Friday, March 07, 2008

File under, 'What have you done for me lately?'

A blind item: Which super-duper senior Gannett executive visited a TV station in a city known for its highness this week -- and promptly berated the staff for not having enough reporters and ad salespeople on the street?

1 comment:

  1. When Dave Lougee came to our southeastern TV station he told the staff that of the 150 employees being paid only about 10 employees (on air reporters and ad salepersons) were producing content and revenue for the station. "Very inefficient" he said. To say the least, it was very disheartening for the remaining 140 of us. I guess in Lougee's mind, equipment never breaks, the transmitter runs on auto-pilot, robots can run all the cameras, videos and web sites, advertisers pay on the honor system, and the station president will answer his own phone.


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