Thursday, May 07, 2009

M&A | Exploring new opportunities with partners?

"'The plan is, I'm going to take over Gannett just to fire Dubow's ass, 'I'm competition.' -- Craig Moon (aka DAD) haha sound paranoid much?"

-- A Twitter user referring to the executive who retired last month after 23 years in Gannett, the last six as USA Today publisher. At the time, Moon was quoted saying: "While the challenging media environment has been difficult for this industry and its people, it also has created new opportunities which I plan to explore with partners."


  1. Jim,
    You need to focus on this USA Today story. There is a reason why Moon left Gannett and you have not done a good job finding out.

    You need to speak with a few people there.

    Apparently, there was some serious fighting between Dubow and Moon and Moon did not want to fire as many people as Martore and Dubow wanted. Some huge blow up occurred and Moon basically gave Dubow a two week notice. Highly unusual for a multi-decade employee.

    There is something looming at USA Today and everyone is hush about it.

    We think Hunke is a good guy, but he might be walking into a bear trap set by corporate!

  2. Not just Moon....what about Stier,Henry,Ivey??? Even, SCJ and GLW....left abrutply....hmmmm.....

  3. It looks like she decided to take the comment down and claim it was "a joke."


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