Friday, March 07, 2008

Daddy's home: Our tan media mogul, at rest

Like rubbernecking past a car wreck, I can't resist octogenarian retired CEO Al Neuharth's weekly column, every Friday in USA Today.

Today, Big Al would have us believe the following: "Thursday morning our six school children (ages 7-16) started their day bright. They woke up to a brilliant sunrise that made them beam, had a good breakfast (even brushed their teeth) and went off to school as wide-awake go-getters."

And so, for the rest of his column (which, by the way, is about his opposition to daylight saving time) I was distracted by one alarming image: An 83-year-old father, shuffling across linoleum floors Somewhere in Florida, herding young children -- and dreaming of a farm in South Dakota. (Which right now, of course, would be under eight feet of snow.)

Feh. What happened to globe-trotting, bring-back-the-cute stewardesses, kick-ass JetCapade Al?


  1. Speaking of Big Al - where did the Al Head end up? the one that was in the lobby in Rosslyn?

  2. Didn't that big bust of Neuharth wind up at the Freedom Forum, or the Newseum?

  3. Linoleum floors??? Somebody here doesn't understand lifestyles of the rich and vulgar.

  4. LOL: I was just trying to see if anyone was paying attention. Of *course* Big Daddy doesn't have linoleum floors; everyone *knows* his kitchen is paved with native South Dakota terrazzo marble.

    But seriously: "Go-getters"?

  5. And grouted (is that the word?) with the sweat and blood of employees of the Sioux Falls Argus Leader. Another fine Gannett Info Center.

  6. I got to give big Al some credit, everyone like to keep him off their back. They might not like him, but everyone is scared to piss him off. This tells you something about his character.

  7. uumm Jim once again get your facts straight and stop making up lies Mr. Als kitchen is not marble F>Y>I its terracota tile. Jealousy and envy hurt no one but yourself.


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