Wednesday, April 01, 2009

How your career is dismissed in just four words

"Things happen. People retire.''

-- USA Today founder Al Neuharth, talking to The Wall Street Journal about Publisher Craig Moon's abrupt retirement announcement.


  1. Cruel.
    But when I think further, maybe it is true.
    After all, "things happen, people are laid off", too.
    We're the only ones mourning the loss. Let someone else fret about this Gannett potentate's retirement.

  2. Al is just reflecting what many of his colleagues thought about Moon: that he was a nothing. I was astonished to see some of those glowing write-ups posted Tuesday.

  3. We are down to doggie dog time in the executive ranks, as the suits realize this time around, layoffs mean them. These execs have had two years now to straighten things up and show some improvement. Continuing losses of circulation and ads shows they have failed. This time around, it is the executive ranks destined for thinning.

  4. 11:59AM - did you mean "dog eat dog"? Because if so, your error is hilarious! (No cruelty intended)

  5. 12:41 No cruelty taken. The doggie dog quip was cited by an editor earlier this week on this blog as being among his most memorable submissions by young reporters. Mine was a reporter who came back from a government meeting to write about how local school children were being marshalled for a federal government summer in Richmond program. (summer enrichment, for those who didn't catch it). We all need to remember why there are copy editors in these times of seemingly easy newsroom reductions and cutbacks.

  6. So perfectly indicative of how Gannett feels about people -- as if they are disposable, inanimate objects. At least Moon is laughing all the way to the bank - unlike the rest of us who were disposable employees.

  7. Al said five words when his mother died.

  8. Who really gives a crap what the senile old man has to say?? He's been waaay out of touch for about 20 years....his weekly babble in USAT is an embarrassment.

  9. Moon is on to bigger things. He deserves them. Good for him. Maybe we could all be human once in a while and give everyone who leaves the courtesy of a decent goodbye.

  10. 4/01/2009 3:02 PM

    Couldn't have said it any better. So few words - so much meaning.

  11. 7:18 Why should I be human to Moon. He never was human to me. There's something in the Bible about getting what you sow.

  12. Perhaps, Al's epitaph can read ...

    "Things happen, people die."


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