Friday, June 13, 2008

Boozin' Neuharth loves his Cadillac healthcare

Like rubbernecking past a car wreck, I can't resist octogenarian retired CEO Al Neuharth's weekly column, every Friday in USA Today.

As you contemplate your newly disemboweled retirement account, take comfort in knowing that our favorite Prairie political pundit enjoys an entire team of Mayo Clinic doctors to care for his suntanned self.

Today, while oversharing about his prostate's health (ick), 84-year-old Neuharth writes about his "lead" Mayo doctor: one very French-looking, parasite-loving Francois Lette, who accused the retired media mogul of sobriety. Faux-harrumphing, Neuharth told Lette: "I have no idea where this 'nondrinker' information came from, but it is false and potentially defaming if it were to become public. My love for a martini (vodka) is well known among my friends."

Faster than you can say "doctor with too much time on his hands," Lette apologized, explaining that he'd simply been looking for a graceful way of saying Neuharth isn't pathological. (What?!)

(Confidential to Big Al: What's your co-pay these days? And have you rounded up all your kids' birth certificates, plus your various divorce and marriage documents, for that dependent care medical coverage audit we've all been enjoying so much?)

Related: Al's advice for whiners weathering a recession



  2. Is that a file photo or a recent picture?

  3. Just a guess, @12:12 pm: I suspect that photo is 10 to 15 years old -- minimum.


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