Saturday, July 26, 2008

Yup -- something's different

I finally got around to posting a new summer-only mugshot in my About Me; it's from my tanning contest update.


  1. This week is the board meeting and I can't imagine it will be pleasureable for Dubious Dubow and "the knife" Martore.

    These two are 100% responsible for the failure of this company. They control everything. They make every decision and they require approval on everything.
    I am a mid-level manager that submits requests for some of the smallest things and I wait to hear back from my boss on whether "Craig & Gracia" think it is "ok" or "approved". Some decisions as small as the purchase of office supplies (pens, paperclips, pads) need to get the "Craig & Gracia" approval.

    BOTH of them are responsible. If I hear another person say "Craig & Gracia" I am going to scream.

    Those two losers are worse than Putin and his Russian mob (no offense to the three Russians that work at Gannett).

    Something needs to change with the "Craig & Gracia" show.

  2. Some shadings of Hunter in there. Gonzo blogger?

  3. 11:06 .... Our site doesn't need dubow and gracia's approval for office supply purchases. It sounds like maybe your site had some over-the-top spending which had to be reined in.

  4. Either that or the person is at corporate!

  5. Our director can't make a decision to hire anyone without their approval! Can you imagine waiting for the two of them to approve one new hire?

    We are the most remote location and we have to wait for them!!!


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