Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Farewell | Most important final thanks of all!

Tens of thousands of employees made Gannett Blog possible. Now, however, I'm expressing appreciation to a man who sacrificed more than anyone will ever understand. No exaggeration, dear readers, this blog would not have been possible without:


[Only known published image; arrow indicates right foot]

The former (OMG!) Cincinnati Enquirer copyboy is en-route to my summer home as I post this. May I please have a round of virtual applause in the comments section, below? To e-mail confidentially, write gannettblog[at]gmail[dot-com]; see Tipsters Anonymous Policy in the green rail, upper right.


  1. Thanks to you both! Wishing you both happiness and to all of us, jobs either inside or outside the Big G.

  2. A standing O for Sparky.

  3. Happiness to you both. :)

  4. Thank you Sparky, for sharing Jim with all of us as the industry transitions from the once great company it used to be to the shell of a once great giant.

    This Goliath is soon to fall. It is bleeding the life blood, (it's workers)and will soon perish. What gave it it's strength, is now being shed quarter after quarter, year after year.

    There is nothing left but the slow demise while Gannett attempts to satisfy the shareholders with the same old same old, and Ariel will soon learn they have lost billions on stock acquisitions.

    There are few (if any) local local Comm. Papers left. Too much consolidation and gutting of presses and repeat stories spanning multiple markets that they can't even sell what will remain.

    Gannett has single handedly destroyed the "local daily newspaper" business model.

    I've seen the same stories on the websites for 3 days running. Nothing new or exciting. How may times can you re-purpose the same lame story?

  5. Fuck off both of you.

  6. Great tribute, Jim.

    Thanks to both you and Sparky for a job well done. I'm going to miss the blog.


  7. Good luck and all the best to you both!

  8. Thank you Jim and Sparky:
    Jim to you for giving us a place to vent and most importantly learn about our futures without being blindsided. Sparky thank you for sharing Jim with so many and we should ALL feel gratitude that this venue was here for us..It was ours not theres and ask yourself what has the big "G" done for ya lately ?

    I hope you both enjoy whatever the future holds for you, together.
    A grateful Mid Manager with 26 yrs down the drain..

  9. Hortense & Harriet von Beaverbottom7/07/2009 9:55 PM

    More than anything else, Sparky, we thank you for giving Jim so much space and love to help so many of us. You were well within your rights to offer Our Golden Boy an option. Hold fast to that love and enjoy your gay old age together. The slide is all downhill after 40, so enjoy the trip every moment of your lives. Jim is so lucky to have known such strong love in his life.

    And those of us left behind, use the words of the Monks of Weston Priory in Vermont :All We Ask of You is Forever to Remember Us as Loving You"!


  10. SPARKY... I totally understand how you feel about Jim as I have the same with my partner. I also understand how enough is enough. This has taken it's toll on Jim reading post after post and having a group of gannettoids wanting to take him down. So thank you for allowing him to do this. Before I was laid off this site gave me some sanity in at least trying to understand what was to come.

    JIM... Take care of your little sparkster now. He deserves it! Hope you all have FUN the next few days ;o)

  11. Jim
    Thank you for all your hard work on this blog. It was invaluable to me as I tried to get over my shock and shame at being laid off (fired.) You will never know how many people you helped. My best to you in all your future endeavors.

  12. My favorite Gannett Blog video was the one where Sparky added the captions.

  13. Thank you Sparky, for being the driving force behind Jim.

    You need to edit his new blog a bit though. Think he's gotten lonely without you. His most recent post on Ibiza is, to say, a bit startling!

    As a hetersexual, I found the guys hot, but didn't expect quite the x-rated views and videos. Wasn't prepared for the show of his x-rated show!

  14. Sparky, thanks for your patience and support behind the scenes of Gannett Blog. This website has been an invaluable source of information for all of us, and your support of Jim helped make all the good it's done possible.

    Best wishes and happiness to you both.


Jim says: "Proceed with caution; this is a free-for-all comment zone. I try to correct or clarify incorrect information. But I can't catch everything. Please keep your posts focused on Gannett and media-related subjects. Note that I occasionally review comments in advance, to reject inappropriate ones. And I ignore hostile posters, and recommend you do, too."

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