Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Amid reports of meetings at Corporate, what's up?

Over the past 24 hours, we've had scattered, unconfirmed comments about human resource and other executives attending a pow-wow today and yesterday at Gannett headquarters in McLean, Va. "That makes two from the South Group at Corporate,'' said Anonymous@11:13 a.m. today, after perusing some of the comments.

To be sure, meetings happen at Corporate all the time, so this might not be anything unusual.

Still, what do you hear? Post replies in comments section, below. To e-mail confidentially, write gannettblog[at]gmail[dot-com]; see Tipsters Anonymous Policy in the green rail, upper right.

[Photo: the Gannett Tower]


  1. I heard there is a big meeting with Digital & Yahoo at corporate HQ today!!!

  2. 12:18 PM-- Did you mean - "big meeting with the Digital Yahoos"?


  3. That be Yay-hoos.

  4. I hate digital vs. print arguments or the bashing of either, although some of it is deserved. They should be separate components with limited overlap where it makes sense. USA Today crammed the two together in such a haphazard manner that it's amazing we all didn't attack each other as we "merged." Still, things aren't functioning all that well, but we're not really allowed to broadcast that. The company line is that it's all flowing perfectly now.

    If there is a big digital meeting at HQ today, I hope it's not to try to mix things that should not be mixed any further. We don't need anymore digital promises or trendy web graphics that lack substance or crappy headlines that say nothing. We need the return of good journalism presented in a professional manner on all platforms.

    If the meeting consists of HR types, well, then I wouldn't worry about it. Those people do nothing. Over the years I've brought two rather significant problems to their attention, and have watched them wiggle out of both. They love to pretend they have a function, but most of us know they are just an extension of the legal department. Talk about yahoos.

  5. I wish our digital yahoos would act like this is a place of business and not a big play ground. This morning the whole group is being disruptive running around taking pictures of fake rats. They act like a bunch of 9 year olds on a sugar rush. Maybe they should direct that energy to selling.


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