Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Here's another GCI newspaper with a layoff list

This paper in the Midwest is planning to eliminate around 5% of its workforce -- a much lower target than those of others I've tracked, where publishers expected to lay off 10% or more of staff.

Corporate wants to reduce employment 10% by early next month in the 30,000-employee community newspaper division through layoffs. The actual layoff rate will vary, paper to paper. Publishers could lay off a smaller number of high-paid workers, or a higher number of lower-paid ones. That's one of the trends I'm tracking in early reports, like today's from the Midwest.

Earlier: We're building a paper-by-paper list of layoffs and job cuts; just two papers are listed so far, however. Will yours be included?

How are you preparing for the 10% cut? Post replies in the comments section, below. E-mail gannettblog[at]gmail[dot-com]; see Tipsters Anonymous Policy in the green sidebar, upper right.


  1. No more clues to which paper this is?????? !!!!!

  2. I'm sorry; that's all my sources will allow me to say.

  3. I wonder if it's Sioux Falls.

  4. oh, the irony: indy star, supposedly laying off 95, heads its biz front with HOW TO AVOID A LAYOFF today. uh, thanks, guys, but where was that advice when we needed it?

  5. Wilmington had a "how-to-recover-after-a-layoff" story aimed at professionals, with utterly no sense of irony... or mention of the pending layoffs there, of course!

  6. Heard that Cincy took the ax to its entire features department. That true?

    - curious in louisville

  7. My guess is it must be a smaller paper where a 10 percent cut would pretty much leave the place without a staff.

  8. Re: Cincy. Major downsizing.

  9. I'm thinking Springfield.

  10. I'm thinking Lansing...

  11. 12:41 - I hope you're right. We are cut to the bone as it is.

  12. When I hear Midwest, I don't think Michigan.

  13. I'm thinking it's every paper in the US except the BFE Herald Post.

    Damn folks - just wait for the announcement. No one is going to make this public until it is made public...

  14. I'm thinking Muncie.

  15. I would bet it is the Des Moines Register. This paper has been a cash cow for Gannett since they purchased it.

  16. I'm optimistically with 12:41... A lot of services for the Michigan papers have been consolidated there and there are some major Michigan consolidations afoot that will involve Lansing picking up even more work. Lansing is cut to the bone and with the additional consolidations, I just don't see how they could swallow a 10 percent reduction and pick up all of that extra work they will be getting.

  17. 6:19 - except they've been killing a fine, historic news organization since they bought the thing.

    Let's just say Gannett forgot that the "Newspaper the Iowa Depends Upon" is also the "Newspaper that Depends Upon Iowans."

    It's a travesty what Gannett has done to the Register. Iowans are not pleased. (Delivering the Register was my first job in newspapers. Sigh.)

  18. Newspaper the = Newspaper that

    Double sigh.


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