Thursday, July 02, 2009

New | Beavis and Butthead's Comment-A-Thon!

Anonymous@7:05 p.m. suggested I let the comments rip from now through this blog's shutdown, a week from tomorrow: "Why moderate the posts at this late date? Just let us go out, in a blaze of glory, just like we came in."

Well, why not? Employees have long been denied the chance to speak up without fear of retribution. So, barring something unexpected, for the next eight days, I'll back-read everything you post, keeping an eye on news, and only removing the really awful stuff. Which, of course, leads to Corporate. (Hah!)

Journalists like Dan Neuharth -- son of you-know-who -- are already working on books about the collapse of the modern newspaper industry. Years from now, I expect historians will read Gannett Blog as a case study of what happened to the nation's biggest newspaper publisher, one now edging closer to bankruptcy. Management is racing to lay off up to 1,400 newspaper workers in time to offer another tray of dismembered bodies to Wall Street analysts two weeks from today, as evidence it really means business this time.

Historians will find plenty of junk among Gannett Blog's comments. But they'll also find really thoughtful commentary, like the one I posted Sunday: Why the company is rotting from the bottom up, as much as it is from the top down.

And here's what they'll find, much too often, of management's insight: "You suck, Jim." That gem has been posted anonymously at least 25 times since March, most recently at 3:18 a.m. today, according to a Gmail search. (So creative! It's almost as if an occult hand had placed it on the author's save-get key!)

Whatever, our new week-long Comment-A-Thon is management's chance to redeem itself, so it's not represented for posterity by posters who read more like Beavis and Butthead, than leaders of a Fortune 500 newspaper publisher.

Please post your replies in the comments section, below. To e-mail confidentially, write gannettblog[at]gmail[dot-com]; see Tipsters Anonymous Policy in the green rail, upper right.


  1. Jim wrote: "Whatever, our new week-long Comment-A-Thon is management's chance to redeem itself, so it's not represented for posterity by posters who read more like Beavis and Butthead, than leaders of a Fortune 500 newspaper publisher."

    I love how you focus on the moron comments (which I admit are stupid), but never address the substantial criticisms of your work and methods here.

    In your mind, they're all from Corporate and they're all the same. You're wrong on both counts.

  2. Jim, all that history will show of this blog is that you were a nutcase.

    There are tons of examples -- your paranoia, your flipout at the Gannett meeting, your star-crossed romance with Spanky that affected your postings. All of it combined will reveal you to be the unstable idiot who got bad performance reviews.

  3. Jim is a cross between Principal McDicker and the guy who tried to get the class to sell candy.

  4. Come on, people, lay off Jim. He's worked very hard to provide a valuable service for all of us. I, for one, appreciate what he's done for all of us. This blog helped us know what was going on when no one else would tell us. It also served as a kind of online support group for people who were laid off.
    Thanks, Jim. Good luck to you and Sparky. God bless you both.

  5. 1:21 is yet another Jim-sheep, shitting on the blog.

    The Jim-sheep will have to find a new pasture to crap on in a few days.

  6. Jim,

    This is fantastic! You're using the suggestion of one of your critics/trolls - what a riot!

  7. So, far all the editors out there are failing a major, major test!

  8. Much like Jim failed miserably at the shareholders meeting.

    The difference, though, is Jim and his sheep are lifelong failures.

  9. Hint: I'm gonna file for application in the secret society any minute now! (Tick, tock, tick, tock . . . )

  10. (Wonders to self: If you pull it off on a blog, does it count? Hmmm . . . )

  11. Jim wrote: "Hint: I'm gonna file for application in the secret society any minute now!"

    Ummm ... Masons?

  12. Does anyone know if Bevis' last name was Dubow?

  13. Jim, there's no need to keep showing how irrational you are. You already proved that at the shareholders meeting.

  14. Historians will also see how to bloat a blog with extra text, worthless stories, and arrogance.

  15. That's it! I'm applying to the Order!

  16. Good for you, wackjob. Will there be some meds in it for you?

    Just go away, Jim.


Jim says: "Proceed with caution; this is a free-for-all comment zone. I try to correct or clarify incorrect information. But I can't catch everything. Please keep your posts focused on Gannett and media-related subjects. Note that I occasionally review comments in advance, to reject inappropriate ones. And I ignore hostile posters, and recommend you do, too."

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.