Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday | Your News & Comments

Can't find the right spot for your comment? Post it here, in this open forum. Real Time Comments: parked here, 24/7. (Earlier editions.)


  1. To the USA person who stated there were extras made after I stated we didn't get single copy route had 4 returns out of 161. If you know why Orlando (regional?) didn't give Brevard S/C carriers extra papers I'd like to hear it...unless it was Brevard's fault!

  2. So, those in the know, are we to expect a memo this week about layoffs or will they be done without official warning?

    I will miss having advance knowledge of these actions once this blog goes away.

  3. OK, I'll be the first to post. 7 working days left at Gannett!

  4. A sad day as it seems inevitable more lay offs and pay cuts will hit now that the sixth period has ended with little signs of recivery for USA Today or broadcast division.

  5. FYI re: Florida Today

  6. The continued visibility points fingers at corporate mismanagement, knowing the continuing trend, these numbers are staggering-

  7. 9:37...just more "hard decisions" that will give readers more reason NOT to buy the paper. I also read somewhere not long ago newsprint prices are down due to less demand. Another false reason to gut a once proud paper.

    I guess cutting cost is easier than building a reader base. It must be hard to give people what they want at a reasonable price today.

  8. 9:37, the link didn't work, but I assume you were directing people to Stover's column.
    The lead was enough for me.

    "Managing cutbacks is part of the job that isn’t fun at all, but it is just as important as the decisions we make when we’re expanding, says Florida Today executive editor Bob Stover."

    Just as important? WTF?!

  9. I'll miss the information here -- as flawed and as unreliable as it is, there is a basic "truthiness" to it.

    And Jim, before he got all nervous, made this a fun if cranky place to be.

    But what I won't miss are the people here. Whether berating the company, calling out co-workers, peeing on everything, or even defending the company, what s miserable world of malcontents, unhappiness and venom.

    The Web reveals many things. It also reveals how people think inside, and it is scary to realize so many people walk around with such anger and hatred.

    So what I will remember about the Gannett Blog is that it revealed how unpleasant and hate-filled so many of my co-workers are. And it probably would read the same if this was the GE Blog or the Yale Blog. Unhappiness is a state of mind and the Gannett Blog reveled in the misery most people keep inside.

    The sun's out and I'll drive with the windows open later. A better place than this. I'll miss Jim's attempts to change the world. He really tried. But i won't miss the majority of malcontents here, who from either side of the company fence, have made the Gannett Blog an unpleasant and hateful experience.

    They make me want to leave the newsroom almost more than what's happening to the company.

  10. I, too, will miss Jim "Gannett Blog" Hopkins.

    I'll miss our "Poopgate" e-mails, the way this blog provided a sort of relief and plenty of anxiety (sometimes at the same time), watching Jim grow as a blogger and becoming comfortable with new media, Jim's sense of humor (or lack thereof depending on the day) and the commnunity, albeit anonymous, of Gannett staffers trying to make sense of the changing world of print and digital journalism.

    Whether I'm still here in a week remains to be seen. Can't say the same for Gannett Blog.

    Good luck to you Jim. And thank you for providing this dysfunctional haven for me.

    The Gannett Blog is nearly dead. Long live Gannett Blog!

    Some dude in NJ.

  11. 10:35, If you work hard at your job, love your job and coworkers and one day are fired, you will feel the way many of us feel. Regardless of the management style and quality of your boss, being fired throws one into a helpless feeling where you have no say in your destiny and can't change what happened, (and let's admit, there's a lot of favoritism out there). This blog has provided the opportunity to vent which is both helpful and healthy as many of us have found. While there have been some posts that have been off the wall, looking at all, you get a common theme which could be useful if a company wanted to. The best exit interview provides insight, the worst managers ignore it.

  12. Just want to say thanks Jim. For years at my NJ paper, we wondered if all of gannett was like our paper. you gave us the answer to that question! I appreciated all of the warning we got on layoffs, memos, and furloughs. And angry as some people have been on here, I think it was better to have words up on a blog, than shots fired in the building. It was a great release for those who had nowhere else to vent.
    I've seen many complaints about gannettoid on here, but something is better than nothing, and I appreciate that you are redirecting us somewhere.

  13. >>>10:35, If you work hard at your job, love your job and coworkers and one day are fired, you will feel the way many of us feel. Regardless of the management style and quality of your boss, being fired throws one into a helpless feeling where you have no say in your destiny and can't change what happened, ...

    Nope. Sorry. I won't feel that way. I'll feel angry, pissed, outraged. But helpless? "no say" in my destiny?? Not a chance.

    That's what I can't stand the most. The woe-is-me mantra here. Life is tough. Workplaces suck. Grow up and make your own life happen.

  14. For something seriously frivilous, the brilliant minds at USA Today are starting a wine club. And for more frivolity, the intranet is now directing USA Today staff to read marketing's Media Lounge -- when did such nonsense start?

  15. just received, at wtsp/tampa
    Dear colleague:
    I wanted to let you know that I have spoken with Craig Dubow and he is doing fine following his back surgery.  I am pleased to report that he left the hospital last Friday and continues his recuperation at home in Virginia.
    Many of you have asked how he is doing and expressed your well wishes. These have been passed along to Craig and he wants you to know how very much he appreciates your concern and kind thoughts.
    While his doctors have told him to take his time getting better, I know he is anxious to get back into the swing of things. We wish him a speedy recovery.
    I will keep you updated as Craig’s recuperation continues.

  16. from Gracia --

    Dear colleague:
    I wanted to let you know that I have spoken with Craig Dubow and he is doing fine following his back surgery.  I am pleased to report that he left the hospital last Friday and continues his recuperation at home in Virginia.
    Many of you have asked how he is doing and expressed your well wishes. These have been passed along to Craig and he wants you to know how very much he appreciates your concern and kind thoughts.
    While his doctors have told him to take his time getting better, I know he is anxious to get back into the swing of things. We wish him a speedy recovery.
    I will keep you updated as Craig’s recuperation continues.

  17. 12:41, sounds as though you're still employed. Two points I might make. First, if you're still at a Gannett paper why are you spending time at this site? Second, if you're let go, and I hope it doesn't happen, you will feel helpless. Being fired is something out of your control and you can't change which is being helpless.

    It may be semantics but it's a combination of unpleasant emotions to go through and worse given the economy and job market.

  18. From

    06.29.09 -- 12:20PM // RECOMMEND (4)

    TPM Hiring 7 New Editorial Staffers
    As I mentioned on Friday, TPM is doubling the size of its editorial staff.

    Today we are announcing seven new job openings -- three in Washington, DC and four at our main office in New York City. Four of the seven are reporting jobs; the rest are a mix of writing, editing and production positions.

    For job descriptions and instructions for applying see our job announcements page here.

    --Josh Marshall

  19. I simply cannot tell you how much better I feel knowing that
    Craig "Even-if-I'm-shit-canned-with-the-rest-of-you-untouchables-I've-got-more-money-coming-to-me-than-three-generations-of-your-family-has-ever-seen" Dubow is feeling better.


  20. To: 12:23 PM...... You have had exit interviews? At the CN/HNT in NJ they were never given to us at layoffs or buyouts. They were honest since they never gave a damn about us or our opinions. This dude, C.S., who had literally hundreds of opinions is still employed at the HNT. When the big release day comes for him, he will probably be very surprised that Skippy has heard enough already. So has everyone else!

  21. Harriet von Beaverbottom6/29/2009 2:14 PM

    Thank you, Gracia! Most of us don't really care to hear about Craig's condition! In fact, as frightening as it all seems, we thought that you might be an improvement. Does this not speak for the intellect of Gannett employees?


  22. nice to see corporate took the time to tell us dubow is recovering. now why can't they take the time to tell me whether i'll still have a job in a week?

  23. Hortense von Beaverbottom6/29/2009 2:17 PM

    Please not that Harriet is my sister-in-law who has worked in the armpit of Gannett for years, and I agree with her totally.


  24. Meanwhile, while I continue filling in for Craig, whose limited knowledge about journalism and running newsrooms is far broader than mine, I will continue to oversee the clueless management of this company. Can't wait to release the cost-cutting and layoff memos. It's what accountants like me live for.

  25. USA Today's marketing media lounge is not new and has been operatintg for more than two years.

  26. Why are layoffs preferred over furloughs. I read on here that they think furloughs will be to disruptive during the Summer and Fall due to Employee vacations. How are layoffs less disruptive? Don't layoffs cause more work on the few employees left behind who aren't on Vacation. Unless they are planning on laying off the employees with the most vacation time. Maybe, its not a layoff but a 10 percent pay decrease. That would keep most of the screwed employees that are left
    to put out the paper.

  27. Thank God dubow is going to be OK. I should be able to sleep a little better tonight. I wonder if I get to go back to work now.

  28. 3:31,
    Because in the eyes of a short-sighted company like Gannett, you are a liability, not an asset. Instead of saving a week's salary on you, they're deciding they can save YOUR ENTIRE SALARY. The savings then lower their operating costs, which raises their operating profits (or keeps it from shrinking as fast), which allows the company to tell Wall Street that they're doing great and that the stock is worth buying again. In other words, the same game all over again

  29. Hi, Jim,
    Thanks for the great support and helpful info you've provided to so many of us with this blog! Really going to miss it! Wishing you many happy trails ahead...

    Now, onto issues...
    Can anyone tell us how we can find out now what our COBRA costs will be so that we can plan ahead for the financial hit? What was your experience, Jim?

  30. The Hewitt people (your benefits resources) can tell you your COBRA costs, as you will pay Hewitt every month. And they can break it down as to what it costs for health, dental and vision, if you had all those.
    I forget what the timeframe for the Obama stimulus is, but it is possible you will qualify for a 65 percent break on the COBRA payments for nine months. I missed the start date of Sept. 1 because I was let go in August, and you had to have lost your job no more far back than September. I just forget what the cutoff month is. Every bit helps. Good luck.

  31. At USA Today, my medical plan covered only me; Sparky has his own. Under USAT's plan, I paid $150 a month. My COBRA plan: about $400 a month.

  32. I've been away on "leave," so please fill me in. What's all this talk about the site going away?

  33. Jim,

    Do you still think corporate is going ahead with layoffs?

    Any word from any of your sources

    Everyone at my site is still pretending the paper is making money and all is fine. I guess they do that to keep people working until they lay them off.

  34. Great, we have a status report on Dubow... Now, how about one on Gannett!

  35. No word on furloughs, so it seems there won't be any for the third quarter, which started today.

    That either means:

    - no action at all

    - layoffs

    - salary cuts

    We haven't heard any more confirmed rumors for weeks about the July 8 date and yet we are all in a tizzy.

    Jim: Is this all from one post? Has that layoff rumor been substantiated independently from a second source?

    I can't help but wonder if everyone is in a fog now and will just wake up on July 10 and find that nothing happened.

  36. 6:41 -- The layoff rumor has been confirmed to me as a fact by a top-level newsroom director. It's unfortunate that Gannett has chosen to not send out a memo to make the announcement itself. Then again, the company did that last fall, about 5 weeks in advance of the December layoffs, and people spent 5 weeks in an utter state of panic. So maybe it's better this way?? Regardless, the layoffs are definitely going to happen, so do what you need to prepare yourself.
    Respectfully, your colleague (somewhere in Gannettland), who is also preparing....

  37. Believe me I'm not one to defend Gannett Corp. and its policies/actions, but everyone gets pissed for no announcement as well as announcements in advance. Either way, its unpleasant for all involved at any level. Best of luck to all, either way.

  38. God. KPNX in Phoenix hit a new low at 5. They had all three expensive anchors, blonde, brunette and dude with the porn star mustache, reading the news. If that wasn't bad enough, they interviewed children in a pool about the state legislature and Arizona's budget impasse. Oddly enough, the kids had nothing to say. But then neither did the anchors. Is this what the Information Centers are coming to?

  39. St cloud times moves printing to Maple Grove Mn. Paper got smaller like the USA today. Printing is better inserts still being done in St Cloud. Nothing like double handling the product. Get r done big Bill A.

  40. 5 weeks advance notice was ridiculous ... but so is not saying anything until the day of. No way to run a company.

  41. Anyone know about how many top editors have been called to corporate tomorrow? and why?

  42. Top editors got called to DC for secret budget meetings, apparently forecast is worse than believed. Possibly another 2-3% cuts needed..

  43. EE met with a department editor at our paper to tell him he would lose one person in July 8 cuts. Layoffs are confirmed at our Florida paper.

  44. Isn't this just like this shit company, layoffs and wage cuts, but Dumbo can take off as long as he likes (can the rest of us do that on sick leave, I think not!) and have his job just waiting for him, don't they know NOBODY CARES ABOUT HIM! (except the ones with their heads up his ass). How many other people would get a bonus when the job they have done is way below par, a company is losing money, etc. This place is a joke.

  45. I found it extremely insulting to receive the Craig Dubow e-mail today. Like anyone cared, for god's sake! My heart dropped when I saw it cause I thought it was about the layoffs. This company is so self absorbed it is disgusting. They can't see beyond the end of their nose. So much for my kids — I can barely feed them now as a single parent with a 4% pay cut plus the increased taxes my state is imposing. What the hell is a single parent supposed to do!

    Isn't this just like this shit company, layoffs and wage cuts, but Dumbo can take off as long as he likes (can the rest of us do that on sick leave, I think not!) and have his job just waiting for him, don't they know NOBODY CARES ABOUT HIM! (except the ones with their heads up his ass). How many other people would get a bonus when the job they have done is way below par, a company is losing money, etc. This place is a joke.

  46. Maybe they'll lay off Dubow while he is on disability like they did so many others in December.

  47. Thanks, Jim. I will miss you and your efforts here. Even though it all went to hell in a handbasket, having the opportunity to share viewpoints was liberating. Thanks for making it happen. Best of luck in whatever happens next.

  48. If things are so bad,Then why wait till next week and just pull the trigger now. And if it is true about getting the publishers together in DC, Then I think Gannett just violated there own policy requarding the furloughs because our publisher is on Furlough

  49. New York Times Co., of which I am no fan for a variety of reasons, gave editorial folks 45 days notice -- not that there would be layoffs, but who would be laid off. Yes, 45 days notice if you were going out the door. And employees were allowed time to interview for other jobs. Advertising folks had to leave immediately but got paid the 45 days, if I remember correctly.

  50. Furloughs ended Sunday. If your publisher is still off, it's vacation tacked onto last week's furlough.

  51. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  52. 6:41 pm: You ask if the layoff rumors are based on a single tip.

    Answer: No.

    On June 4, a source known to me (I have their name and compay affiliation) sent me an e-mail. As best I can recall, the source has been 100% accurate in the past on multiple tips. The source told me that another round of layoffs "will happen on July 8." That is the day people will be notified, they said. Middle-management will be included this time, they said. And no more new furloughs are are being scheduled for the third quarter. "

  53. 1:52 am signals the return of management's goon squads.

    I had 20 years of good to very good performance evaluations. I got a raise of 3% or more every year -- usually 4% -- except one year at USA Today, I believe 2002, when all wage changes were deferred six months in order to avoid layoffs. USAT asked me to become technology news editor around 2003, but I declined because I am a better reporter than I am a manager.

    I have said this before and I'll repeat it here. I will not post my evaluations because that would likely embarrass the supervising editors who wrote them. I'm confident that Corporate has read them since I started this blog. They would have leaked their contents if they showed anything negative.

    Now, why don't you get back on your broom, Gracia-Tara -- or whoever you are -- and get lost, before someone else drops a house on you?!

  54. Thank you Jim.

    This should put an end to the corporate-idiot snipes. Well, maybe not, they have lots of time on thier hands...

  55. Thanks, Jim.

    This blog has been, for me, a virtual support group. There are some crazies (just like in every support group). But, the fact remains that most who gather here are connected by the fellowship of our co-workers, friends and family of Gannett. We are simply struggling to make some sense of it all.

    Some are in denial, some are feeling sorry for ourselves, and some are angry. Some are trying to negotiate a better outcome and some are happy to have moved on - it's all part of the 5 stages, right?

    I was pink slipped last August. Never having been let go from any other job in my entire life - it was the worst feeling I could imagine. I tried to prepare myself, I watched this blog - emailed my friends to make sure they were safe and OK. I thought I was emotionally prepared. But when I went to my regular "one on one" and viewed HR sitting at the table with my boss, I felt like I had been hit by a truck. As hard as I tried to tell myself it was just business, it still felt very personal.

    I came (and still do come) to this blog frequently - I felt so outside the loop and wanted back inside so bad, this blog felt like the only way back in. I posted a few times. Either spouting off about stuff - or trying to support another colleague - or trying to offer info of any kind. Sometimes I posted a supportive note, sometimes I posted stuff about things and people that I probably shouldn't have. But in the end - it has helped me to come full circle about what has happened to me.

    Last night I went to my local watering hole and sat next to a handsome young guy who ordered a long island ice tea. His face was long as he casually mentioned to the bartender that it had been a long day; he had lost his job today. Truly, for the first time, in a long time, I did not tear up at the thought of losing my own job almost a year ago.

    Jim - I know this has not been easy for you. Some have not played very nice. But for many, through good posts and bad, you have helped us come to terms with our uncertain future. Thanks for everything. Good luck - and write us from Ibiza when you get work! All my best.

  56. I love the way your comment ended. Except: Now, Im fighting tears! Oy!


Jim says: "Proceed with caution; this is a free-for-all comment zone. I try to correct or clarify incorrect information. But I can't catch everything. Please keep your posts focused on Gannett and media-related subjects. Note that I occasionally review comments in advance, to reject inappropriate ones. And I ignore hostile posters, and recommend you do, too."

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.