Thursday, November 04, 2010

Week Nov. 1-7 | Your Layoff Comments: Part 3

Can't find the right spot for your comment? Post it here, in this open forum. Real Time Comments: parked here, 24/7. (Earlier editions.)


  1. For Part 2 of this comment thread, please go here.

  2. We're so glad, dear Gannett leaderistas, that we were able to see you through another strenuous election cycle. Now lop some of our heads off. That should impress lots of investors, readers, and advertisers... I mean, it worked every other time, didn't it?

  3. Indy had a staff meeting in the p.m. today to announce 5 layoffs in IT, advertising and building services. Unsaid but very reliable is that up to three newsroom jobs were also at risk, however they were spared because of several recent voluntary departures including reporters, a sports editor and a page designer. The previous poster of 32 jobs in Indy was bogus.

  4. The ME in Jackson is gone. It's a real shame. There are so few editors there anymore.

  5. 11:53 p.m.: Is that Jackson, Miss., or Jackson, Tenn.?

  6. And once again the corporate staff escapes. I guess it is even easier for them to screw things up if there are fewer people that know what they are doing in the company.

  7. It sucks not to know but it sucks a lot more to know!

  8. Asheville lost 1 definitely - rumored to be at least 3 when all is said and done

  9. I know who is on the list at my site. Should I tell them? Would it help or make it worse?

  10. During the corporate visit to our site, Dickey said two things that were interesting. First, that those in the newspaper division should be happy they are not in the broadcast division because if we think that we have it rough, just wait to see how TV is going to survive all the changes in business models and competition for audiences. And he said newsprint would be costing a whole lot more come January and that he would not be surprised to see several newspapers cut editions drastically, such as printing only Thursday through Sunday. We have not seen that happen yet, but it makes me wonder about the layoffs and furloughs without pursuing the reduced editions. Maybe that is their last cutting approach to save face with Wall Street.

  11. MY BOSS is not in the loop but he/she is a snoop! ROCK ON "My Boss"

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Jim, the "Jackson" that 11:53 p.m. is referring to is Jackson, Miss. The ME there is gone as of Wednesday evening, as is at least one other newsroom person, and I have it on good authority that several more are to come on Thursday.

  14. The 4 inch web reconfiguration project has begun. Key was the 1A USAT story regarding Kimberly-Clark's coreless toilet paper rolls, an important part of the strategy to place twelve 3.75 inch pages on one 48" web.

    No further newshole adjustments are planned, and the 'green' dual-use opportunities will also make a positive impact on other community hole concerns.

    The additional color positions available by running the daily off one black ink unit are expected to make a huge impact on Q2 revenues, however increased absorption of yellow, cyan and magenta may require some ink purchasing adjustments.

    The web will not be traditionally slit, rather perforation blankets will allow readers to tear off as much news as they may actually need. This will minimize capital expenditures and allow continued honor box usage for those consumers who need some news while out in the community.

    PointRoll has refused to comment on any part they may play, but it has been suggested that if you can point, you don't need a roll.

  15. No layoffs for New Jersey, the up and coming hub for the east coast. Guess living in New Jersey doesn't look so bad now, huh?

  16. Bravo, 7:11 AM!

  17. Eventually NJ will get hit with layoffs

  18. Jim: Please keep raising the point of Gracia saying no significant severance costs were anticipated this quarter. I think she got caught lying to investors and didn't leave herself any wiggle room.

  19. The hilarity of Gannett's finance-driven, market-blind strategy -- to maximize current profits at the expense of long-term viability -- would make for great business-case reading. If, that is, it were not for the toll on both the employees who bear the scars, and the brands which took decades to build and are now sliding toward death. What Gracia et al. seem not to realize -- or don't care about -- is that, even if they broke form and invested substantially in new platforms, the damage being done to those brands is driving audience away from other offerings the company may dream up. The thinner my paper gets, the less favorable my attitude toward the entire operation, not just the print edition.

    Dubow and Martore are harvesting entire fields, saving nothing for seed. In a future year, there will be no crop. But, by then, the Disastrous Duo will have moved on, fatter and happier than when they arrived. The rest of us will starve.

    I hate the word, but it really is a rape of this company. I hope that, someday, they and our complicit board get what they deserve.

  20. Strangely quiet at the other Gannett-Louisiana papers. We in Shreveport heard Leslie Hurst came to do handle the layoff of Shreveport's managing editor. Interestingly, some people caught a clue from the masthead--Tuesday the managing editor's name was in it. Wednesday morning it was not.

  21. Thanks for the laugh, 7:11.

    I feel for everyone shown the door, but it's worthwhile to remember that life goes on, even in a Dilbert world.

  22. The Jackson, MS ME was a great editor and mentor. Can't imagine what the powers that be were thinking, letting him go. Wait a minute ... when has thought about an employee's talents meant anything at Gannett?

  23. Has anyone heard anything about the
    Des Moines site?
    It was mentioned in earlier post and then nothing.
    I am interested to hear if the darling
    Laura Holllingsworth has been protected.

  24. Did they get rid of the ME in Jackson, MS and keep the EE?

    What about the ME in Hattiesburg, MS. Still there?

  25. Evidently a programmer and an opinions page editor are in the mix in Lansing.

  26. The EE in Jackson, MS is still there.

  27. Is the ME in Jackson who was let go one of the last 11 black MEs at newspapers in the country? If so, what was the cause? If this is who I think it is, then there is going to be hell to pay for Gannett taking this decision.
    (I would say the name, but Jim is trying to keep names out of this layoff round).

  28. re: 8:00am

    "significant severance costs"

    is wiggle room as significant is relative

  29. I've commented previously on this, but Gracia is risking the confidence of stock analysts by making these statements that skirt the truth. For a company that puts SO MUCH emphasis on what Wall Street thinks, dissembling or what I see as examples of outright lies to analysts will come back to haunt this company. It also doesn't go unnoticed in executive ranks, and tells them it is OK to lie and engage in unethical activities if they want.

  30. The ME in Jackson was outstanding. Further evidence Gannett's commitment to maintaining diversity in the leadership ranks is a farce. Question for Ms. Martore: When you finish firing everyone to make the numbers, how will you tell your go-along-to-get-along board of directors that you've degraded the properties so much they can't be sold at your average yard sale? Good leaders grow asset value, not destroy asset value. Didn't they teach that at Wellesley?

  31. Evidently the opinions page editor in Lansing was not totally let go, just down graded.

  32. I heard Asheville lost four yesterday. Two in advertising, one in ad services,and one in maintenance. Also, 2 newsroom positions frozen.

  33. 7:11, I think I love you.

  34. I am a ex-corporate guy. I was let go December of 08, I am just starting to read the blog again.

    While the last two years have not been great, I have moved on, found a new job, sleep better at night and I no longer need to work all day then worry all night about if my time is up at Gannett.

    I have started living and growing again verses hopping to hold on to something that I knew would be gone someday. There is a after life from Gannett.

    Any news on lay offs at corp? There are still plenty of good people there, but also a lot of money grabbing, self centered, cover my ass people who could still be shown the front door. LG.

  35. 4 laid off in Hattiesburg this morning. 1 in circ, 1 in advertising, 2 in news.

  36. I am an employee at a weekly.
    Has anyone heard any news yet about possible
    layoffs at any of these sites?
    There are a lot of us out here wondering if we
    will be effected.

  37. Did they eliminate the ME position in Jackson, MS., but keep the ME position in Hattiesburg, MS?

  38. Andy word from the Wilmington meeting?

  39. Nashville:
    Notification of 9 layoffs:
    1 Advertising
    1 Advertising support
    2 Marketing
    1 Circulation (Admin)
    1 Systems
    1 Graphics Designer Specialty Pubs
    1 News
    1 Pre-press

  40. Any word on Montgomery?

  41. Re: Nashville
    What was the news position?

  42. Clarksville, TN lost 2 today.

  43. In an e-mail, a reader tells me that a whopping 20 jobs were cut yesterday in Jackson, Miss. Can anyone else confirm that?

  44. Lafayette, IN, Journal & Courier will lay off a total of 5 (I believe) including one newsroom employee. No one say this coming.

  45. Indy lost 5 good people yesterday

  46. Twenty is the number we are hearing here in Jackson, MS. Gone from the newsroom are the ME, the photo editor, the weeklies editor, a longtime layout/copy editor, another from the copy desk, a photog from the weeklies, and our editorial cartoonist was made part-time.

  47. What news positions were axed in H'Burg, MS?

  48. responding to 11:51 a.m.

    the nashville news position was the only FT calendar and listings clerk

  49. Reporter and a photographer in H'burg.

  50. 12:32 p.m.: 20 job cuts sounds hard to believe.

  51. Stock is up .65.
    The investors must be liking the blood bath.

  52. There's a story about 37 library layoffs in the IndyStar, but I didn't see anything about the Gannett or Indy job eliminations.

    I guess you could argue that the public needs to know about libray layoffs since those are tax supported positions. Well, I think the public has every right to know about any Gannett layoffs since that company has gotten tax breaks places, including in Indy.

  53. so for the sites that have already been told who they've lost, is this it for this round of layoffs or is there another round coming that could affect those same sites within 2010?

  54. Believe the 20 in Jackson. Publisher has a meeting for the employees this afternoon. Dreading it.

  55. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  56. Ok, enough with this whining about layoffs, Gannett is so incredibly inefficient that 50% of the workforce honestly should be laid off (that includes management & non management). I was laid off in July of 2009 and I was in management at the Arizona Republic and quite frankly spent most of my day doing nothing at all. I knew that my end would come eventually and I also found it amusing that other people who did less than me (I actually had people reporting to me) kept their jobs. We would work on silly projects that never generated a penny of revenue send in the completed project and never hear from it again. I became incredibly creative in taking the worst possible scenarios and spinning them positively for upper management. I guess what set me apart from "most" other managers is that I actually treated the individuals that reported to me with decency as I knew it would all end some day. I can go on and on with examples of complete incompetency of the corporation but I will save that for another post.

  57. There is another Jackson in the Gannett fold, Jackson Tennessee. Lost six so far including the AD.

  58. I'm ballparking these cuts so far as being in the range of 1-3% of total staff at these papers. At 20 jobs, Jackson could be higher: maybe 5% of its workforce. But that's just an educated guess.

    For context, the approximately 1,400 jobs cut during the last big Gannett layoff -- July 2009 -- were about 5% of the total U.S. newspaper employment at the time.

  59. In reply to: 1:50pm

    The C-J had a story about its layoffs yesterday:

  60. 2 in Appleton. 1 in news. 1 in IT.

  61. What about Ohio, anyone have updates?

  62. ME in Monroe La. Plus three other full time employees with over 30 years All very good people. The News-Star

  63. Why is Detroit so quiet?

  64. 3 so far in NNCO. Group AD, 1 in Finance, 1 in Recruitement

  65. 21 in Gannett Wisconsin. Five in Appleton, including three group and two Post-Crescent. P-C cut is print editor. One group cut was IT guy (who missed work for a couple months last year with cancer). Some group positions vacant and will be eliminated, said publisher.

  66. By my count, 7 laid off in Reno:
    2 news
    1 online
    2 IT
    1 momslikeme editor
    1 part time newsweekly editor

  67. Wait a minute, the Indy Star has 37 jobs in the library??

  68. Romenesko finally woke up. Also see:
    I think corporate will now hear a hell of a lot about this racist outrage.

  69. 3:47 PM
    Nope. The city apparently cut 37 from the library system, and Indy Star reported that layoff, but I didn't see anything in there about the Gannett layoffs.

  70. For NNCO/Ohio add 1 AD Manager, 4 to come tomorrow.

  71. Surprise, surprise: "Robin Pence, Gannett's vice president of corporate communications, did not respond to inquiries." From Maynard Institute story.

  72. Haven't heard anything about Ariz. Too big to be cut?

  73. @3:48 i'm sure there are just as many white ppl getting laid off as there are black ppl...why is that ALWAYS an issue???!!!!

  74. 4:04 Because this brings down to 9 the number of top black execs at U.S. newspapers. It was 14 in 2008.

  75. I hear, second hand, there are an unknown number of layoffs in Reno.

  76. @4:07 still irrelevant...doesn't matter what color you are when you're trying to decide how to feed your family...

  77. 4:04
    Minorities, are in a protected class, like it or not.

    I'm glad to see attention is being called to the fact that Gannett axed at least 2 black MEs. Only wish someone would call equal attention to another protected class, and that's the older worker.

  78. 4:16 It took a lot of work and lobbying to get the number up to 14, and it very sad to see how fast that number has dwindled in this recession. I would like to believe there is not another agenda at work here, but ....

  79. @4:18 not complaining about minorities being protected (i'm female, so i'm technically a minority but i'm not trying to find out how many females vs males got the ax)...however, when we are only talking about protecting ONE minority and that minority is black (or red, yellow, whatever) then that in itself is a racist remark...what those who are suddenly crying "racism" fails to understand is that this has NOTHING to do with racism and EVERYTHING to do with classism...

  80. And it will take an equal amount of work to elevate the status of the older worker. Some day work places will be age neutral.

  81. Anyone notice no cuts in New Jersey? Ahhhh...nice!

  82. Is Des Moines quiet because LH is golden? Or is it because the shit is really hitting the fan there?

  83. Certain groups want complete and total equality in America....that should come right down to being hired or fired. If you got your job through your own merits, you should be able to lose it through lack of those merits, and not get to keep it because you happen to be classified a certain way.

  84. Why play these silly racist, sexist, gender...whatever games. I often think these conflicts are whipped up by the powers to be to keep attention away from what they are doing. The issue at hand is layoffs being ordered so execs can keep Wall Street happy and investors with billions of dollars won't flee elsewhere. How come no one seems concerned that most of these anonymous investors are white middle aged men who live in racially exlusive places like Newport, R.I.

  85. Yeah, things are nice today in Jersey...Now if we just didn't have those pesky furloughs coming up on us....

    And please, don't tell me you savor the furloughs as an extended vacation. For some of us, to lose one, two or three weeks pay is painful!

    Not as painful as these folks getting axed today, but don't worry, it's just a matter of time before more cuts occur in Jersey and other points apparently spared in this round.

  86. ok 4:35, ask why and then conclude your statement with the very thing you're questioning...4:34 is exactly right...

  87. xxx Certain groups want complete and total equality in America xxx
    Certain groups?
    Isn't that what the Declaration of Independence promised?

  88. I know these cuts are about USCP today....but could I perhaps suggest and their support staff in WV?

  89. Total of six in Rochester plus four vacancies eliminated. This includes two positions in news mentioned yesterday.

  90. I see 3 in Brevard. Anyone know who?

  91. 4:34 Thanks for the opinion. If you feel strongly that way, you need to contact your representatives and try to get any little bit of civil rights legislation wiped off the books. Maybe you could work on changing other historical documents and milestones in US history too.

    But thanks for offering your take on things, pal.

  92. Amen 4:38.
    Certain groups include workers of advanced age who wish to remain productive members of society too.

    Hats off to the dude who lead off a story with information about two blck MEs getting axed. Shame on supposed advocacy groups who speak out for older workers for not pouncing on this one and all the other Gannett layoffs.

  93. Lafayette, La:

    1 in production
    3 in circulation
    1 in advertising
    1 in newsroom (assistant features editor)

  94. 4:53

    the problem comes in when everyone attempts to classify themselves in such a way that they are treated special. "you can't fire me because I'm _____"

  95. To advance this debate, I suggest you all focus on getting hard data from Corporate showing job cuts by age, race/ethnicity, gender, etc. You can't document a pattern of illegal discrimination without that.

    Of course, you must first get Corporate to even acknowledge that layoffs are underway.

  96. 4:53 and Jim - awesome replies! love it!

  97. While I don't like seeing the number of minority leaders dwindle - and while I very much DO recognize that racism is an ongoing and insidious problem - I can't frame this event in those terms.

    Newspapers as an entity are dying. In my own newsroom, our reporting staff is down 50 percent from where it was when I started here seven years ago. Everyone is being cut.

    No, wait. Not everyone.

    Where are the cuts at corporate? Where are the executives falling on their swords for failing to navigate the changes in media over the past decade or so? Where is their shared pain?

    Good luck trying to find it.

    Frankly, I'm amazed that any upper-level editors at all are being cut. Aside from an online editor here, I've never seen that happen. The poop usually rolls downhill, and until recently it has seemed to me, at least, that people who had their own offices have been protected, as opposed to us hoi polloi who sit out in the the vast and empty newsroom.

    Whoever above said it is a class thing has it dead right, far as I'm concerned.

  98. I got laid of in July of 2009 and remember the furloughs being the shit.... it was a total vacation, I wish we had more of them, like one a month would have been great!!

  99. Working at the Arizona Republic was like being on vacation, we had meetings about meetings thinking of things to meet about...... LOL

  100. 5:09 PM
    To me, it's a solution that more older workers need to take when they have their paychecks ripped away from them.

  101. I heard that Gannett Corporate is looking to "partner or sell" MomsLikeMe to Cafe Mom. Everyone on the MLM has been buzzing about this.

  102. Oh, I just realized why Des Moines is silent. There are no old white guys or people of color in power positions to lay off.

  103. Re: Jackson, MS, the number of position eliminations the publisher mentioned in this afternoon's meeting was 15.

  104. Definite confirmation that the ME at The (Monroe) News-Star is gone.

  105. Moms Like Me was a great franchise which Gannett drove into the ground after the company was caught spying on the users, and trying to seed corporate messages on the message boards. They pressed it to make more money, and ruined it. If they had left it alone to flourish for a while, it might have become a Facebook or Myspace thing. Now they are looking to dump it. Too bad.

  106. Worth noting that the one newsroom job cut in Lafayette, La. (as previously mentioned "assistant features editor") had been the ONLY employee in features for the last two years. Apparently, she also single-handedly edited the moms and lifestyle monthlies. The girl generally worked 10-hour days six days a week...oh, and they happened to switch her from hourly pay to salary when they gave her the "promotion" to "assistant features editor," ...only problem was there was no features editor.

    She had all the responsibility and absolutely no authority...and was blamed for things by Leslie et al like poor manicure jobs of models in the lifestyle pub. Oh, and did we mention the models were UNPAID models. The whole thing burns me up. Perfect example of Gannett's outright abuse of employees.

  107. This should bring the whiners back for another round.

    I think this blog is great because it shows how many losers and idiots have nothing to offer other than bitching. Many of these people will never work again, and that's a great thing for employers.

  108. WHEN does this company get to the point that it has so few employees left for the managers to micromanage that they start feasting on each other?

  109. Jim, didn't your psychiatrist advise you to stop indulging these delusions?

    Let it go, Jim. You are a psycho who was booted from Gannett. Slamming the company is not going to change that.

    Again: You. Are. Psycho. Give it up, guy.

  110. 6:21 & 6:24 - so how's it going at the corporate office?

  111. 6:28, so how's it going being unemployed and whining here?

  112. Getcha popcorn ready!
    Here they come!
    Let it be known that the TROLLS are now out in full force!
    Was wondering when they would all strike!

  113. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  114. This article pretty much sums up the lack of creativity and leadership that is bringing down a once excellant company, among 9 others.

  115. watch out 6:21, 6:24 & 6:31 - people in glass houses...or are you a "do what i say, not what i do" type?

  116. With the trolls cropping up, some heavy-duty shit must be heading toward employees.

  117. 1 Position in Mountain Home, copy editor.

  118. Is Ripple6 still functioning? It sure looks like a bust based on what's on the site these days.

  119. Ripple6 is a certified lemon.

  120. The losers here need to get lives. You suck, and you were thrown out of Gannett. Most of you are not going to fool another employer into hiring you.

    If you thought you could suck and whine and make a career out of it, you were wrong. Time to grow up and move on, bitter people. Gannett is not at fault -- you are.

  121. Your troll comments are full of fail, and that makes me sad :(

    I know you're trying your level best to piss off someone, but you're just coming off as a bit pathetic. But here's the attention you so desperately crave. Don't say I never did nothing for ya!

  122. For Part 4 of this comment thread, please go here.

  123. @7:42, 7:34 is just upset because they've sent him to the basement to look for his red stapler...and he's not getting cake! lol

  124. We kept everyone, but the price of paper is going to sky rocket and the newspaper world will soon be coming to an end if it is true. When the price of paper increases 25% the online leg of the trolls stool will be the only distribution alternative. Does anyone actually know why paper is going to skyrocket while demand has to be shrinking?

  125. 8:00 you answered your own question. Demand is shrinking, which has caused several mills to close. Then Abitibi and Bowater merge, and competition in the market is gone. The mills can hold the papers captive.

    And for those talking of discrimination, anybody over age 40 is in a "protected" class, not that it means much.


  127. Ripple6 is the greatest contribution Chris Saridakis made to Gannett!!

  128. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  129. Following is an edited version of a comment posted by Anonymous@10:17 p.m.:

    If you don't like the way Gannet outright "abuses" there employees QUIT! This is still a free country and not North Korea so if you don't like the way it's run find another J O B. Better yet you can apply for a corporate position and right the wrongs of all the oppressed Gannet employees like yourself. O wait you couldn't get a corporate job because your a freaking idiot! I'm sure you can follow your comrade out the door and no one would miss you. So either do something about it or quit complaining.

  130. at least two gone in montgomery circ ...

  131. 5 in Binghamton... I know the Production Manager got the axe ... but 4 others remain unknown .. Anyone know in what department the other 4 were in ?
    Cant quite understand why they need an Asst. Production Director & a Production Director . Seems like they would just hold one accountable to come to work and stop walking the dog

  132. @10:17 p.m.: Please stop embarrassing yourself, Corporate Lackey. Troll somewhere else. You're probably one of the next ones to go. Eventually you'll be replaced by a younger, cheaper corporate butt-kisser.

    As for Gannett's handling of these layoffs: What goes around eventually comes around. And that means the suits in this company will suffer in the near future.

  133. 15 headcount for Jackson, MS

    1. managing editor
    2. photo editor
    3. weeklies/Saturday night editor
    4. reporter
    5. advertising operations manager
    6. real estate classified sales manager
    7. circulation manager
    8. production manager
    9. finance manager
    10. sports copy editor
    11. weeklies photographer
    12. senior copy editor

    who am I missing?

  134. @2:06: Just because Arizona was bloated, protected and skimming the pot, doesn't mean other sites were full of incompetent people.
    Most workers at other sites worked very hard, even in good times.

  135. We barely have enough ad dollars to cover printing costs in Reno for the Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri editions already, so Dickey's prediction (you know if there's smoke, there's almost certainly a fire) about cutting days is likely true. And we're still one of the most profitable papers in the company...with seven jobs cut last week.


Jim says: "Proceed with caution; this is a free-for-all comment zone. I try to correct or clarify incorrect information. But I can't catch everything. Please keep your posts focused on Gannett and media-related subjects. Note that I occasionally review comments in advance, to reject inappropriate ones. And I ignore hostile posters, and recommend you do, too."

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.