Tuesday, December 09, 2008

New to Gannett Blog? Returning after an absence?

You've got a lot to catch up on, now that Craig Dubow has written another chapter in his (so far) unsinkable career as Gannett CEO!


  1. Jim,
    It is time for a vote of no confidence in Craig Dubow and Gracia Martore. Can you start a petition for employees to sign and send it to the Board of Directors?

  2. Yeah, that's a good idea. Who should we lay off? Oh here's a list!

  3. Sign it anonymously, just as with other posts.

  4. Wake up people. 95 % of CEOs say they have either had layoffs this quarter or plan to have them in the next 6 months. if you have a job, get to work and stop complaining.

  5. 3:25, why don't you get to work and stop complaining? The only one complaining so far in this thread is you. The rest of us can work on fixing our problems, with starts with a campaign to get rid of Dubow.


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