Friday, April 03, 2009

Win a mood ring: Be the first to ID this publisher!

Screw those Gannett President's Rings! Gannett Blog is awarding* a mood ring to the first person who can identify this particular publisher -- based on the following clue from a tipster who says they were there.

The individual is still employed as a publisher at a GCI paper.

Clue No. 1: The individual didn't allow operating committee members to meet in the publisher's conference room, my tipster says: "The ONLY conference room in the building. Why? Because we did not push our chairs in after a meeting. I'm surprised [the publisher] didn't make us stand in the corner!"

Sorry; no comments -- e-mail replies only! Please write to gannettblog[at]gmail[dot-com]; see Tipsters Anonymous Policy in the green rail, upper right.

* assuming, of course, I get around to actually buying one.