Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jersey Confidential: Issue 05.13.09

A comments forum, exclusively for N.J. Group news. (Archives.


  1. Anyone know if the HR person for DR,HNT & CN is still employed? Just wondering with the recent rumors about HR cosolidation.

  2. Don't know! Other rumors say she went back to "Toys 'R Us". Can anyone confirm?

  3. where is EJ?

  4. I am just beside myself with curiosity about the HR person for DR, HNT & CN! I hope someone comes through with further information. In the meantime I have a question for anyone who has either been ousted from, or has quit Gannett. I was wondering if anyone has ever gone back and given either someone in management or in HR a TRUE piece of their mind?

  5. ^hahahaha, people who do that at the
    CP get the "red carpet treatment".
    aka, escorted out of the building.
    ive seen it first hand several times.

  6. It must not have taken long for that regional copy desk in Asbury Park to take hold. The Home News Tribune and Courier News have adopted the Press's body type, byline and headline fonts. Changes took effect a week ago yesterday.

  7. Not sure if the gray haired lady was let go, but who would know, we never see her. Well that is unless it is to let someone go. If she would have been around for the staff maybe they would have seen she was needed. But that just isn't the case.

  8. More goodness: Roger Clemens goes on ESPN to defend himself ... and the C-N/HNT sports sections print nothing.

    For a sports department that promotes baseball uber alles that's indefensible.

  9. When I was laid off by the HR director and Skippy, I did tell my immediate supervisor what I thought of her. She cackled and smirked. When I pulled out the cell phone pictures of her and a few other notorious predators, she stared me right in the eye and screamed "Tough Nuggies"! She then cried bitter tears about all of the rotten things she had done to all of her employees over the years and begged my forgiveness in the name of all.
    Yeah, Right!

  10. Okay CN,HNT,DR HR lady. If you are now among the ranks of us ex-Gannetteers, I challenge you to post something on this blog. Come to think of it, even if you're not one of us yet, I challenge you to post something anyway!

  11. Why such hatred for the HR lady at the CN,HNT,DR??? Oh never mind, stupid question!

  12. The HR lady is still with us. She splits her time between the DR, CN and HNT. That may be reason why it seems like she's gone: it's hard to catch her. But I saw her today with my own two eyes and we even exchanged hello's. She is fine and I imagine that she will be with us all for as long as we are "all".

  13. 2:14, that's not necessarily true. I work at the CP and got into a vigorous argument with my boss to the point where HR was needed. I was not fired, but talked to. I now have more respect for my boss and I believe they have more respect for me. Not because of "drinking the koolaid" but because things were explained, discussed and a solution was met. Don't scare the folks on this blog thinking they'll get fired for speaking their mind, it doesn't always happen. The thing they should remember, however, is there is a time and place for it.

  14. No respect from me for those HR assassins. If they had any honor and morality, they would have quit in protest rather than fire and lay people off on the basis of age, salary and falsified evaluations. If they were any good at what they do, why are/were they hanging around such an awful company going down the tubes? Maybe because they got a bonus for every body shoved out the door.

  15. 2:02, There was once an executive editor in the NJ Group who threatened a reporter with the age old, "I have a dozen resumes of people who'd love to have your job," bullshit. When that reporter resigned, the reporter fired off a note to said executive editor saying, "Better pull out those resumes."

    It was the kind of play most of us dream of making.

  16. Yup...the HR person for DR, HNT and CN is unfortunately...still with us!

  17. yes, our wonderful HR person is still employed


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