Thursday, April 03, 2008

More questions for the insurance auditor

A reader just posed these excellent questions about Chapman Kelly, the Indiana company hired to gather birth certificates and other documents proving that employees' relatives are eligible for Gannett health insurance.
  • Are the employees doing the audit full-time or are they temp workers?
  • Have they had background checks (they're handling a lot of personal information)?
  • How will the company verify the information has been destroyed and not put in a bag and thrown in a landfill?
  • Who handles the appeal -- Chapman Kelly or a Gannett human resources person?
I'm going to bet we don't hear from Chapman Kelly; the firm wouldn't answer my questions, citing a policy that it doesn't respond to journalist's questions about clients.

But they'll answer questions from employees. Gannett's March 27 letter rolling out this inspection says Chapman Kelly's toll-free customer service number is 866-712-0432. (Tell 'em Gannett Blog sent you!)


  1. Jim, in the state of Wisconsin it is illegal to copy things like birth certificates (it's technically a felony) and a to get a copy at the County Clerk's office costs about $20. So to use round numbers. If there are 1,000 "Gannett" children in Wisconsin then this will cost Gannett employees about $20,000. Thanks guys...

    P.S. Folks in other states, look at your vital records. Are there similar messages on them that tell you it is illegal to make a copy?

  2. These are excellent points, Jim. I was already against the idea of sending Social Security numbers through the mail, and I was skeptical about this company destroying our information. But I hadn't thought about the people who will be handling this information. Who are these people? How do I know that they be trusted with my family's private information? And on top of that, they're asking thousands of families to spend more of their hard-earned money .... it's an outrage. This isn't what I signed up for when I signed up for insurance.

  3. 7:49 - If we think it is insecure to send photocopies to this place, imagine how insecure it is to send official state-issued copies. Wonder if they will send that back to you when they are finished? Remembering, of course, that they can't make a photocopy.

  4. While visiting the Chapman Kelly homepage I noted this closing sentence at the end of a promotional paragraph on what their company can do for your business-in this case-Gannett:

    Chapman Kelly will also work to ensure that an effective financial recovery process is implemented and operated.

    That means once they've caught you...they are going after you for recovery..and guess who the collection agency is? This company has all earnings opportunities covered.


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