Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Please thank our generous blog patrons

Coming soon! The inaugural Thurston J. Howell Society premium patron sponsorship investment opportunities! Or, for philanthropists on a budget, you may consider Craig's Cashiers Club!

Join the following pioneer sponsors, by making a $5 contribution to defray my costs. Donors of $25 or more supporting my Money Trail series include 42 Anonymous readers; Anonymous in memory of Dan FrickeJack PotterHilary Funk, and Linda Hildebrand.

Join them, and help an independent journalist trying to earn a buck. Any donation appreciated. Those who contribute $25 or more through PayPal may list their name as a sponsor, above. (Names will only be listed on written request, in the PayPal message field; please include a phone number for verification.)

Please use the "Donate" tool in the green sidebar, upper right. Or mail cash/checks payable to: Jim Hopkins, 584 Castro St. #823, San Francisco, Calif., 94114-2594.