrandizing upper management.

    Instead of honoring the glorious fundamental rights she talks about, Shalala and the rest of them are creating personal and financial catastrophe for thousands of formerly middle class Americans whose only crime was to work hard and honestly for a company run by a mob of greedy, selfish and self-aggrandizing nincompoops.

  3. 1:18 -- Good post. I'm not a conservative but you are exactly right. It's people like Shalala that make all liberals and progressives look bad. It's so obvious that money is more important to her than anything else in the world that she looks like a complete hypocrite when she spouts off about healthcare for children. And that makes her exactly the sort of person that conservatives will hold up as an example of modern liberalism. Pathetic.


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