Thursday, June 19, 2008

Checking in: How Craig Dubow defines 'progress'

[Stock shock: Gannett's shares since July 2005]

Following yesterday's heart-stopping decline, this chart shows the path of GCI's stock price since July 15, 2005 -- when Craig Dubow became CEO; click on the image for a bigger view.

Change in:Related: Eight words to remember Dec. 31, 2008

[Data: Google Finance]


  1. The more you cut, the more you bleed. He knows that, with or without the MBA.

  2. If a company's top management is composed of people who have brown-nosed and back-stabbed their way up the corporate ladder, why should anyone think they are qualified to lead the organization -- much less that they are among the best and brightest in the industry?
    Not that I'm referring to any particular corporation...

  3. Did anyone teach Dubow in CEO school that the stock price is supposed to go in the UP direction!!!


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