Sunday, June 28, 2009

Saying goodbye | Please post now!

[Cerezas, from a neighborhood grocer. Today's number]

Gannett Blog closes July 10: No new comments will be allowed after that Friday. You now have only 12 days left to post, and to say goodbye to each other here!

Please post your replies in the comments section, below. Or write to gannettblog[at]gmail[dot-com].


  1. But if we're all supposed to go to, then we're not really saying goodbye to each other. Right?

  2. Jim, I'll miss you. I'll miss your wit, your analysis, your charm and your hard-edged, dogged determination. I wish this wasn't ending. Thanks for all you did to help us out. I wish you and Sparky lots and lots of happiness.

  3. hey Jim - are you hiring. I will be avail. July 9th

  4. Regardless of Jim's endorsement of it, isn't a place where I feel comfortable commenting yet. Something about it doesn't feel or look right. Almost like it's a corporate site trying not to look corporate. Hard to explain.

    Jim earned our trust. He worked in our newsrooms. His reporting gave us confidence. Gannett Blog had credibility. has yet to prove itself. I see virtually no original reporting/news there. It's not the most intuitive site either. Fairly clumsy looking. Perhaps it will improve both in functionality and content, but until then, I am going to take a pass. So for this one employee, this is goodbye for now. I've learned a lot about this miserable company and I probably don't need to know anymore to realize I need to get out of here at the first opportunity.

  5. Goodbye, Farewell it was a trip! Something I'm going to say if my number is called on July 8th. I remember when GCI bought my paper back in '95, I arrived at work and people were standing outside and talking and some were crying. I thought being bought by a big company was a good thing... it was not. It was the kiss of death. The family owned paper was having it's wake that day. Many of us just did not know it, those who did left within a week on their own. People deemed useless were promptly let go by the new masters. Little perks (ie: coffee, tissues, pleasantness) were soon eliminated too.
    Yes, goodbye, farewell Gannett you too will soon be gone due no fault of the true hardworking employees.

  6. Thanks JIm.

    You've done a great job exposing Gannett.

    Let's keep our fingers crossed for the unfortunate worker bees at its newspapers.

    The company deserves to die, but the hard working reporters, editors, copy desk people, and photographers shouldn't be punished.

    I sure hope the develops into a more useful site. The posts are kind of thin now.


Jim says: "Proceed with caution; this is a free-for-all comment zone. I try to correct or clarify incorrect information. But I can't catch everything. Please keep your posts focused on Gannett and media-related subjects. Note that I occasionally review comments in advance, to reject inappropriate ones. And I ignore hostile posters, and recommend you do, too."

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.