Friday, March 07, 2008

Indy's Fine: Demands grow, but staff doesn't

Quitting as The Indianapolis Star's managing editor, Pam Fine, 50, said budget cuts and other industry-wide problems played a role in her decision to teach. "It is hard and it has gotten harder to do the kind of work here we want to do," she told Editor & Publisher. "The demands have grown and the staff hasn’t."

Fine, at the Star for four years, is leaving next month to become Knight Chair for News, Leadership and Community at the University of Kansas in Lawrence.

[Image: this morning's Star, Newseum]


  1. Bet that position is "left open" through the next quarter...who needs managing editors anyway? Hell set up a teleconference link and outsource this post to India. It's Indiana, right? India is not that far off. India - Indiana, the reader's won't know the differnce, they'll just view it as another typo.

  2. You mean another typo like "reader's"???

  3. It's become so bad here in Indy, and our reliance on stringers (instead of staffers) has grown so much that one staffer suggest we just hire a stringer for the job.

    Pam's an excellent journalist. She's also a micromanager and has rubbed some residents of 'the room' the wrong way. But, my guess is that she's kept a number of lame-brained ideas from coming to fruition. The wall, I fear, has been breached.


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