Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Part 2 | Wednesday's Layoff News & Comments

This section is now closed to new comments. Please go to Thursday's.


  1. I've just posted this overflow string for comments from today's Your Layoff News & Comments. Here's Part 1.

  2. 5:08 PM wrote: "Those who support Jim and think this round of layoffs is unfair, let's speak up. Let's drown these corporate defenders and sub-humans with cozy and safe little jobs who are so selfish that they can't see the trees... These are the entitled jerks who cut you off on the road, who won't hold a door for you, who just have no integrity whatsoever as they enjoy the fruits of this company."

    Damn, you could not be more wrong about me. I in no way am "enjoying the fruits of this company." I could be laid off next week for all I know.

    But I'm just sick and tired of the Hopkins Filter on this blog. Just shut it down, redirect to Gannettoid and let the madness here end.


  4. Jim's madness will never end.

    I predict we'll be reading a story about him flipping out along the Mediterranean. He's a nutcase.

  5. Dickey said 1400? Then you should believe oh ye of kool-aid drinking. This company is so well known for their honesty, support and protection of it's employees! Hey, it's just them trying to protect you by telling every news outlet available yesterday about your layoff - even before you, right???

    Gee, how this smacks of "Mommy dearest". Hey, if you actually enjoy living with that kind of abuse, just keep praying it won't be you this time. Oh yeah, and have fun - until the next time.

  6. The most like scenario for the company is what was posted from Nashville. 1400 layoffs and another 1000-1400 open posiitons that are permanently eliminated. I suspect that only 1 in 10 open jobs are being filled now so that actual layoffs can be reduced.

  7. Tennessean to shed more employees
    Newspaper responds to rumors by confirming that 35 will lose jobs this month

    By E. Thomas Wood

    07-01-2009 2:21 PM —

    Nashville's daily newspaper is preparing to lay off staffers once more, following dramatic job cuts in December.

    Bob Faricy, vice president of market development for The Tennessean, has confirmed to that staffers were told in a meeting today to expect 35 layoffs in the near future and that 25 currently open positions would go unfilled.

  8. Who cares what anybody thinks about Jim (nothing personal, Jim).

    Can we focus on getting some more numbers on here for each property?

    Also, Jim, can you break the running tally down again by actual layoffs vs unfilled positions eliminated? In Nashville: up to 35 layoffs; 25 open positions eliminated.

  9. For those out there working in community newspapers, take note of what happened today and contemplate on what it means for you if you were thinking of having a lifetime job or a career. If you are in your 20's, great. Accumulate clips and fatten your resume. But those over 30 and especially those with families, you really need to consider alternatives because the days for these papers are numbered, and you do not want to be sitting here in your late 40's when the bottom falls out. These are very cruel times for people in their 40's and 50's looking for other jobs.

  10. I think I understand it now.

    Dickey (love that word!) was going to layoff 4500 but decided to screw Jim and so is keeping 3100 people.

    It's so obvious, right?

    All hail Macbeth, er.. I mean Jim!

  11. 5:25 Don't like it? Don't read it. No one is holding a gun to your head and Jim can run his blog anyway he wants to run it.

  12. Phew! My delete button is red-hot! So many comments to remove.

    Interestingly, that was clearly one troll -- the same one who's carpet-bombed this blog before. In fact, if I didn't know better, I'd say Corporate has recruited one of the nation's more famous comment spammers.

    I've read as many as 40K or 50K comments over the past year, so you began to recognize someone's handiwork.

    Just FYI: The delay in posting the Dickey memo was because I was eating dinner. I am six hours ahead of ET, so it was about 8 p.m. when those posts hit. I can only do so much with an iPhone, anyway. And I turn it off when I'm with a friend.

    I do eat now and then. Sheesh. I can only imagine what some of you would demand if I was still accepting donations.

    Onward and downward!

  13. Damn, 5:53! I should have reprised more of Dickey's performance in that gay entertainment mecca, Palm Springs, Calif., where he played golf on the company's dime.

    Did I say Dickey spends a lot of time in a popular gay resort? Wow! That certainly can't have anything to do with all these nasty comments by people who wouldn't sneeze without the blessing of that man who plays golf in a gay, gay, GAY resort!

  14. haha! I'll miss your spunk, Jim! Don't know what we'll do once you permanently "go dark," but we'll miss ya'!

  15. Jim wrote: "I do eat now and then. Sheesh. I can only imagine what some of you would demand if I was still accepting donations."

    If you knew an announcement was possible, why not turn off moderation and make it a true "real time" comment section?

    I blame paranoia.

  16. 5:59 PM wrote: "haha! I'll miss your spunk, Jim!"

    Can't wait to see what the gay-baiting trolls make of this one ...

  17. What about layoffs at the Crystal Palace? Anybody heard of anything? Did they ever replace Jeff Bergin in Advertising?

  18. Well, every time I turn off moderation I have to spend a lot of time removing comments by all these trolls (this troll?) who wouldn't say boo unless they had at least the tacit blessing of that man who plays golf in a -- yup: here it comes -- way, way, WAY-GAY resort!

    You may now return to your Information Center.

  19. To the spammer who bet his comment wouldn't get approved: bingo! You win!

    Man: I don't know who to feel more sorry for: The folks threatened with layoffs, or the ones left behind who will have to report up to Corporate. There are some MEAN sons-a-bitches about tonight!

  20. 5:59: Good one! Now run along and get back to that press release you are working on. This is the world's stupidest PR stretegy -- especially for a MEDIA company. Are they REALLY that unoriginal that they must resort to such low tactics. Geesh, you'd think a company like Gannett would have much better PR folk.

  21. I find it comical that this blog forced GCI's hand, and made them send out today's publisher Email / Dickey letter. GCI is getting beat by the medium it has no real grasp on how to use - internally or externally.

    The number of layoffs might end up being 1,400, but the total job loss will well exceed 2,000 if not 3,000. Corporate is adept at spinning the semantics of words - you need to when answering to Wall Street - so it will claim Jim had the number wrong. So what? When physical layoffs exceed a 1,000 (for any company) it's tragic.

    How the board continues to reward the poor management of this company is reprehensible. No, criminal.

    The layoffs are made to save / grow the stock price in hopes of creating wealth, to buy down debt. But it's not working. Still, management continues the same practice quarter after quarter hoping for a different result. I believe that's called insanity.

    Jim: Thank you for providing this venue to share, to hold GCI accountable for its actions. Even if management doesn't have a clue on how to cover the debt it created during the "glory years" of the late 1980s and 1990s.

  22. I am 100% sure that I will be cut. I work in Information Technology. Resumes and cover letters have been sent out. I hope those upper-level management get theirs at some point. My goal help the competitors and bury Gannett!!

  23. 6:11 PM wrote: "5:59: Good one! Now run along and get back to that press release you are working on. This is the world's stupidest PR stretegy -- especially for a MEDIA company. Are they REALLY that unoriginal that they must resort to such low tactics. Geesh, you'd think a company like Gannett would have much better PR folk."

    I have never set foot in the Crystal Palace, so try again.

  24. As Jim fades into the sunset (and good luck), gannettoid blog offers the same meat without all the personal, defensive, personal-agenda driven, ego-riddled BS that has muddied this blog since its inception.

  25. Jim: I think you need to split your "jobs cut" line item into two ...

    -- Layoffs (jobs currently filled)
    -- Open (unfilled) positions eliminated

    If you can, and have the time. Given the temperament on this blog, and the spammers, I can see how just keeping up with the posts can be a full-time proposition.

    Thanks again.

  26. Where's the NJ Group folks? The APP ran a story in the Biz section about the layoffs without any paper or NJ-specific information. After all the doom and gloom predictions, I'd like to know the numbers for the NJ papers.

  27. Gee, who knew that about Palm Springs. Do you think Dickey knows about the clothing-optional hotel and I hear he loves to eat at Ruth Chris when he's there. You know what that means.

  28. Interesting concept -- Gannettoid blog is calling for Gannett staggs across all divisions to call in sick next week in protest of these senseless lay offs.

  29. Anyone know if severance packages are going to be reduced? I heard a rumor that they might. That would truly suck. A reasonable severance package is about all I have to look forward to with this company at this point.

  30. Now really, gentlepeople! How many Dickeys would not play in a gay, gay mecca. The problem is that this one just doesn't measure up!
    (Blush, Blush)

  31. Phew: This took some searching, but I finally found what I was looking for:

    1. Tara Connell said in February that Corporate was thinking about starting its own blog. She told Dow Jones Newswires: "When we were going through layoffs and deep cuts, employees were finding the water cooler element of a blog to be very reassuring," she says, acknowledging that a corporate blog doesn't give employees the kind of platform to vent their frustration like they have at Gannett Blog. "They're not going to want to yell and scream and be frustrated at something that's operated by the company."

    2. Corporate registered the domain name way back in April 2006.

    3. And for those of you who missed it the first time around, the famous Bob Dickey does Palm Springs, Calif., post. It's Pay to play: Dickey, 'sharing the financial hardship'

  32. Hey, Jim: I'm 5:53 and what the hell are you talking about? I don't get the reaction/joke.

    Let me rephrase:

    "I think I understand it now.

    Corporate was going to layoff 4500 but decided to screw Jim and so is keeping 3100 people."

    What part am I missing?

  33. And, as I understand it, many Gannett employees are now being required to take classes on Twittering -- while Corporate still doesn't have a public blog. In July 2009.

    That's just sad enough to get me to log off. I'm not pulling another all-nighter, moderating comments to keep the spam down. So, you're free to post all night, but I won't be OKing your comments for a final post for at least (I hope) eight hours.

  34. About the "numbers".

    Actual lay off numbers may be lower than originally reported. However, you can take this to the bank that there will be a number of bogus constructed terminations that will not figure into the lay off numbers.

    Watch while co-workers are written up back to back for bogus policy infractions. Watch while 90 day "performance improvement or termination" strategies are implemented and humanly impossible to achieve.

    Layoffs and attrition numbers are nothing but PR damage control.

    I hope that anyone who falls into the above scenario will report the experiences on Gannettoid to keep the information flowing on just how many actual casualties there are during the next 3-4 months.

  35. Why moderate the posts at this late date?

    Just let us go out, in a blaze of glory, just like we came in...

  36. 6:30 p.m.:

    To correct that, there was a link from to the Gawker item about the layoffs and that ended jokingly (I think) by saying call in sick next week.

    My site did not suggest that.

    ----------- NOT TRUE -----------
    Interesting concept -- Gannettoid blog is calling for Gannett staggs across all divisions to call in sick next week in protest of these senseless lay offs.

    7/01/2009 6:30 PM

  37. Gee, if we could only get this kind of creativity out of Gannett Digital (instead of buying "technology"):


    Owen Voorhees may seem like an unlikely tech entrepreneur because he's just 11-years old. But for the last nine months he climbed a mountain of doubt, overcame unfamiliar programming languages and poured over college level computer science textbooks - all to develop his very own iPhone application. Last month, his app, MathTime, debuted in the App Store and quickly rose to No. 13 in the paid, educational apps section.

    The premise of MathTime is simple; it takes the old-fashioned flashcard "mad minute" drill idea and adds a new media twist. Participants can practice addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on the phone by quickly solving problems with two taps of the phone, one to show the problem, one to display the answer.

    "I thought it would be cool," said the Hinsdale, Ill.-native, adding, "It's really cool to make something work, to make a little money, to do something like this and see it up" on the App Store.

    After he established the basic premise of the game, Owen's 9-year-old brother Finn designed the mathematical symbols in Photoshop. Once the design was done, the boys pitched the program to Apple.

    "Nothing's impossible if you don't know it's impossible," said John Voorhees, Owen and Finn's father, who created an app account and provided a bank number for the boys. "He dug into it all by himself, I didn't touch a line of code."

    The Apps Store has over 35,000 different iPhone applications and games available for download.

    "These two kids are unusually young to have done that, but the development environment is so easy, novice programmers with good ideas can now develop something compelling," said Matt Murphy, a partner at venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers.

    Murphy also manages the iFund, a $100-million fund devoted solely to investing in start-ups creating apps for the iPhone.

    A now billion-dollar economy, Murphy believes iPhone apps will keep growing. In a single day, MathTime, the .99-cent application, was downloaded 141 times. "It started booming," said Owen, "I woke up and I was like, I'm an entrepreneur now."

  38. Sorry, 5:53; that was a little too inside baseball.

    I meant: If I had only pissed off Corporate a bit more, perhaps we could have saved all those jobs.

    (I'm reasonably certain that Dickey & Co. are still smarting over my post on his playing in the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic golf tournament in Palm Springs, Calif. -- initially at least, at a cost of up to $25,000 -- at shareholder expense.)

  39. Just got a copy of the layoff note from my group's publisher, who apparently thinks his computer is a typewriter.

    Why does a person who can't type a five-sentence memo properly get to be a publisher?

  40. Arizona Republic newsroom employees got this a little while ago:

    From: Lovely, Randy
    > Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2009 3:06 PM
    > To: Phx Info Center
    > Subject: Layoff information
    > First, let me express my personal apology for the lack of information
    > and communication regarding the impending layoffs. I realize the past
    > few weeks have been an anxious time as we all waited to hear from
    > corporate about how they planned to approach the budget for the last
    > half of the year.
    > I also want to thank everyone for their sacrifices during the past few
    > months as you have endured furloughs and the juggling of workload
    > within your various teams.
    > In the midst of all the anxious waiting, I want to acknowledge and
    > commend your continued professionalism and focus on delivering quality
    > content for our readers.
    > As we all learned earlier today, Gannett has ordered another round of
    > layoffs. It is always difficult to lose quality co-workers, but this
    > round of reductions will be made all the more difficult because of our
    > previous losses.
    > In order to provide an overview of what you can expect in the coming
    > days, I invite you to attend a series of department meetings tomorrow.
    > Nicole and I will take time to explain the layoff process and answer
    > any of your questions.
    > We've set aside time for each department meeting, but please feel free
    > to attend any session that works within your schedule. All sessions
    > (except the 10 a.m. videoconference with suburban newsrooms) will take
    > place in 8SW.
    > 10 -- Community newsrooms (video conference)
    > 11 -- Features and Entertainment
    > 1 -- Metro and Business
    > 2 -- First Amendment and Community Conversation
    > 3 -- Operations (photo, copy desk, digital, design, etc.)
    > 4 -- Sports
    > Thanks.
    > Randy

  41. Has Corporate confirmed USAT isn't facing layoffs? Without going into details today from a meeting, I got the impression USAT was anything but safe......

    Could it be that the WSJ article meant that we are spared from the "community" layoffs (as someone pointed out) but are in fact facing our own budget crunch which will require layoffs.

  42. Hey Jim, I think you've done a worthy job and wish you the best. Thanks for helping keep us informed.
    Your friend, Debby Yetter

  43. Are any of the affected papers other than Nashville picking up the story? A Montana TV station ran yesterday's national AP Gannett layoff report online, but the Great Falls Tribune appears to be mum on the development.

  44. 7:05 and other readers:

    Did the scenario described below actually happen during prior layoffs?

    "About the "numbers".

    Actual lay off numbers may be lower than originally reported. However, you can take this to the bank that there will be a number of bogus constructed terminations that will not figure into the lay off numbers.

    Watch while co-workers are written up back to back for bogus policy infractions. Watch while 90 day "performance improvement or termination" strategies are implemented and humanly impossible to achieve."

  45. Jim

    Publishers, ad directors, circulation directors, other sales types and even the odd editor have played in golf events for free for decades in this and every other media company that sponsors those events. They also go to other professional sporting events, games, etc. By the way, lots of other companies in other industries do the same.

    Dickey was the publisher in Palm Springs for years and maintains local ties to this day. His playing in that event, whether the company paid or not, is a non-issue. For someone who was supposedly a business reporter, you seem to not understand how business really works in this country.

  46. Will someone please tell me what I am supposed to do with the layoffs numbers tally information? I don't get the point in keeping count unless it is for some perverted, twisted reason.

    Also, why all the Dicky homophobic comments? I thought you were above that, Jim.

    Word Verification: butkook (how appropriate)

  47. To all the small minded mean spirited people posting today: GO AWAY!!
    Some of us want to stay informed on what's happening in each market, and we don't want to listen to you whine with your petty beefs about Jim.

    7/01/2009 5:03 PM

    But then no one would be left here.

  48. Dear 7:20 PM, your comment is right on target. It's incredible how illiterate many of the publishers and other management are. Most of these people, like the one you reference, can barely compose a sentence let alone present a thought. It's even worse when these idiots make an attempt to do public speaking in front of any size group of people. I've come out of "management" meetings not knowing what the hell they were trying to say. We all look around (silently) stunned by their incompetence. Clearly, many of those holding management positions got there because they proved they were Kool Aid drinkers, or in certain cases, involved socially with someone above them (excuse the expression). Woe are we who will remain with this crappy company.

  49. To 5:28 PM:

    I tried to answer your question, but my post got rejected.

    Thanks, Jim! Are you gone yet?


  51. Fellow Gannett people. The publisher of the Salisbury, Maryland newspaper apparently has a set of balls and a little compassion by issuing the note that follows. Why can't the jerk in charge of the courierpost in nj do the same? We all know the answer to that one. Read on:


    This past year has been very difficult as we’ve experienced several rounds of workforce reductions and furloughs because of the decline in the economy.

    The job cuts and furloughs have taken a toll on all of us. We’ve suffered financially and suffered emotionally as we’ve said goodbye to valued colleagues and worried about the possible loss of our own jobs.

    As Bob Dickey’s memo says, we’re being faced with another difficult round of position reductions in the next few weeks.

    We had hoped this would not happen again, but unfortunately economic conditions have not improved.

    Gannett has set payroll expense reduction targets for us and all other newspapers in the U.S. Community Publishing division, necessitating further reductions in positions. For the past several weeks, department managers have been trying to determine how to achieve the mandated position reductions with the least negative impact on our employees and our operations.

    We have been able to achieve about half of the reductions by eliminating positions that are now vacant. This minimizes the human toll. Unfortunately, we only are able to achieve the rest of the savings though some layoffs in the Group. We have submitted our proposal to Corporate, which is now reviewing our list. The layoffs are expected to occur late next week.

    We will work to make the process go as quick as possible for the affected employees. Obviously there will be a lot of questions during this time, and we will follow up with employees as the process goes forward.

    Without a doubt, this news is very unsettling, and the job reductions are very painful for all.

    If you would like to talk about the situation, please drop by, give me a call or send me an e-mail. I welcome your thoughts.

    I appreciate your understanding during this difficult time.

    Thanks, Rick

  52. Jim's the best! And thank you!!

  53. "I encourage you to share any ideas or thoughts you may have with me and/or your manager or department head. You are also welcome to Bob Dickey directly."

    --closing graf from Shreveport Times president and publisher Pete Zanmiller's e-mail to employees about Bob Dickey's layoff luv letter.

    Is the final sentence a typo or a Freudian slip? I'd like to do some things to Bob Dickey directly.

    Zanmiller and executive editor Africa Price denied knowledge of upcoming layoffs when employees asked them specifically about it during employee meetings last week.

    We wonder how much more they can cut with the upcoming copy desk consolidation.

  54. 7:20. I have an ME at USAT who can't type a two-sentence e-mail without at least three typos. But he's regarded as a genius on the rise. So doesn't surprise me that your publisher is bordering on illiterate. He might be the next CEO! Sounds kind of petty to pick on this stuff, but it's symbolic of how all the wrong people rise into power in this company. Basic skills and true leadership ability don't matter. Attention to detail is irrelevant in the eyes of the empty suits. Politicking (or "managing up" as they call it now) is how you get ahead in Gannett. It's why we have so many problems at USAT.

  55. Customer service in Phoenix. Arizona Republic's been running "Customer Service When You Need Us" ads with "3 Easy Ways To Manage your Subscription! To request vacation stops, start a new subscription, pay your bill, switch to EasyPay, or report a delivery problem."
    1. Visit subscribe.azcentral. com any time of day.
    2. Call our easy-to-use automated service at 602-444-1000 most times of day
    3. Interact with our Customer Service Center beginning July 6, out new hours are: Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sun 7-11am

    Unfortunately, no phone number is provided if you want to interact. "Customer Service When You Need Us" with cut back hours and for your convenience, you can't report a delivery problem until 10:00 Mon-Fri, not on Saturday but at 7:00 on Sunday. Apparently surveys showed these are the times "you Need Us".

  56. i was let go in the december bloodbath after 26 years of tireless service. i was not overpaid and was not deadwood.
    this was all i knew; i was a loyal and true believer. i never called in sick once in my entire career.
    it takes time, but one must accept the reality. it is over.
    if only there were more like me, we could have saved this ship.
    but i can say, there are 3 particular bastards that i wish to burn in hell; i will keep those names to myself.

    good day jim

    enjoy your retirement

  57. Any word on layoffs at the Arizona Republic in Phoenix? Maybe this has been already been posted but here's the salary reduction on the broadcast side from KPNX in Phoenix:

    Effective July 1, for:

    o Employees making $30,000 to $39,999, compensation is reduced 4%.
    o Employees making $40,000 to $49,999, compensation is reduced 5%.
    o Employees making $50,000 and higher, compensation is reduced 6%

    I'm going to miss this blog.

  58. Jim,

    I just wanted to say thanks...and I'll miss hanging out with you here.

    Best of luck with your future endeavors.

  59. No concrete news yet in Louisville, although our managing editor, Ben Post, who has been here a zillion years, started packing up his press plates and framed front pages two weeks ago. He's telling people he won't be at the paper in August, but no formal announcement has been made (no huge surprise there). Meanwhile, even mid-level managers have no idea what's going on. Working here is insanity.

  60. 7:20 p.m. Ever heard of the Peter Principle?


    Jim has a done fucking A good job covering this trainwreck long enough. That is what journalists do.

    If your lucky enough to get out DO SO. It is the best thing that ever happened to me and will be you.

    Spammers and trolls you are either very stupid or sold your souls to the devil way to cheaply.

  62. No concrete news in Louisville, although our managing editor, Ben Post, who has been here a zillion years, started packing up his press plates and framed photos two weeks ago. He's telling people he won't be at the paper in August, but no formal announcement has been made (no huge surprise there). Meanwhile, even mid-level managers have no idea what's going on. Working here is insanity.

  63. 6:12 -- You can bet layoffs will be higher than 1,400 throughout the company. Today's memo addressed USCP. I'm not in a position to know but I'd be willing to bet that we'll see future cuts at USA Today as well as more in Detroit and broadcast.

    The company will probably dribble them out, little by little, so it doesn't look as desperate as it is. But I would be willing to bet more cuts are coming.

    As Connell said, they've been doing layoffs and they will continue to do layoffs. That's one of the few honest statements I've seen from corporate.

  64. 7:20 -- Because anyone who can type a memo properly has better sense than to take a leadership role in this company.

  65. 8:36 -- Dickey did not play for free. It wasn't a comp. He was playing at comany expense ... until he got caught. Then he said he had always intended to pay the company back. Maybe he did always intend to pay the company back. Either way, he didn't pay for free.

    For someone who knows so much about how businesses run, you seem painfully incapable of reading and comprehending a basic news story.

  66. Dickey asked us for suggestions.

    Here's one.

    He should cut his own position and save those of several worker bees. Anyone who can -- and does -- pay $25,000 to pay golf is clearly unaware of the economic challenges facing this country and thus poorly qualified to lead us into the future.

  67. Jim,

    Thank you for your tireless efforts. Your drive, your ambition and your knowledge.

    I know at this point, it seems that your efforts are un rewarded, but as you can see, this is not true.

    I understand Sparky's concerns, but you also must let Sparky know that journalism is your passion. You cannot tell a partner that you have to give up your passion. This has to be your choice to shut down this blog. Not your partners. If you give in, your will give up that part of you, you may never get back. If someone truly loves and cares about you, they support you and want to help you pursue your passion. If Ibiza Confidential is your passion and Sparky supports it — wonderful! But will he then demand that you stop doing that too.

    I pray not. Just some insight from someone who has been in a controlling relationship for many years. They first ask you to give up your passion, but then it is something else. Be your own person and I pray this is NOT your case.

    I wish you and your partner the best, but remember to hold onto al that is close to your heart. Remember. they need to love you for who you are, not what they want you to be.

    Food for thought

  68. Anonymous Anonymous said...


    7/01/2009 9:10 PM

    What kind of garbage is this? Unless this is some obscure union group. Layoffs have never got 2 week. I'm told by HR our folks will get one week a year again.

  69. 1:22 am: Thank you for your thoughtful comment.

    My decision to shut this blog is mine alone, with Sparky's support and encouragement. He and I had grown concerned about health problems I've experienced as I've tried to keep up with the demands of blogging about a company with 41,500 employees, and many more who have left.

    In the past year, I have lost quite a bit of weight as I've neglected proper nutrition and exercise. I could have made better choices, to be sure. But I am a very competitive journalist. I wanted this to be the best newspaper blog possible, because I think the employees deserve that much.

    Also, Gannett Blog always had a built-in expiration date of two or three years. I first started following the company, without publishing my posts, in the fall of 2006. I began publishing the blog on Sept. 11, 2007. So, on that score, it's time.

    Finally, Ibiza Confidential has tremendous potential to be a journalism-driven enterprise, once I have more time to devote to building it into a proper site.

    At the moment, I'm just playing with different features, and doing a reality check on whether I want to pursue it as a full-time venture. The downside of blogging is that it can be very lonely; I crave a return to a workplace with other people nearby.

    I may also pursue film/online video training next year, once I've returned to San Francisco. I've received positive encouragement from people far more expert than me, based on the videos I've knocked out with only my MacBook and YouTube as my publishing platform.

    So, there's lots and lots of journalism-related opportunities ahead for me. More important, I want to reclaim a more sane life, and to spend more time with a really, truly wonderful man: Sparky.

    Saying goodbye to so many wonderful readers is a bittersweet experience. I've enjoyed getting to know many people I never would have met, plus I've reconnected with friends I've missed for years.

    On the other hand, I must admit that the level of vitriol from commenters who clearly and absolutely are being driven here by Corporate has gotten a bit much. If I thought I could get the SEC interested, I would point them to several senior officers in particular, who I believe have abused their authority and fiduciary responsibilities toward shareholders in this regard.

    Several journalists are now asking some pointed questions about who has actually been in charge of Gannett since July 15, 2005 -- and, especially, about crucial decisions made since the fall of 2007.

    I will not be around to write about that. But I urge anyone reading this post to monitor that situation very closely. Some very odd things have taken place.
