Thursday, July 09, 2009

Part 3 | Thursday's Layoff News & Comments

This section is now closed to new comments. Please go to Part 4.


  1. This is the third part of today's Real Time Comments. Please see Part 2.

  2. The Tennessean Wednesday had a real exclusive: an interview with former Titans quarterback Steve McNair, who was shot and killed Saturday. Somehow they managed to reach the other side. Wow. Just shows how the paper is really sliding into pure garbage.

  3. Yikes! Sparky and I have lunch, and you guys post 100 comments! Excellent!

  4. Mis-information coming from WI:

    Another poster was correct, this is very old news.

    Mark Baldwin has been GM of Stevens Point since Dec. 2007.

    Read his own Blog bio.

  5. I'm glad you can eat, Jim.

  6. So, Doug the phone guy at the Tennessean is gone? He was awesome when I was there. I hate to see him go. I hope he finds something quickly, he was really smart. All my friends at the Tennessean who were decent and kind people deserve better than Gannett and Satan (EL- the publisher)

  7. You can't tell me they had no way of stopping that paper from being distributed, or no resources for killing that story and printing it again. What a fucking joke -- yet another classless move from a classless company.


    Tennessean explains why McNair interview was Wednesday's paper

    The Tennessean's zoned sections are printed on Fridays, for Wednesday distribution. An interview with ex-Tennessee Titans quarterback Steve McNair, who died on Saturday, was on the front page of the issue that readers got Wednesday. "We apologize for the timing of the story," says a publisher's note.

  8. I work at USA TODAY and like everyone else in the company we are sitting here reading these hundreds of postings in great sadness and disbelief.

    Trust me, many of us came from the very newspapers we're reading about and the layoffs show an industry disintegrating.

    No one here feels safe or smug and all I can say that the image of us sitting here in the hundreds is very wrong. Also, we care and we feel the carnage.

    It's like watching a disaster movie. Blessings to us all.

  9. Thanks for everything, Jimbo.

    As bad as it is and has been with Gannett, I really believe they would have found ways to make it much, much worse if you hadn't created this blog. Making the worst of a bad situation is about all our execs are good at. They certainly suck at creating a solid news organization, generating revenue, strategic planning and treating employees with dignity and respect. At least you broke the news each time about layoffs and what was coming.

    Most of us are very thankful for your work here.

    You should be proud of yourself.

  10. Read the note that the publisher sent with the five-day old news:

  11. The bloodletting has started at the Louisville Courier-Journal. An assistant managing editor was laid off -- been with Gannett for many, many years. More to come.

  12. 1:01 Exactly right. They had Sunday, Monday and Tuesday to reprint the paper and take out the embarrassing McNair interview. But that would have been overtime, and it was just cheaper to put out a notice apologizing for the "timing" problem of McNair's unfortunate murder. You think readers don't know this? This used to be a NEWSpaper.

  13. Jim,

    Thank you and to Gannettoid for keeping us as informed as possible with what corporate (and, sadly, our own editors and supervisors) were preparing to do to us. I was let go a few hours ago. Lucky for me, I have family I can fall back on. Because of this site, and Gannettoid, I was able to prepare a back-up plan in case the worse happened. God speed to everyone affected by this round of layoffs.

  14. Jim wrote yesterday: "You've given support to my strong suspicion that management's allies have been on a concerted campaign to undermine my credibility, and so destroy this blog's effort's to give employees a voice."

    You are NOT a voice to employees' real concerns. You showed that at the shareholders meeting.

    Instead of asking how the company would avoid more layoffs or more substantial matters, you decided that seating arrangements, "say my name, bitch" and a puny $40K were more important.

    Do NOT try to say that all your critics are trying to silence employees' concerns. In my case and others', the opposite is true.

    If you think you really held their feet to the fire - like you really got 'em - then you can believe what you need to in order to sleep at night. Objective observers with no horse in this race - like the guy over at Nieman - can see otherwise.

    Former Believer

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Cherry Hill = 30 according to publisher who tells anyone who asks him.

  17. Seriously. Nice job of arm-chair quarterbacking months after the shareholder's meeting. You're a douche. What have you done for Gannett employees that is on par with the work Jim has put in?
    Or are you just another corporate stooge?

  18. Someone is off his meds again.

  19. Heard the head graphic designer and on-line reporter at Burlington were shown the door.

    Anybody confirm?

  20. More regarding Cherry Hill's Courier Post:

    1. There is no way they would let Tom Hearon go. Who would trim the shrubs?

    2. Many of those who really should have been shown the door are still there and that's proof that the publisher is out of touch. Especially in retail advertising.

    3. Someone said a petition is going around regarding the publisher. Can anyone substantiate that one? And, to whom would it be presented?

    4. Sad watching one of the retail advertising 'supervisors' who was the hand-mainden for the newly departed AD. She's in tears. How does it feel? What goes around comes've screwed with way too many!

    5. The classified manager who was just fired is really pissed because he was summoned to the gallows by someone lower in stature than him. Boo hoo. Who did you expect? Craig Dubow to show up in an ambulance? Give us a break.

    6. FINALLY they got rid of one of the least productive sales reps in the history of the newspaper. Could not find the time to squeeze in selling when there is shopping, personal business and a pet to tend to. Publisher finally saw the light. Only took 2 years.

  21. If I were to Google Gannett right now would it say Out of Business?

  22. Salisbury lays off sports editor.

  23. 1:11 PM wrote: "Oh my God, dude, shut up about the freaking shareholders meeting. There is not a SINGLE PERSON on this blog who cares."

    Jim cares. That's why he's still posting about his "triumph" this week.

  24. Again, are the "kill yourself" comments necessary? Jim, do we need this here on a day when people might be distraught over losing their jobs?

  25. Memo to Cherry Hill Publisher - Make it 31 buddy.

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. what is the final tally at APP? newsroom and production

  28. Buy a clue, corporate gofer.

    A. You might want to try disguising your writing a little bit.

    B. You are making zero impact here, but I am having a really killer time goading you to respond. Which you do every time. Dance, puppet! Dance!

  29. From Part 1, Thursday, July 9, 2009 comments:

    To: 7/09/2009 10:32 AM

    Try to hang in there! You are not alone!

    From: A December, 2008 layoff, 50-something, collecting unemployment, COBRA person, as well!

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and everyone else in this very same situation, and there are many!

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. anymore updates on death toll in cinci?

  32. "Sheboygan publisher to Fond du Lac. Fond du Lac publisher and editor laid off. Wausau editor to Stevens Point."

    What does this mean? What happens to those people who are already at those papers in those positions? Can anyone elaborate?

  33. Can we get the tally updated for the company as a whole?

  34. 5 gone in Greenville, SC so far. More to come after lunch.

  35. Is the number 31 at the courier post? Earlier poster said cir is being out sourced. Is that true?

  36. Any word from Central New York? Rumor last week that the Star-Gazette's Managaing Editor/General Manager was on the chopping block.

  37. 12:33 - not sure about any layoffs at the Argus Leader but the 2 major initiatives are Sioux Falls Next editorial project to influence local government decisions and focus groups to see how readers would react to an online M-Sat paper in the fall (only print edition would be Sunday), so that could lead to layoffs later

  38. 1:21: I don't think that Jim thinks that.

    I personally do, because his "detractors" are pretty much the same person (i.e. you) posting under multiple anonymous accounts. GEE, IT'S NOT OBVIOUS OR ANYTHING.

  39. any news from bridgewater/somerville courier news or east brunswick home news tribune???

  40. Laid off in Salisbury: sports editor, 1 copy editor, 1 photographer (plus maybe 1 photog in Ocean City), daytime production shift (moved to Wilmington). 1 copy editor moved to classifieds.

  41. 1:23 PM wrote: "Any word from Central New York? Rumor last week that the Star-Gazette's Managaing Editor/General Manager was on the chopping block."

    Boy, I hope not - she's one of GCI's few good managers left ... at least from what I've seen.

    Which probably means she's doomed.

  42. "Sheboygan publisher to Fond du Lac. Fond du Lac publisher and editor laid off. Wausau editor to Stevens Point."

    What does this mean? What happens to those people who are already at those papers in those positions? Can anyone elaborate?

    7/09/2009 1:22 PM


    Eastern WI there is no elaboration. But for the Wausau/Stevens Point it's business as usual, as another poster stated earlier in this part 3 of todays comments. The same person is staying in the same job they have has since at least late 2007.

  43. This is not layoff news but I see nowhere else to post it. Tom Batzold, former sports editor at the Democrat and Chronicle in Rochester, N.Y., has died a month after suffering a stroke. Here's the obit:

  44. Excellent post from 1:10.

    And the "Dance, puppet! Dance!" poster is definitely an idiot who has surfaced elsewhere. It's someone who is low on the totem pole and either has been cut or is high on the list to be cut.

    Jim is the one we should worry about with these suicide threats. He displays many of the tendencies.

  45. 4 gone in Staunton, Va.

  46. Rapid comment flow makes it hard to keep up on removing the really offensive ones. Sorry!

  47. Anyone got a summary of how many and what positions got it today in the courierpost newsroom?

  48. 1:27 PM: Nice job! Wrong on every single count!

    Not only have I never posted here, but I've never worked for Gannett. I do, however, have an intense hatred for douchebags for yourself, hence my posts.

    But you should totally keep posting. I mean, your track record is obviously stellar, considering your 100% incorrect assessment of myself.

  49. About Salisbury: any reporters? Is the total count 7?

  50. Tina McManama7/09/2009 1:31 PM

    To everyone on the last day of the Gannett Blog - You are all in my prayers. I miss most of you and wish only good things and happiness for everyone -- including those in the the crystal palace - even my old friend Bob. :)
    Those who have been laid off, downsized or quit... Just move on. I did and I am happy and now I have a LIFE. It was just a job, people. Gannett is not your family, your spouse or your life. Took me some time to figure that out. Repeat after me: just a j-o-b.

    And Jim...

    Since this is the last day, I wanted to thank you for being a confidant, and friend - and for keeping all of us - current and ex-Gannettoids - informed. You have at all times been fair and balanced. You are an excellent reporter, and an overall good guy. Remember to stay in touch -- see you on Facebook! Best of luck to you and Sparky!

    Tina Mac

    I DARE the rest of you to sign your real name. Come on - you can do it!

  51. Hey, Jim, maybe you should try NOT to delete the posts that are actually defending you.

  52. from APP - at least 7 from newsroom, several of them connected to the beautiful people niche mag.

  53. Everyone is extremely shocked that none of the supervisors were removed from the CP advertising dept. Absolutely amazing and indicative of poor management.


    your newsgirl buddy from New jersey!

  55. 1:22 p.m.said...

    "Sheboygan publisher to Fond du Lac. Fond du Lac publisher and editor laid off. Wausau editor to Stevens Point." What does this mean? What happens to those people who are already at those papers in those positions? Can anyone elaborate?


    About 10 executives in Gannett Wisconsin were laid off.

    In some cases, people stepped up. For instance, in Sheboygan, the executive editor moves into the consolidated role.

    In other cases, people were cut. The executive editor in Fond du Lac, for instance, is out.

  56. 1:22, What are the 5 positions in Greenville?

  57. AZ Republic canned 20 from its Newsroom last night. It is very scary that no severance details were revealed prior to the layoffs. could it be that this cheap ass organization is giving even less than they have in the past?

  58. Corporate troll's method:

    1. Ridicule employees.
    2. Suggest that laid off employees should consider "bullets or pills."
    3. Ridicule some more.
    4. Act appalled when someone gives the corporate troll a dose of own medicine.
    5. Complain to Jim to remove comments directed at corporate troll.
    6. Complain on board about Gannettblog being overrun with ridiculous comments.
    7. Repeat the steps, starting with #1.

  59. Thank you for the update 1:31. Any word if they're doing away with the magazine?

    If you get any more info from the APP, please post!

  60. 1:22, thansk. What will the Wausau editor do in Stevens Point? Is that editor out?

  61. Anything going on in Vineland? It was reported yesterday that the Nuestra staff was let go. Was that correct?

  62. 1:36 p.m. said... What will the Wausau editor do in Stevens Point? Is that editor out?

    I guess there's some confusion about Gannett Central. The Wausau editor working at Point isn't new news. Maybe that means there won't be any changes in Point leadership (at least at that level.)

  63. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  64. In Greenville: DM, Sales Asst, Maintenance, pressroom, production

  65. 1:35: Fantastic post. It's funny because it's true!

  66. But you should totally keep posting. I mean, your track record is obviously stellar, considering your 100% incorrect assessment of myself.

    7/09/2009 1:30 PM


    No one knows squat about anyone on here. Jim thinks that all his detractors are directed by Corporate. His detractors think that anyone who supports Jim is a "sheep." Neither is really true.

  67. on APP mag - so far they are keeping it, going to freelance stories out (to some ex-Press writers? LOL)

  68. Has anybody heard anything about the papers in the NNCO group? Central Ohioans want to know....

  69. Any word on Lansing? Plz plz say it will fianlly be the AD, i was laid off the last round and she is toxic to the entire department

  70. Salisbury. Delmarva Media Group:
    2 photogs
    2 copy editors (one laid off, one moved to classifieds)
    2 classified reps
    1 sports editor
    So that is 7 from Salisbury -- PLUS the entire day shift press room was also let go. I don't know how many people that is, but judging from the parking lot, a lot.

  71. oh yeah, and a Sales Manager in Greenville too. Total of 6 that I know of.

  72. 1:35 PM wrote: 2. Suggest that laid off employees should consider "bullets or pills."


    I believe you'll find that it's Jim's supporters who are suggesting that the "trolls" go kill themselves.

    I have never seen it the other way around.

    Let's try to be accurate here.

  73. Head librarian let go in Cincy.

  74. Martore, you and the other Crystal Palace suits must be proud of yourselves for what you've done to this company. And Dubow, you must be busy today on the golf course.

  75. From "Sources said 68 employees were laid off today, including 25 from the [Arizona] Republic's newsroom. The cuts could continue tomorrow."

  76. Walt - when I said make it 31 I meant YOU!

  77. Three in the Appleton newsroom.
    One was this guy, believe it or not:

  78. Hey 1:41, here's your accuracy, bitch:

  79. I understand lunch was sent into the Crystal Palace.

  80. 1:41, Ad Sales Mgr?

  81. I find the criticism of Jim hilarious. My experience in a Gannett newsroom was the in-house and top-down communication was NON-EXISTANT. At least here we can talk about reality without the corporate pr-created explanations.

    When they cut the traditional pension, our executive editor told us how much better a 401K was. Do they think we are that stupid?

    For the last two years of my employment I and others on the lower rungs of the newsroom were treated worse than children and more like factory workers of old.

    The major problem with what is happening to the newspaper industry: They won't report on their own problems. So who's going to do it? In fact, whether its broadcast or print, most are afraid to write the reality because they are afraid to scare off the few advertisers that are left. Instead, they are basically asking advertisers what they want. Special sections? Mention of a product in a news story? You asked for it, you got it.

    How I wish everyone left could simply walk out on the spot.

  82. 1:22, thansk. What will the Wausau editor do in Stevens Point? Is that editor out?

    7/09/2009 1:36 PM


    Same as he has been doing since 2007 I'd imagine. The Managing Editor I suppose may be gone, but I doubt it.

    The only thing that would be a marked change would be if Mr. Baldwin is taking over as GM at the 3 smaller sites and someone else is taking his place in Wausau, (or GM over all 4 maybe?)

    The rumor is that Beck is being "relocated'.

    Baldwin's Bio from hid blog:

    Since October 2000, I've been executive editor of the Wausau Daily Herald, a community newspaper in the heart of north central Wisconsin. In 2001, I added duties as regional executive editor for Gannett's three other Central Wisconsin papers, in Stevens Point, Wisconsin Rapids and Marshfield. In December 2007, I took on additional duties as general manager of the Stevens Point (Wis.) Journal. Earlier career stops included the Milwaukee Sentinel, Crain Communications, Wichita (Kan.) Eagle and Chicago Sun-Times. Taught in the j-school at Northwestern University as an adjunct from 1995-98. Joined Gannett in 1999 as managing editor of the Star-Gazette of Elmira, N.Y.

    So unless there are further changes in the pecking order that someone is scared to post,in Central Group, nothing much has changed at all.

  83. 1:46 p.m. It's not about being "scared to post." It's that a formal groupwide announcement hasn't been made. Most people know at their individual site if their executive editor or publisher has been changed.

    Geez. Why must so many people on this blog jump to criticize others and be so harsh?

    And, by the way, Mike Beck IS moving.

  84. Hey Tina Mac,

    Wonderful advice, hope you are well.

    Our old friend Bob from the PS days has come a long way huh?

  85. 1:46: No wonder so many of those suits have big asses.

  86. Any news from RENO?

  87. 1:45 PM: Beat me to the punch. Was about to post that.

  88. Tennessean reports 1 photog, 1 Sports editor and a mail person.

  89. Post, post, post! Thanks, guys!

  90. Hey 1:45 PM - I ain't your bitch.

    And that post has NOTHING to do with those people getting laid off, which you already know. It has to do with blind followers of Jim.

    Also, I don't approve of that post either. Wonder why Jim didn't take it down?

  91. It's really confusing and stressful here in Louisville. Very few people have been let go and we keep hearing that it's over but no one's telling us anything. This sucks.

  92. No, 1:50, you're wrong. You just got virtually bitchslapped on the Gannettblog!

  93. Jim- We love you from Jersey!! Great Job...!!!!
