Friday, April 03, 2009

Urgent: Pensacola says 84 layoffs in print switch; Toll of new Gannett job cuts soars to nearly 180

The Florida newspaper becomes the ninth Gannett daily to outsource printing, as it confirms plans to move production by early June to a Newhouse-owned paper 56 miles away in Mobile, Ala. "The News Journal does not want to be in the manufacturing and transportation business,'' Publisher Kevin Doyle told his paper for a story today.

The 84 jobs eliminated bring to 180 the number of Gannett workers laid off since Monday, when the struggling publisher launched an unannounced series of payroll cuts, according to Gannett Blog readers and published accounts. GCI employs about 41,500 worldwide; more than half are the 23,000 U.S. newspaper workers bearing the brunt of these cuts.

The layoff total will almost certainly rise in what is the fourth major reduction since Corporate started big workforce trims last August. As of 9:10 p.m. ET, only eight of the 85 U.S. dailies have reported. One of the mid-sized papers could announce very deep cuts -- 20% or more of its newsroom -- as soon as next week, I've been told. Meanwhile, I've heard little from the U.K.'s Newsquest papers, or from the broadcasting division. And I've heard nothing from Gannett's other businesses.

In Pensacola, more than 200 employees in the newsroom, circulation and distribution, advertising, marketing and pre-press departments will stay at the paper's downtown location, Doyle said, and the delivery schedule to readers won't change.

But 84 fulltime and part-time jobs will be eliminated, 60 days from yesterday's announcement. Employees who stay during the transition will get a severance package that today's story does not detail. "It is never easy to lay off dedicated workers, especially in this economic environment,'' Doyle said. "It is my job to keep this company financially strong. The Press-Register has one of the most modern printing facilities in the country, which allows it to do the same work we do for less."

Remember your co-workers!
We're counting layoffs and other job cuts in Gannett's new round of workforce reductions, because Corporate won't even confirm trims are underway. Just eight of 85 U.S. dailies have reported so far; is your worksite included on our list?

[Today's front page, Newseum]


  1. " ... which allows it to do the same work we do for less."

    Until the price of gasoline spikes again. Or until another major hurricane hits the Gulf Coast, knocking out infrastructure.

    Any word on what's happening to these presses that are being shut down? Are they being sold in an effort to recover some cash or just mothballed?

  2. Can't wait to see what they do when a Cat 4 slams Mobile.

  3. kevin doyle is a fukkin moron

  4. the biloxi sunherald looked at mobile as a possible site to print our paper--the 'numbers' just werent there to make this move.

  5. 12:35-AMEN!

  6. "Furloughs", the panacea! All along Gannett has been maneuvering to lay off more people and close plants. Is it any wonder we don't trust management?

  7. This move mirrors the plans that Dickey revealed at the UBS meeting. As was mentioned here, if there is a printing plant with a press window within 90 miles of your newspaper, Gannett is going to find a way to get out of the printing and delivery business.

    Of course, this does not bode well for those left in production at other newspapers. You'll have even more trouble getting money for basic repairs to keep those presses running.

  8. That publisher is just unbelievable. This guy has the bedside manner of a rock and the management skills of...well...let's just be nice and say he has no management skills. If this paper's dynamics were transplanted north of the Mason-Dixon, the whole place would be unionized right down to the inanimate paper racks.

    The real kicker and the reality that should sicken many Pensacolians and Gannetteers in general is that you can't blame Doyle for getting his position, but what does it say about the management that put him there and allows him to stay? There have been so many complaints to the group and corporate about this guy and ever done. Serious complaints, mind you, not "he doesn't like me," etc. Well, unless you count a few 'let's come together' visits from a few higher ups. I've seen some a-hole managers in my time and some who I liked to think were incompetent, but nothing like this. I'd like to see a true scientific poll conducted among the employees at the PNJ on this subject. I'd bet my house that the results wouldn't surprise me.

    But what can you do? Despite how bad it is for employees, you can't help but watch GCI's stock price and at least feel a tiny, tiny, tiny bit of glee.

    I know, I know, that sounds so New Jersey Group....

  9. Believe me this is only the begining of the move almost all of production departments out of the newspapers. I am in production management and have been told that I will be writing myself out of a job by December because the newspapers that I work at will be outsourced.

  10. In NJ, the presses at Bridgewater and Morristown were sold for scrap.

    My sympathies to the people in're in for a rough couple of months.

  11. I can't believe this is happening! There is no way you can convience me that it is cheaper to print in Mobile than it is to print at the PNJ. Doyle thinks it's easier to shut it down than it is to properly manage it. His previous move was to shut down Pensacola Offset because he couldn't manage it and didn't want to pay any body to do it.
    There has not been a respective Director of Operations there since J.R. retired.
    You get what you pay for! This is the easy way for Doyle to put the blame in another direction. His decisions should be monitored closer. Somebody at the top DGAS!

  12. 5:57
    I went thru that...get yourself a large supply of'll need it.

  13. 4:48

    I am no longer there-left shortly after that A$$ Clown came aboard.

    As if all this industry, economy stuff is not bad enough, then you have still have Doyle. I am so glad to be gone.
    I agree that he has no people nor management skills and all I could do was shake my head when he was chosen as the Publisher.
    Just curious, does he still circulate those nasty company-wide emails slamming people?

    Corporate does nothing except perhaps black-ball you, if you dare to lodge a complaint, especially on the OC level. Be very careful. Nothing is "Confidential".

    At times, Denise could be a cold fish, but she did exhibit class and dignity...and she usually cared about how her decisions would affect the staff and the community. I believe she represented the PNJ very well. IMHO

    I am embarrassed for all my former co-workers and the paper I once loved so very much.

    Best of luck to you. Hang on.

  14. I am pretty certain that Doyle is the reason my name went on the chopping block in December. I have worked at three other papers, and I have never in my whole career encountered a pub who interfered so directly with the newsroom. (And for Gannett, that's saying a lot!)

    I can't count the number of times KD forced editors to assign strictly flattering stories about people who were friends of his. Or asked editors on deadline to track down phone numbers for him. (Dude, don't you have a secretary???)Or screamed at people for so-called insubordination.

    Whether he was social climbing or hoping to pick up a few extra ad dollars by giving away some free PR, I learned very quickly that there was no such thing anymore as journalistic integrity at the PNJ.
    However, I have to admit, I tried to be compliant -- I do have to eat -- but it didn't matter.
    They laid me off and kept the good 'ol boys instead.

    Doyle wouldn't know talent or dedication if it walked up and smacked him. And I'm not talking about myself. Hell, I got along with the guy, but I saw how badly he treated those he clearly considered his underlings.
    Sadly, Doyle is just par for the course in Gannettland. Just another bully with no original ideas.

    I am very sad for a newspaper that I loved and for my friends who are hanging on by their fingernails. My thoughts are with you guys today.

    Verification word: suckeed


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