Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Former N.J. Gannettoids's advice on job hunting

From a post today on New Jersey Newsroom, a website launched a year ago by former employees of the The Star-Ledger and other N.J. newspapers:

Some 50 former employees of the Daily Record attended a convivial reunion on Saturday at the VFW Post in Denville, N.J. — the Daily Record being a Gannett newspaper in Parsippany, a newspaper whose staff has been drastically shrinking in recent years. One of those former staffers, Warren Boroson, was there, and asked ex-employees for job-hunting advice. Here's what he learned.

1 comment:

  1. Networking is the No. 1 way to land a new job. When there is so much competition out there, it's frequently the only thing that will get you in the door for an interview.
    I left journalism and Gannett involuntarily in 2009 and was out of work for 4 months. I landed a one-year public relations job that I love and that is leading to something else. I've developed expertise in an area that I knew nothing about before and my skills as a journalist were crucial to building my credibility: Curiosity; fast writing and editing; able to analyze data; sense of urgency; ability to multi-task, etc. etc. Good luck to all of those who are still searching -- reinventing yourself can be very exciting and rewarding!


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