Tuesday, May 05, 2009

What I'm doing right now

11:33 a.m., San Francisco time: Riding one of the city's restored streetcars, while running late for a business meeting.


  1. Hortense von Beaverbottom5/05/2009 5:46 PM

    This photo is the most relaxed I have ever seen you. It makes me smile to see that you look so fully recovered from last week's meeting and the vulgarty and hatefulness on this blog.


  2. Thanks! All I needed was a couple nights' sleep.

  3. When I was there in September of '94 I walked all around San Fran with a Walkman radio. I remember all the jazz or public stations were near each other on the left end of the dial playing great music, some fading into the other as I traveled the hills and parks. It was John Coltrane's birthday, so one station played his material all day. Maybe some stations on the left were from neighboring Oakland. What a great metropolis and broadcast media! I wonder how many of those great stations are still there? D.C. lost jazz stations WDCU to C-SPAN radio, WHUR doesn't play all night avante garde jazz, but we did get generic smooth jazz up the dial somewhere. In my zeal for walking in that great Bay weather I missed out on riding the trolleys.

  4. "I remember all the jazz or public stations were near each other on the left end of the dial playing great music"

    It's that way almost everywhere, Dumbir. I think the FCC requires it.

    Also, Jim looks like one of those guys you fear when you're on public transportation. You just never know when he'll snap.

  5. What kind of meeting?


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