Tuesday, December 23, 2008

OMG! Just nine days left in my fundraising quarter!

Buy an optional Gannett Blog subscription for someone special today, and you'll get a bonus: I won't hit you up again until the start of the next quarterly fundraising drive (har!).

I'm trying to earn $6,000 quarterly, through voluntary subscriptions of $5 per reader; advertising contributes just a tiny share. With just nine days left in the quarter, I've raised $4,642 -- 77% of my goal. The breakdown:
  • Subscriptions: $3,390
  • Advertising: $1,252
Thank you for your generosity in helping me get this close to my goal!

To buy a voluntary $5 subscription, please use the "Donate" tool in the green sidebar, upper right. Or,
send checks/cash to: Jim Hopkins, 584 Castro St. #823, San Francisco, Calif. 94114-2594.


  1. FORK IT UP, PEOPLE. Really. You like this stuff? You've got to fund it to keep it in place.

  2. Jim, you need LEVELS of giving. How about a free Dubow shirt for anyone who gives $50 or more. Or a Martore bobblehead, etc. Monetize it, baby!

  3. In an e-mail, a reader writes this morning: "This is the second time I'm donating -- I figure $50 here is better than another crappy gift for my kids."

    Thank you!

  4. how about setting up a store on cafepress with a "gannett blog" logo? it can generate some cash for you and it's free to set up.

  5. I like the bobble head Idea. I'd definately need one.

  6. Jim
    I am a sincere fan of what you are doing. Good luck!!

    As you might know - I fundraise for independent journalists at spot.us as well.

    If there is ever any reporting you want to do here in the Bay Area that you think we can fundraise for - I'd be honored.

    David Cohn


Jim says: "Proceed with caution; this is a free-for-all comment zone. I try to correct or clarify incorrect information. But I can't catch everything. Please keep your posts focused on Gannett and media-related subjects. Note that I occasionally review comments in advance, to reject inappropriate ones. And I ignore hostile posters, and recommend you do, too."

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.