Thursday, January 22, 2009

Eat the rich: Why I need 169,800 sponsors ASAP

At $5 per sponsor, I could pay cash for a two-bedroom, two-bath apartment, here in one of the planet's most expensive cities: San Francisco. Asking price: $849,000. Plus, I could answer a provocative comment by Anonymous@1:43 p.m., on my story about Bob Dickey competing at an expensive golf tournament in Palm Springs, Calif.

Congrats, Jim. You used your considerable skills to learn that a rich guy plays golf. Wow. And you hint at tons to stuff. With no facts. Who paid the fee? Dunno. Which fee? Dunno. Corporate tent fee? Dunno. Did he take the jet? Dunno. Does this trip, by the execs, have the chance to bring in some much needed ad $$? Dunno. Do you know anything? Dunno.

But you are quick to bash the "haves," in favor of the have-nots. What I want to know is this: How does a guy who slaved away in -- where was it? -- Brazil and Spain in recent months, and lives in ever-so-expensive San Francisco, get away with telling us he only needs $24,000 to live?

Who are you kidding? None of the have-nots you stand up for could do it. You certainly appear to be a "have." Some of us are offended as much by country hopping as we are by golf. And unlike the international jaunts and San Fran lifestyle, at least the golf might help the company. OK, now tell us how poor you really are.

I'm trying to earn $6,000 quarterly, mostly through sponsorships of $5 per reader, plus limited ad sales. Please use the "Donate" tool in the green sidebar, upper right. Or mail cash/checks payable to: Jim Hopkins, 584 Castro St. #823, San Francisco, Calif., 94114-2594.

[Image: Fortune, May 2005, featuring actor Michael Douglas as investment banker Gordon Gekko from 1987's Wall Street]


  1. I guess I'll have to send you more money cause I'm not clicking on any of the gay men Palm Springs ads! :)

  2. What in the heck is this person's problem with you, Jim? Sounds like a Let's Blame the Messenger song.
    As I read the Dickey story, whether he paid his way or not, he took the place of a reporter (and Larry who at least used to write about golf at TDS is fantastic) who could have used the game as fodder for a story. But maybe he was on 'vacation.' FYI my only complain/concern about the story was your photo of Bubba. Sure, his name is Bubba but he looks a lot better in person than your photo indicates.
    Keep up the good work.

  3. Notice you didn't answer the question there, Tara, uh, I mean Jim. :)

  4. This poster obviously does not understand the difference between investigative reporting and advocacy.

  5. This place would be valuable if all it did was provide Gannett employees a way to communicate with each other. But the fact is, there's some very good journalism occuring here. We should encourage this in any way we can. I sent Jim $20, and wish it could have been a lot more. I hope others will do what they can. And, no, I'm not one of Jim's relatives; never met him. But I do greatly appreciate what he's doing here and want him to keep it going.

  6. "offended by country-hopping" -- give me a break. Buddy, if you haven't been out of the country, I'm offended by YOU. Broaden yourself a bit and see some of the world. It's a lot bigger than your little newspaper.

  7. Anonymous tries to nail you for not having the answers to questions that Gannett refuses to address. What does he expect you to do -- kidnap company execs and shoot them full of Sodium Pentothal? (Would that we could. Wouldn't that be a fascinating "interview?")
    Just because a reporter can't always get the answers to important questions doesn't mean they shouldn't be asked.

  8. Oops. I posted a response moments ago before realizing that Gannett had, in fact, responded to your questions.
    Maybe ought to can my post.

  9. It is entirely possible to respond to a question without actually answering it, which is what Gannett has done.

    I still have many questions outstanding.

  10. The Bob Dickey story is old. Move on. Who cares. Make this site useful. I can go down to my local bar to hear drunks name call and use putdowns.


Jim says: "Proceed with caution; this is a free-for-all comment zone. I try to correct or clarify incorrect information. But I can't catch everything. Please keep your posts focused on Gannett and media-related subjects. Note that I occasionally review comments in advance, to reject inappropriate ones. And I ignore hostile posters, and recommend you do, too."

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.