Friday, October 01, 2010

Earnings | Q3 results scheduled for Oct. 15 release

In a statement yesterday, Corporate announced:

Gannett said today that its third-quarter 2010 earnings conference call with financial analysts will be held on Friday, Oct. 15 at 10:00 a.m. ET. The call will be accessible live to the media and general public via Webcast and through a limited number of listen-only, dial-in conference lines.

The company's earnings announcement will be released to news outlets and wire services before the market opens on Oct. 15. Materials related to the call will be available at that time through the Investor Relations section of Gannett's website.


  1. It'll be interesting to see what window dressing Martore and company (Dubow's irrevelevant at this point, isn't he?) come up with this time.

    What might be said? How about: "We have set the company on a strategic path to maximize opportunities in an ever-changing and challenging media environment."

  2. If the rumors are correct and September was a real sour month, there is going to be hell to pay on the stock market when the Q3 report is released. I don't know how they are going to massage the figures, but if the revenues collapsed, I would see the stock falling dramatically. Zachs has been expecting an improvement in this quarter after the first two quarters showed modest advances. If the improvement can't be sustained in Q3, then watch out.


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