Thursday, July 09, 2009

Part 2 | Thursday's Layoff News & Comments

This section is now closed to new comments. Please go to Part 3.


  1. Appleton, WI is being hit right now. What's going on? Are they moving it to all online?

  2. This is a continuation of today's Real Time Comments forum. Here is the last substantial comment from Part 1:

    Anonymous said:

    As someone who was laid off last December, I can only feel for those who are let go today by a company that mismanaged itself in such an irresponsible, almost criminal way.

    I recall the shock of being laid off. The suddenness of it. I also remember for the first couple of months afterward thinking that I had a chance to recover. I polished up my resume, networked with everyone I know, applied to every job I saw whether it was a good fit or not. Got a spiffy outfit to interview in. But the interviews never came.

    Reality began to seep in. No one was responding to my applications. Friends began disappearing. I discovered the harsh reality that they weren't ever true friends but merely work acquaintances. Those former colleagues who I reached out to for support or even a job (if they were in hiring positions), offered little of either.

    More months passed. The reality of collecting unemployment for the first time in my life began wearing on me. I kept applying to jobs, even ones that were close to minimum wage. Kept networking online and in person. But nothing was happening. I know in some cases my age (52) was working against me.

    Now I am close to the end of my unemployment payments. No more hanging on by a thread. Life will have to change. The house, and maybe one of our two cars, will have to be sold by the fall. We are going to have to move away from the few friends we have in order to live in a cheaper area.

    Still, I keep applying and trying and praying. But I am running on fumes and not getting any younger. Before you know it, the one-year anniversary of Gannett (more appropriately, my boss) betraying me will be here. There really was no logic to my layoff. And without going into details of why I believe that is factually accurate, I can only say that the combination of that injustice and the new job market realities have me at the end of my rope.

    Best of luck to those who lose their jobs. I suspect younger people will have time to recover, but it's not going to be easy for anyone.

  3. 8:22, others:
    There's obviously a lot going on, so we can discuss improvements later, but a quick note, if you register for the forum, it makes it very easy to follow new comments and topics.

  4. I was one of the AZ Republic journalists who was laid off yesterday. Many of you are asking why nobody is posting details of the severance package. It's because we don't know the details yet. We were told to come back Thursday and attend an informational session with HR that would explain everything. Because this is Gannett Blog's last full day online, I promise to post everything I find out this afternoon, ASAP, when I return home. Good luck to my other colleagues out there who were affected by the layoff. We're going to be OK, and please keep your heads up!

  5. And, don't forget to look at Newsache during their brief return...once a great source for anything and everything going on at the Cincinnati Enquirer.

  6. 3 in Shreveport and counting. Front desk person (lobby) person let go this morning.

    1 in IT
    1 Pressman
    1 Mailroom Supervisor (17 years)

    2 in Circulation
    1 Commercial Print Pressman
    1 Front Desk/Lobby employee

    Rumors are the PD will be laid off too. Still wondering about the Pressroom Manager who makes 85k yearly and who really runs his own business as an Electrician and has never even worked at a newspaper before... wow... stupid ass decisions from corporate and publishers have brought us here folks... and it didn't start last year... this has truly been coming on for a long time.

    Good luck to all of you still suffering from this today and hopes that life will get better really soon for you and your families.

  8. Jim,

    I thought you had decided to stop at 11:59 PM on Friday?

  9. Greenville or Asheville?

  10. Godspeed to all, and thanks again for this, Jim.

    If my number is called today, I go out with my head held high. I will not give corporate satisfaction.

  11. Hey, everyone on twitter should post information to @gannettlayoffs or head over to and give him/her a follow.

    The hashtags that people are using for most of their posts appear to be #blackthursday #gannett #azrlayoffs and others.

    Let the word out of what positions/people were laid off

  12. The bloodletting has started at APP, steady stream of people in to EE's office, unofficial tally, one photographer, 2 magazine writers, feature guy, moms like me gone. Someone (unknown from what part of the building) allegedly made a threat, cop on site.
    Hope Craig's back is acting up today. Karma

  13. In Salisbury, a pair of mid-managers, a handful of reporters and copy editors, plus all the daytime production people (work being shifted to Wilmington).

  14. Re: Salisbury

    Sounds like the count was more than 7? How many reporters/copy editors are left?

  15. some consolation in indy:

    of the first four layoffs, two are people who showed little or no mercy to their underlings. they drove out talented people; now it's their turn for the guillotine.

  16. Is the Big Screen TV on in the EE's office at APP?

  17. In Cherry Hill, part-time Mom's site manager and deputy metro editor were shown the door.

  18. From Ruth's Blog in Indy...

    In all sincerity, those who have been laid off are better off without Gannett. These people at Gannett corporate really do not want to produce newspapers; maybe they should open brothels instead.

  19. The layoffs are inevitable, and necessary...but they started at the wrong end. Bobby Dickey should have been first.

  20. Is the Mom's program dead? Who in Corporate will pay the price?

  21. 10:41 shows just how terrible this company is. You're laid off, come back tomorrow for details. You have got to be kidding!!! There's nothing more humbling than being fired, let alone told to attend a meeting at your old work place the next day!

    This blog detailed layoffs weeks ago, how pathetic can this company be and continue lowering the bar.

    Mr Zidich, you're the President in Phoenix, show some backbone, can you not see what this does to the remaining employees!

  22. Another just let go at Montgomery (AL) Advertiser... total is at 8... just lost 1 in Advertising...

  23. Don't know if I'll be laid off today or not, but if I'm still around it's definitely time to UNIONIZE!!!

    Pay freezes, furloughs, benefit cuts, layoffs, more layoffs, more layoffs ... now it looks like even the severance package has been cut to pennies.

    Seriously how much more crap are we going to take from this company and its incompetent leaders before we fight back? The only way to do that is collective bargaining.

    Think this company is going down the tubes now? How do you think it would weather a strike at this stage? Think the specter of that wouldn't help restore at least a basic sense of dignity and security to those left standing.

    PLEASE do us a favor and start a thread -- maybe with a few useful links and tips if you have them -- devoted to remaining employees who want to discuss and share info about forming a union. Who knows? If it takes off at the grassroots level at that point it could be the crowning achievement of the gannettblog!

  24. Any additional news from Rochester's D&C?

  25. Anyone have a tally of victims in Elmira?

  26. If you're serious about organizing, contact a union such as the UAW. However, given the history at the Detroit papers, I'm not sure how much that would help.

  27. Arizona Republic: 2 security guards, 2 platemakers, 2 electricians, 2 machinist, 2 mailroom supervisiors, 2 pressroom supervisiors, 2 housekeepers. The board of directors should all be fired for there backing of the leaders of this company. Giving bonuses was a BS move and they want to save money. They need to clawback that money.

  28. What happened to 10:32/10:39 am should be MANDATORY reading for all corporate execs not just in Gannett but other miserable companies as well.

    The ruined lives are so numerous it is incredible! And for what? A little extra net income? These papers ARE still profitable, ya know!

    I feel badly for the many Gannett victims... and if you work for Gannett now, rest assured, you will sooner or later become a victim.

    Flee on your own terms, and soon, if you are not fired.

  29. The Jim-sheep are back, crapping on the blog and calling for unions.

    They will do nothing other than whine. There will be no unions.

  30. So far 6 from Reno...

  31. Anymore Lansing casualties??

  32. The stock is up 7 cents so I guess this is all worth it.

  33. Just heard that 12 from CP,(south jersey division), were let go today...any word on the truth of this?

  34. I hope the Mom's initiative is not completely dead. This was one idea that seemed to be starting to work. Gannett tries to farm out to many new ideas so their staff seems busy but no one has the man power to back them up! STOP! Thin out the "idea farms" and get some solid base programs stabled... and lets go from there.

    My deepest thoughts to all who may have been laid off. My number could still be in the bucket too. :(

  35. We should all say a prayers for those who have lost their jobs. Many who have families taht rely on their pay check and insurance. I pray that God leads them to opportunities. When one door CLOSES another will OPEN!

  36. "If you're serious about organizing, contact a union such as the UAW."

    Yes, that's the answer. Emulate the group that destroyed its employers and itself. That's always a good move.

  37. I thought the number is Cherry Hill was 65 - 12 doesn't sound so bad.

  38. Does PT count in the headcount? Doesn't seem to be much savings.

  39. I don't think unions will do much other than act as a thorn in the side of publishers and exec. editors. But, hey, at this point I'd feel better at least being a thorn.

    What Gannett publisher wants to explain to corporate how he allowed his site to unionize. And, in some cases, you can at least arrange for better severance.

  40. 12 doesn't sound so bad because it's only 11am. they have all day to parade people in and out. so long, CP. good luck to those who are left.

  41. Are Features Editors safe?

  42. As per Jim call who ever you can about the severance tied to unemployment. We the taxpayers and Gannett employees should not have to pay for the ill gotten way this company has been run. Jim please post again who people can contract. Any legal eagles out there that can help!!!!!! This infor about servance tied to employment needs to be published nationally!!!!!! This is an outrage!!!!!

  43. As for the UAW, longtime auto industry employees have received a much better ride than we have.

    Some were able to collect close to their full salaries while unemployed.

    I'm not saying that's right, but from an employee standpoint it's better than being crapped on like GCI is doing.

  44. The 4th 11:11 post and the 11:14 post reek of being corporate lackeys.

    Is that you, Craig? How's the back? Eat shit, pal.

  45. @11:14 - I'm not saying I am picking up the phone to do it myself, but others have expressed an interest. Management (not just Gannett but in general) is swift to try to run off people who want to organize. There are legal protections for people who take that step, but navigating the maze isn't easy. Unions will provide backing during the organization phase and have resources (ie, lawyers) that an individual alone doesn't have.

    It's a long, hard slog. If you're serious about doing it, get the backing of a union first before you even think of trying to gather support in your workplace.

    If the card check rules being debated in Congress pass, organizing will likely become easier (or, conversely, more difficult for management to stop).

  46. Hear it's ugly at the APP....any word?

  47. Furloughs, pay cuts, layoffs, layoffs, layoffs and you think unions are the answer to your woes? The answer to your woes is to wake up: you are witnessing the slow death of an industry.

    Do you love it so much that you’ll continue doing it even as it makes you physically ill with worry? You can’t sleep. You can’t eat. You are afraid of any person who approaches your desk. Do you love it so much that it is worth living in fear of when the grim reaper will come for YOU? Is it worth putting your family’s well-being at risk too? Do you realize the toll this is taking on your family already, given how distracted you are?

    I got out on my own terms five years ago. The funny thing is, I learned after I left that most “real” people couldn’t care less about the paper. Half of them can’t name their state representative or county exec or anyone else reporters spend their time tracking. For all of those who think they are toiling for the public’s greater good: Gannett doesn’t care about you and the public really doesn’t appreciate what you are doing.

    Life is too short to live like that.

  48. "Some were able to collect close to their full salaries while unemployed."

    That's always a good long-term strategy for any company.

    Go away, Jim-sheep. Your time has passed. The sun is setting. You have been invited to go elsewhere. Somewhere, a village is looking for an idiot, and you are well-qualified.

  49. Four at the north bureau at the indy star. Editor, photographer, administrative assistant, and advertising director. The layoff train is heading out to the next site. The editor was a very hard worker, dawn till dusk type. It makes sense to keep cutting the north bureau, because, you know, Hamilton County is where all the money and growth is in Central Indiana.

  50. it is VERY ugly at app. at least 8 people in ads - 6 in nept & 2 known in TR. that dept. has been hit hard in every round. pretty non existent at this point.

  51. Waiting on more news from both the Eastern and Central Wisconsin Groups.

    What word on layoffs and the proposed restructuring of the Pub/GM positions as rumored yesterday?

  52. 11:23, while I agree that agonizing over a job is exhausting and not worth it, it is still hard to leave a job when it is all that you have known, basically "grew up" in the industry, and have mouths to feed and kids heads to keep a roof over. I am a former Gannett employee, (APP) and I also left 5 yrs ago. It was a hard decision to make and I had to take a substantial cut in pay, but now, in hindsight, it was the right decision to make. Good Luck to all at Gannett who are in fear. Every dog has it's day. Theirs will come.

  53. Hits continue in Cincy...Auto ARS least 4 gone.

  54. Who were the 12 at CP??

  55. 11:27, you're an idiot! Jim has done nothing to you, if you're still employed I wish you the best, if not, I'm very sorry.

    What Jim has done is provided a location for people to vent, share concerns and provide some attachment to reality and expose the unbelievable ways Gannett is conducting business. Yes, this blog ends tomorrow, come Saturday, you'll still be an idiot and if you work for Gannett, one day closer to losing your job as well.

  56. No severance packages?!? is that true? Gannett you never cease to amaze me. Hope the higher ups can sleep at night. (doubt this post will be approved).

  57. Two classified ad people, 1 photog also laid off so far at Salisbury

  58. To the guy who keeps talking about Jim-sheep: It would be really awesome if you killed yourself.

  59. This is from a post on Gannettoid:

    "by FW on Thu Jul 09, 2009 11:28 am
    A woman with nearly 30 years of experience was let go this morning. The kicker? No severance package for those walked out the door with this layoff. The best that Gannett can do - bridge the gap to ensure those without jobs get the maximum unemployment benefit. If you get $350 per week for unemployment, Gannett will throw in the $30 so you get Wisconsin's maximum benefit. How big of them."

    Can anybody confirm or deny this? It's the worst I've heard so far.

  60. I sincerely thank everyone who is providing updates, but I would like to respectfully request that everyone not use acronyms and abbreviations to describe positions. That will allow the rest of us to understand exactly what types of jobs are being eliminated.

    My apologies to everyone who is being laid off today. Eventually, you will see it as the blessing it is.

  61. What is the APP thinking? Cutting the AD guys, seems like the logical thing to do? Just one question, who will be out getting the customers?

  62. Former AME/manager of production/design/copy desk Andy Alderette laid off in Louisville

  63. Who are the people in Cincy? Let's just hope Callinan keeps his mouth shut today on the blogs. He's such an insensitive coot. It's tough to cut people. We get that. But shut your damn mouth about it unless it's to friends. You still have a job and can still force everyone to your sprawling house for lousy shrimp. To suggest that having to lay people off is as difficult as what the heroes did when they overtook a terrorist-controlled plane is just the dumbest damn thing I've ever heard. Save your money on the shrimp and spend on some learning tact.

  64. No severance - that's probably why they hired SubPay - nice going Gracia. Now if only you hadn't bought back the stock.

  65. Argus Leader in S.D. to cease publication of suburban newspapers / bureaus is what I've heard

  66. Cherry Hill let-go a IT Systems person.

  67. All classified will be sold out of APP. All the rest are being shut down.

  68. To the older workers being let go. I've seen that happen in earlier layoffs, and I believe there is a lot of age discrimination. They keep the young hired recently and making less and give the boot to the older ones. In some states that are at-will, this is far easier to do. The older ones in management with the power to do this won't have any pity, as they are worried about themselves and if they will be next on the chain.

  69. By the time their finished today - Gannett New Jersey will no longer exist.

  70. Any Sports Editors gone?

  71. Anything from Battle Creek?

  72. Any update on L'ville?

  73. Looks like Photo's getting killed today. Thank God all the reporters that are left can shoot video.

  74. just that the newsroom bloodbath in Louisville has begun

  75. 11:27 -- I didn't say it was a good long-term strategy for a company. Gannett has never heard of such a thing. I said it would be a good strategy for the employees. Why would you think we care about "the company." It doesn't care about us.

    We are now in an adversarial position with management and those of us who aren't cut should keep that in mind each and every day that we walk into the office.

  76. CN/HNT----- Pete Farrell, long time sales rep is gone.

    Danielle Simpson.also out!

  77. Any updates on Cincy?

  78. Don't beleive 11:39. ztzhat is bullshit.

  79. I just heard that Gracia called Craig and told him his job was being eliminated. He was out playing golf so she left the message on his machine.

  80. who from Cherry Hill got the axe?

  81. 8:22 AM wrote: "As a user, I have to say that Gannettoid is scattered and hard to navigate."

    Good lord, it's a BBS format that's been standard for the past 15 years or more!

    If Gannett people are that clueless about the Internet, no wonder the company is going down the toilet.

  82. What's the word for Appleton, WI?

  83. 11:52 If only that would come true, but only after his multimillion dollar golden parachute got the "Sub-Pay" treatment.

  84. Yeah and Craig called back Gracia and fired her......long pause on the voicemail as he hits his 129 yard shot into the weeds at Congressional....thats a 3 iron with his back condition......muchos gracias por nunca

    Gannett apparently contracted out Bill Murray to wire Gannett to blow all the unneccessary gophers left.

  85. 11:57 - Gracia didn't you get the memo - you're not suppose to be on the blog while at work. watch out.

  86. There is no Cherry left in Hill any more.

  87. At The Clarion-Ledger in Jackson, 20 people will be laid off today, according to a letter from the publisher sent to employees this morning.

    According to the letter, "eight are from operations; five from revenue-producing areas; and three from news. The remaining employees are from support departments."

    Here's another line: "Additionally, we have elected not to fill several open positions for the balance of the year to help offset revenue shortfalls."

    About 10 positions at The C-L are open or are coming open over the next couple of weeks, and that includes five in the newsroom. So the newsroom will be down about eight or nine spots.

    As I get information on who the three are in news and possibly in other divisions, I'll post.

  88. news from the cincy community press papers (neighborhood weeklies) in Cincy: CP general editor/manager is gone. but they're saying reporters/editors/editorial assistants are safe.

  89. Hey...Ali M. Zoibi, President and Publisher - Rochester's D&C.. Do you even know the names - or even what they do...of the people your laying off today? Or are you just going to listen to your over paid -do-little upper manangement like before.... Just wanted to know....

  90. Why should the Rochester Publisher be any better than the rest? - it's not their fault - they are just following orders - and we all know where that leads...

  91. any word from bridgewater courier news or east brunswick home news tribune or any more news from APP?

  92. Any more news in Des Moines? Word on the newsroom?

  93. Is anyone having any fun out there today? signed new PR person

  94. Muncie
    ARS – vacant
    Reporter – vacant
    Graphics supervisor - Jan Gaff
    Graphic designer, part-time – Michelle Holden
    Graphics artist - Jennifer Wall
    Accounts receivable clerk, part-time – Michelle Tinch
    Customer service representative – Jennifer Berg
    Copy editor – Rob George

  95. This just arrived in my inbox

    The Tennesssean is looking for people like you to give us feedback on the advertising and news that runs in the newspaper. With this panel, your voice will not only be heard, but you'll have a chance to earn points that can be redeemed for gift certificates and other prizes.

    You'll earn 500 points just for signing up!

    Signing up is easy, just go to:

    No matter how often you read The Tennessean in print or online, you can join our panel. You'll answer questionnaires on our website taking no more than 5 to 10 minutes. We'll cover recent news stories, ads, new features and maybe a little bit of everything else. You can decide how often you participate and your identity will never be revealed.

    Simply click to start earning your points today!

    Here's some feedback.. give me the paper that used to be more than a pamphlet and stop firing people. I suspect that instead of severence payments the next round of layoffs will offer employees "Bonus Points"

  96. In Cherry Hill I heard the class ad mgr is gone as is his secretary, the guy that did all the promotions, one retail person and someone from art.

  97. How about Vineland? Did they get rid of a RAM, like a trend may be going on with RAMS or it seems so.

  98. Any word on the CNY group?

  99. I left one of the Gannett local papers in California 10 years ago.
    My time there and shortly after leaving will always be remembered as one of the worst times of my life. Thankfully after being unemployed for six months I moved on and I am very happy now. This company has ruined many good peoples lives. God Bless everyone of you who are being let go. God help the ones left behind, who still have to deal with the corporate head hunting game.

  100. Layoffs underway at Courierpost Cherry Hill, NJ. So far:

    2 retail sales reps
    1 inside sales rep
    1 Special sections coordinator
    1 Marketing person
    1 Classified Ad manager
    1 Classified Ad manager's asst
    ? Classified ad takers
    (Classified ad board being eliminated effective 8/6 and moved to Asbury Park Press)

    Process still underway but word is that an IT guy, art dept person and some editorial people are gone.

  101. so now Cherry hill has no RAM,No CAM, and no AD.
    Who was the artist?
    I guess the night side will get chopped by a few. My guesstimate was in the low 20's there not the 65 that was rumored. Unless they outsource home delivery,printing ect.

  102. If you don't like the Pub at the Tennessean, I'd like to see her return to the APP. How about we switch, but you have to take the side kick too!

  103. Jim-sheep 11:38 and 11:39: Thanks for the laugh.

    I am laughing at you and not with you. You make it very easy.

  104. Can anyone provide some information on Gannett Michigan group layoffs?

  105. Anything on Fort Myers?

  106. 12:12:

    Confirmed on CP editorial side so far:
    1 Mom's Like Me manager/features
    1 Deputy Metro Editor
    1 IT guy

  107. Tom Herrin is taking over Advertising at The Courier Post.

  108. Cherry Hill: Classified Ad Manager, Classified Admin Assistant, Retail Sales Assistant, 2 Retail Sales Reps, Special Sections Manager, Advertising Artist, Marketing Research Coordinator.

    Our private party classifieds will be combined with Asbury Park in early August and I believe we're losing 6 of those positions plus the phone sales manager.

    Can anyone from IC, Circ, Production help out?

    word verification: lessn

  109. News at Wilmington, Del?

  110. Circulation is being outsourced at Cherry Hill.

  111. Any word on Tallahassee?

  112. Who cares what you're laughing at 12:13? That you're laughing about any part of this tells us all anybody needs to know about you.

  113. Could those of you who were smart and got out earlier refrain just a little bit from gloating, today of all days?

  114. The new Gannett idea - a newspaper with no ads - I present: The Courier Post.

  115. Can you post of the auto reps initials?

  116. How do you spell bloodbath?

  117. Any word from Nashville?

  118. BLOODBATH = C-O-U-R-I-E-R P-O-S-T

  119. Nashville is under way. So far, day copy desk chief, assistant sports editor, phone tech, LONGtime mailroom clerk, 1 HR person. Not sure about numbers in advertising and pressroom.

  120. Is there a need for a Publisher any longer in Cherry Hill? I understand a petition is being passed around.

  121. 11:29 a.m. "What word on layoffs and the proposed restructuring of the Pub/GM positions as rumored yesterday?"

    Those aren't rumors. Those were announced yesterday at individual sites.

    A full groupwide announcement is still to come.

    Six of the 10 Gannett Wisconsin sites are consolidating their publisher and executive editor positions into one.

    Just a sampling from what's already been posted on here:

    Sheboygan publisher to Fond du Lac. Fond du Lac publisher and editor laid off. Wausau editor to Stevens Point.

  122. Any news from Nashville on the layoffs?

  123. Tom Herrin has just been named Publisher at Cherry Hill.

  124. Who was the HR person in Nashville?

  125. Any news on Salem?

  126. Correction - Tom Herrin has just named himself Publisher in Cherry Hill.

  127. Any news from any Louisiana papers other than Shreveport?

  128. 11:29 I'm not doubting they are doing this but how STUPID!!! I'm sorry editorial people have never made good publishers. They don't know how to drive the revenue side.

  129. @7/09/2009 12:25 PM

    Baldwin already has been the GM/EE at Point for over a year now.

    Unless he's taking over the GM spot for all 4 Central sites, that is old news.

  130. Does anyone have the names of sales reps and artists in Cincinnati who were fired...interested in puting them to work.


  131. Any word on layoffs at the Sioux Falls (S.D.) Argus Leader? Heard it is worse there than people expected

  132. If twitter doesn't work for you, you can always email with updates and news.

    There should be a centralized location for all of this when this blog goes down and I think twitter would probably be the quickest.

  133. Elmira will learn of their fate tomorrow (Friday)...some big losses.

  134. Any word on Detroit layoffs? We've heard nothing.

  135. I am watching all these numbers coming in and can't help but be struck by the fact that hundreds are sitting safely at USA Today and corporate, many who are probably unaware that their brothers and sisters in the same company are being let go by the dozens right now. Do they even care? I've heard so much arrogance from USA Today people that I probably know the answer to that.

  136. ELMIRA -
    1 Front Desk/Secretary
    1 Marketing (the only one I believe.)

    More tomorrow? Oh goody... wouldn't want to provide a false sense of security or anything! There are so few people here already that most have multiple responsibilities... Some of which culminate on Friday.

    Must get... last drop... of... blood...

  137. Why is it that Honolulu isn't losing any people? Every Gannett paper in the country is losing personnel but not Honolulu. They are so management-heavy. They could lose 15 managers and still not skip a beat.
    Jim, you list Honolulu as losing 15 people but that was announced 2 months ago and really shouldn't be counted. They are losing money but yet are excluded from layoffs. Somebody's got ahold on Dickey???

  138. Tom Hearon will get it next time when they do not print there anymore. Maybe sooner than later...

    So will a few others that need it.. EJ...need I say more.

  139. Maybe we won't find out about Honolulu until a lot later -- they're six hours behind ET.

  140. Anonymous said...

    To the guy who keeps talking about Jim-sheep: It would be really awesome if you killed yourself.

    7/09/2009 11:39 AM


    Post of the Year!

    You all realize the Jim-sheep guy is a corporate stooge, right.

  141. HONOLULU:

    Here's the link I'm using for 15:

  142. Hi, Jim. It would be great if you could delete 11:39 and 12:42.

    Am I the only one who thinks this kind of nonsense is inappropriate and immature?

  143. They are going to drag this out as long as they possibly can, aren't they? I hope the leftover scum of this company burns in hell. Like your 6 figure income? Enjoy it now, because your next world wont be so easy. I will guarantee. You'll get what's coming to you. Unbelievable.

  144. 12:28, Never? John Seigenthaler was a great publisher at The Tennessean.

  145. time for a part 3

  146. This comment has been removed by the author.

  147. Has Craig finished his round yet?

  148. Yes, I agree that the guy talking about Jim-sheep is either some corporate douche or someone hired by corporate. I think 11:39's comment made him cry a little bit.

    I hope he uses the word sheep in his next post! It is super funny when he does!

  149. Ha! The corporate goon just politely asked Jim to delete some posts that made him sad. Please don't cry! We love you!
