Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sponsors | Thank you, to my two newest donors!

I've just received a $25 contribution from a reader in Delaware, and $5 from one in New Jersey.

I'm trying to earn $4,000 quarterly, mostly through sponsorships of $5 per reader, plus limited ad sales. Please use the "Donate" tool in the green rail, upper right. Or mail cash/checks payable to: Jim Hopkins, 584 Castro St. #823, San Francisco, Calif., 94114-2594.


  1. Beggar Jim!

  2. It's a sad commentary on how independent journalists -- including freelancers -- make a living these days.

  3. "It's a sad commentary on how independent journalists -- including freelancers -- make a living these days."

    You could always do something that's more highly valued by consumers of your efforts.

  4. It may come to that for many of us who still want to do traditional reporting and writing, on all the new publishing platforms.


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