Wednesday, May 06, 2009

USA Today Confidential | Issue 05.06.09

A comments forum, exclusively about USA Today. (Archives.)


  1. The USA TODAY Confidential and ARCHIVES link next to it is an efficient upgrade. Sally forth.

  2. I worked for USA TODAY for over 15 years and enjoyed most of them. However, this is no longer a publication that gets much notice on the outside. Sure, it has a following. But that following was built back in the late 90s, largely through improving journalism and good marketing. There were some good editors around driving the content several years ago. I know many of them are gone now, and this new group doesn't seem to get much respect on here. Looking at the paper, I can understand why.

    Content is weaker than ever now. Seems to be no innovation anymore. From what I hear and see, the paper has been gutted in favor of turning all attention to the web site. That's a very big mistake in my opinion. If nothing else, the paper serves as an advertisement or entry point to the web. It's what's out there. Visible. If the paper stinks, the web site isn't going to do as well as it could. And the paper, frankly, stinks lately.

    I see a constant stream of errors, bland design and news judgment that appears to be coming from 12-year-olds. Sad to say, but I just can't seem to stomach reading my old paper anymore.

    As for the web site, thanks but no thanks. I still trust sites like the NYT more than USAT's site for a variety of reasons I won't get into here.

  3. Open Air summer really shelved?

  4. On top of that 1:20 and our plant here has cut single copy draws by 26 to 30 percent. Carriers are selling out almost at every stop, most places not getting what they sold last week. This used to be unheard of. What is going on? Seems all papers, now including USA TODAY are trying to push people to the computer but it ain't gonna happen. Sad.

  5. Forums and blogs are powerful tools to let the voiceless be heard. Sometimes the debates and discussions can get heated or ugly. We have to have a high tolerance for debate while at the same time insisting on a certain amount of civility.

    interesting policy above, Jim, that you cited as part of corporate policy. Will you follow the same policy here if you see something you don't like, rather than refuse to post it?


Jim says: "Proceed with caution; this is a free-for-all comment zone. I try to correct or clarify incorrect information. But I can't catch everything. Please keep your posts focused on Gannett and media-related subjects. Note that I occasionally review comments in advance, to reject inappropriate ones. And I ignore hostile posters, and recommend you do, too."

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.