Friday, February 29, 2008

Annals of the Unlikely: Hell freezes! Pigs fly!

Gannett editors challenge cutbacks -- and Corporate airs their gripes! What's next? Al Neuharth's son, questioning his father's legacy on the pages of the very paper that made the octogenarian retired CEO (left) so famous?

Oh, wait: That already happened! From Dan Neuharth's USA Today Op-Ed piece on March 27, 2006: "How dedicated will the leaders of publicly traded news companies be to spending the money necessary to publish hard-hitting, top-notch newspapers and websites that profit their communities' well-being, even if it means somewhat lower profits for shareholders?"


  1. I wish neuharth would dry up and turn to dust. He writes about some of the stupidist things. I dont know why USAT kisses his and put his articles in the paper.

  2. I have always wondered whether Neuharth's retirement contract includes a guaranteed USAT column. Anyone know?

  3. Yes> One of the last thing Al, did, as CEO of Gannett, was to GIVE HIMSELF a no CUT , life time contract to write a column for USA Today> From what sources told me. in the early days, after his retirement, Gannett, legal team look into a possible way of breaking it> Now there just waiting for the old boy to kick the bucket.


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