Friday, February 12, 2010

Mail | Press operator wishes boss showed interest

In a fresh comment, Anonymous@2:01 p.m. writes: "I work in production and am in the latter stages of my 'career.' Used to be a press operator -- still am, I guess, by definition -- but got fed up with the daily bullshit. By management's own admission, I was considered an excellent worker. But what pains me the most is that they never came to me and asked why I stepped down. It was beneath them, I guess. My actions did piss management off. They sorely miss the numbers I put up, but apparently not enough to ask why I did what I did. The whole culture is top-down management to the extreme at Gannett. I mean, them coming to you and asking, 'What's the problem . . . What can we do to make your life easier?' Never happens. And it's to their own detriment."


  1. This person is not alone. The managers at my site rarely come in before the late afternoon, almost dark sometimes. They then spend the rest of the time in meetings, buried in their offices and don't even say hello to the staff when they are making a rare pass through the building. They have absolutely no interest in what the staff is working on, let alone how people are doing. It is maddening, sad and sets a poor example. But nobody can say anything about it. We are just stuck with the situation.

    And I do not want to hear this bullcrap about they are so busy and work all the time. One manager spends most of his hours surfing the Internet, looking for other jobs online and making personal phone calls outside in his car. Another works hard but knows he is bad at human interaction and so avoids it at all costs. It is just sad really.

  2. My boss asks me what can be done to make things better, but she's just a figurehead. So I can tell her over and over what needs to be done (and it usually doesn't even cost a dime!), but nothing happens. She cares, but the people over her don't care.


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