Friday, May 01, 2009

Back channels | Calling for communiques

At Corporate's request over the past year, I have quickly removed references to the children of senior executives, as well as the apartment number of a board member living in Washington, D.C.

I've turned down repeated offers to post unsolicited photographs of executives' homes -- both aerial, and streetscape, including map overlays highlighting points of entry and other landmarks. In late November, I sent a single e-mail to Corporate, drawing attention to a threatening comment; that may have prevented a workplace shooting at one of the television stations. Also at Corporate's request, I've posted information about the employee assistance program when a suicidal, laid-off worker sought help.

I've also been a pain in the ass to CEO Craig Dubow and his leadership team, drawing public attention to behavior that while legal, shows the top brass doesn't really believe in shared sacrifice at all.

Still, something's seriously wrong with the state of Gannett when a reader, Anonymous@1:35 p.m., writes today: "Dubow would love to kill you FAG."

Earlier: inside the secret world of Gannett Blog

Would anyone in the Gannett Tower care to communicate -- even in a private, background-only note via gannettblog[at]gmail[dot-com]? We could tap my preferred consigliere. See Tipsters Anonymous Policy in the green rail, upper right.


  1. It's absolutely ridiculous. If anything, corporate should benefit from this blog. They get to see what people really think. Sure, you call them out on issues they would rather not talk about. If I were Gannett I'd use the critics advice.

    Let's assume they are in some kind of discrediting campaign against you. Did you ever consider the fact that they may be doing things like this to divert your attention from something more important?

  2. I can't believe you would credit any comments to an individual - and anonymous - poster. Now you are reaching.

  3. Oh, the anon postings are the BEST.
    Lot's of time they're just speculation, bad guesses or made up nonsense.
    But sometimes, more often than just by chance, they're so VERY right on it is scary.
    Everybody has cred here, 7:16 a.m. That's why we can't stay away and keep posting.
    Why heck, ANON 7:16 AM, aren't you an individual anonymous poster yourself? And we all know what a great person and solid source you've ALWAYS been!

  4. Really, does that comment speak to the state of Gannett and not that of the commentor? Why?


Jim says: "Proceed with caution; this is a free-for-all comment zone. I try to correct or clarify incorrect information. But I can't catch everything. Please keep your posts focused on Gannett and media-related subjects. Note that I occasionally review comments in advance, to reject inappropriate ones. And I ignore hostile posters, and recommend you do, too."

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.