Thursday, April 09, 2009

Thursday | April 9 | Your News & Comments

Can't find the right spot for your comment? Post it here, in this open forum. Real Time Comments: parked here, 24/7. (Earlier editions.)


  1. Thursday is usually the worst day of the week for me. I want this to be over.

  2. They're all bad when your director is a beast and NO ONE CARES.

  3. Personally still love my job, feel secure after 30 plus years at a wide range of locations and the paper still gets out, the slideshows created and the online stories updated. Sad to see friends go but you move ahead. 10, 20, 30 or 40% down in staff whatever the number is adjustments will be made and the sun will shine. Call me a Kool-Aid drinker (and I was at Jonestown in 78) but it is all what you make of the day. Most of this blog is filled with bile, hate and anger. Get over it and move on with your life. A big plus to those who add real information such as Cobra benefits, specific layoff news or insight into newsroom mindsets. By the way, verification word is Chickeyin.

  4. 2:07 I like the way you think. Life is in deed a journey and every day is another new day. There is more BS on here than reality so it is nice when news is available that doesn't take a shaman to interpret. I just with Jim would focus on what makes a difference rather than grinding his own axe on his own pet peaves.

  5. Gannett was one of the worst performing stocks for March--when the market started a rebound. It appears the investors aren't considering Gannett at all.

  6. Let me offer a slightly different view of the Gannett situation:

    I worked for GCI for 10 years as an editor after my community newspaper was acquired by the company. I left several years ago because I was burned out and happened upon a good opportunity outside the field of journalism.

    I have kept in touch with several former colleagues at the paper, and so I know what life is like inside the company. However, more importantly, I have been a subscriber who has depended upon the newspaper as a member of the community.

    Gannett has, especially in the past five years, destroyed what was once a fine community newspaper even while it continues to be highly profitable. The company has sucked as much money as it can from the advertisers and the audience, but has ruined a newspaper that for decades ably served our city and region.

    My neighbors are bewildered because they don't understand what is happening. I do know, and it leaves me angry and disgusted.

    I mourn the demise of our newspaper, and of the profession that I once so dearly loved.

  7. Posted today on
    The Reno Gazette-Journal seeks an Advertising Director to develop strategies and tactics which ensure advertising revenue and market share growth in the core newspaper, other print products digital products and other new sales and marketing avenues. The Advertising Director is expected to play an integral role in developing strategies to grow audiences which our customers and potential customers wish to reach. The Advertising Director serves on the newspaper’s Operating Committee and reports to the publisher.


  8. Is anybody else finding that things sometimes run more smoothly when top management has a furlough week?
    Here in St. Cloud, our clueless managing editor was on furlough last week. Nobody even noticed she was gone, and the mood in the room was significantly brighter.
    If they are looking for a layoff that would have only a positive impact, she'd be a great candidate.

  9. Unhappiness expressed by readers in Wisconsin over a paper's decision to not print all the MLB boxes but just throw in a refer to the USA Today website.

    Tell people to go elsewhere to find the information they want and they will...and they usually don't come back.

  10. Report on Video in MediaDailyNews this morning by Mark Walsh:
    Newspapers across the country may be scaling back to survive, but online video appears to be one area where they are expanding aggressively. An analysis of 187 U.S. newspaper Web sites by Web video provider Brightcove shows a surge in their video-related activity last year.
    The number of videos uploaded by each newspaper to the Brightcove platform, for example, grew from an average of 186 per month to 638 in 2008. The overall total of uploads increased 1,500%.
    On the consumer side, video streams are growing 35% per quarter, nearly tripling to 42.7 million during the fourth quarter of 2008 compared to the year-earlier period. Total video player "loads," or page views containing video, increased 700% -- suggesting that newspaper sites are putting video on more pages.

    While Brightcove does not provide ad revenue figures, the company says nearly all of its newspaper partners are monetizing video content with advertising. The main ad format is the 30-second pre-roll video with 300 x 250 companion banner.

  11. And then there's this ... [same source]:
    Seeking to recoup some of the automotive ad dollars that have disappeared in recent years, USA Today's Web site is launching a new online automotive community called Open Road. According to moderator Chris Woodyard, the community aims to become a mainstream, consumer-oriented destination catering to auto enthusiasts as well as less obsessed people who are shopping for cars or looking for information about a car they already own.
    Open Road is just the latest in a series of online communities created by USA Today -- joining Hotel Check-In, which targets business travelers; Game Hunters, for video gamers; The Oval, which follows Obama's presidency; and Faith & Reason, covering religion and ethics. Like these other niche enthusiast communities, Open Road will encourage discussion and debate about important automotive news, allowing readers to communicate directly with each other and USA Today's editorial staff.

  12. I totally agree with the poster from yesterday, 3:31 (I think), regarding people who can't write. For the record, I'm not a writer, I'm an IT person and I don't even work in the industry anymore. It was so fitting to see all the morons who got "their panties in a bunch" for being called out as the ignorant people they are. I especially enjoyed reading all the f-words and bitterness. Maybe that's why YOU are looking for a job. One of the reasons this country continues to sink into mediocrity is that we don't require our high school graduates to know how to read and write our own language. This new junk-speak you use becomes more obvious now that people are allowed to write on blogs and forums. And I'm not talking about simply typos. For chrisakes, why haven't you learned the difference between suppose and supposed? That's not a typo--that's just uneducated. In my opinion, the worst offenders are those who write on the local TV station blogs. Guess I should have figured they don't even read the paper half the time (even online). Now go ahead and cuss me out, too. (Word verification: mediocre)

  13. "The Reno Gazette-Journal seeks an Advertising Director to develop strategies and tactics which ensure advertising revenue and market share growth in the core newspaper, other print products digital products and other new sales and marketing avenues."

    Here's is a hint: make a quality journalistic product that people need and want to read. Without content, you are simply marketing an advertising flyer.

  14. 9:24 Hey dickshit, I have a job. I make more money then I did in the past at my new job. I have a double major in a highly a credit university. So fuck you. You don't like the way I or the other average Joe's on this site type then suck it. Lets be honest, it's not like I call you stupid because you don't understand tax laws. That would be like you going in to see your tax accountant with a few questions and they call you stupid for not understanding why you do or do not get a deduction. Or better yet, if you walk in the pressroom trying to understand the printing process and someone calls you stupid because you can't fix a machine. Nobody freaking cares about your ability to type. Calling them uneducated is hillarious. I can't spell for shit, never could, never will. But I sure do understand Tax Law and accounting. Maybe that is why I was able to find a new job, I treat my fellow average Joe's with respec, and not like shit I like you bastards. SO once again, fuck off.

  15. Did 9:24 just call our customers stupid? Wow, no wonder our product is sinking.

  16. Whew - it's vile this Thursday. I have just one question:

    "Can't we all just get along?"

  17. Makes sense 2:07 if you are a Jonestown survivor, as you state, that you would fit right in the Gannett mold - just follow along without a whimper no matter..

  18. No, we are all to stupid to get along.

  19. Gee 9:45, I think it's time to take some meds...
    I don't think it's too much to ask that people who graduate from high school have at least a third-grade education.
    I agree: this is one of the reasons our country is doing so poorly.
    The only way you can get your point across is with swear words. I bet you kick your dog and beat your kids, too, eh, "Joe?"

  20. 2:07 -- Good for you. You keep feeling secure. Those folks always have the biggest surprises on their face when they're led out the door. But it won't happen to you. No way. You're much too valuable. Keep telling yourself that. And then, when they lay you off, report back here after you recover from your nervous breakdown.

  21. Good to see people are finally calling out the large population of morons here who cannot write.

    Of course, this needed to happen months ago, but better late than never.

  22. Hey 9:45: I mu'st agree with the po'st of 9:24. Many average Joe's are mo'st 'stupid. FYI, any time I talk about tax law's with 'someone who i's not well ver'sed in the Engli'sh language, I am 'scared. With good rea'son.

    And to 'save you the effort of poking at the keyboard with two finger's: here's a "fuck off" to me! 'S'u'c'k i't'!

    But 9:24: For Christ's sake, chrisakes is not a word.

  23. Wow, it happened again! What are the odds? I was having breakfast at Denny's this morning (Grand Slam=yum!)... in walks Craig! This time he was alone, which was strange. I asked Craig if he'd like to join me. He accepted. Actually a pretty nice guy... we talked about baseball--he loves the Red Sox, we discussed the weather, music (surprised me that he's a Dixie Chics fan).
    We were nearing our breakfast, when Craig excused himself to pay a visit to the restroom. Well wouldn't you know it! Craig actually snuck out! Left me with the bill. That really disappointed me :(

  24. My My , what venom.
    I had over 30 with Gannett and am now on a "good bye" package....and I love it. It's about time the business got streamlined. Too bad they are doing it in all the wrong areas. They should concentrate on management.... starting in Washington with Dubious Dubow and Marginal Martore.

  25. Hey dickshit, I have a job. I make more money then I did in the past at my new job. I have a double major in a highly a credit university.

    Pity one of those majors wasn't English. It's accredited, though I suppose someone like you who graduated magnet come laundry knew that.

    Post of the year, right there.

  26. It is 2009 but yet The Journal News in Westchester still deceives advertisers by listing the circulation that the ABC listed in April 2007

    Daily total circulation 122,419
    Sunday total circulation 136,554

    ABC listed the 2008 daily circulation at 99,000. The real number is more like 65,000 after the single copy price hike to 75 cents and the latest redesign.

  27. 9:24: Before you call folks out on their grammar, please check your own grammar and punctuation. You should never begin a sentence with a conjunction for chrisakes!

  28. Todd 9:40, Gannett stock is on its way back up. Just broke threw 3.00 it hit it's low around 1.85 last month. You should try to stay more current.

  29. For chrisakes, why haven't you learned the difference between suppose and supposed?

    You must be an editor.

  30. MANY Gannett papers deceive advertisers with misleading circ numbers. In fact, I'd say they ALL do.

    So do most other newspaper companies. This will only get more confusing as they attempt to tell advertisers that page views and "hits" online are part of circ numbers.

  31. I think the guy using "chrisakes" meant "chrissakes," which is commonly used by people when they don't like to use *Christ.*
    Sort of the way people say goddam, instead of God Damn It!
    But I went back and read the OP from yesterday and he was saying that he APPRECIATED the way people on this blog write. Why are you all so paranoid? And tax guy, we don't learn tax law in elementary school, but we are SUPPOSED to learn the difference between it's and its. You don't need to be a *GOD DAMN* editor to figure that one out smart guy.

  32. 11:05 I agree.

  33. Gannett Ring winners announced this afternoon for the News folks. That should give the bashers some new fodder.

  34. Todd at 7:40 a.m. appears to be a graduate of the Jim Hopkins School of Business Reporting. He notes Gannett's March stock performance and concludes, "It appears the investors aren't considering Gannett at all."

    Of course, reaching that conclusion requires ignoring everything that's happened since March. Gannett stock was up 16.6 percent for the month through yesterday, compared to the S&P increase of 3.4 percent.

  35. The comment about TV bloggers was spot-on. I Googled "Casey Anthony" to see what the latest story might hold (lots of "average Joes" seem to follow that story), and here's a post I found on WFTV site:
    "Show Anyway dove commented 3 minutes ago jw... your right on!! Cindy grabbed Casey by the trough and threw her up against the wall over money. But she didn't ask Casey any questions about Caylee's where abouts, because she was scared that she would be asked about it later. If one of my kids would not of given me the answers that I wanted... lets just say their is not enough people in this world to keep me off of them!!! I'm very fortunate that my kids know how precious life is! Three of my five kids have battled and continue to battle with diseases. "
    If you don't believe me, here's the link:
    So, in that one post, we have your/you're, trough/throat, where abouts/whereabouts, would not of/would not have, lets/let's and their/there. You would need a fourth-grade education, not a degree in tax law, to have gotten at least a few of those right!

  36. Oooh, I can't wait to hear who won Gannett rings. I'm so excited. I hope it is my publisher so we can hear him brag how wonderful he is and how much he appreciates the little people who helped him get this and the to those who were laid off who helped keep his numbers in check so he can get that wonderful ring! Joy!

  37. OK, you all have made fun of me in the past and laughed at my predictions until they came true. Here is another one: Detroit giant David Hunke will take over for Craig Moon. Then you see massive layoffs of 4000-5000 next quarter.

  38. 11:58 I also am hearing Hunke as the new Craig Moon, but the appointment being held up so the Detroit transition can be made. God help USA Today when Hunke turns his cost-saving measures on the bloated flagship.

  39. My prediction: corporate will ax the Monday edition of USA Today. Few execs travel on weekends, and hotel room occupancy lowest on weekends and Mondays.

  40. 10:32 and 11:03 a.m.
    Hey, the ABC in Audit Bureau of Circulation actually stands for Always Be Cheating ...

  41. 10:31. very funny.

  42. Gannett stock up over $3. What's up??

  43. Anonymous said...
    Re: Poughkeepsie. As a former PoJo-ite, please tell me what's happening with the incredibly fabulous photo/graphics department there.

    4/09/2009 10:21 AM

    The fabulous photo people are safe for now. But the fabulous graphics department will suffer, some will be asked to work out of Westchester and other will not. It is a shame, the Poughkeepsie graphics department is the best in the northeast group in print and online. Why should Westchester staffers get preferential treatment over the PoJo staff. Corporate should take off the blinders and take a good hard look at what the Poughkeepsie graphics department has done over the past year compared to Westchester and then decide who should stay and who should go.

  44. I wish I had the time to do a better job on my projects.

  45. To detroit:

    All –


    Gannett recently implemented changes to their severance pay practices for workforce reductions. This change will also affect non-union employees of The Detroit News, Detroit Media Partnership, and the Detroit Free Press. Effective immediately, the Severance Pay policy on pages 49 & 50 of the employee handbook is no longer applicable to any employee.

    If there are future workforce reductions affecting non-union employees, the severance to be provided to such employees, if any, will be determined by the company based on the economic health and financial condition of the company at the time of the workforce reduction.

    This policy does not apply to employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement.

    Vice President, Human Resources

    Dear Gannett, you are welcome for 40 years of service.

  46. Nice. Now they're cutting the severance of the people that remain as they reduce the workforce even more. I expect this won't be isolated to one shop either.

    A textbook shutdown move.

  47. If accurate, reduction in severance packages expected, and warned. During the buyouts, corporate said the offer might not be repeated and indicated future severance benefits could be cut.

  48. Sounds like GCI doesn't have enough money to pay severances anymore. This is going to be one hell of a quarterly report this month, methinks.

  49. 12:12, stocks are up allover.

  50. Now possible cut in severance packages. God we work for a
    PISS POOR Company

  51. 9:56...I did not say I was a survivor...was in Jonestown as photographer. What were u doing then?

  52. Asheville C-T comptroller is heading to Reno. Yipes.

  53. Hey 8:33 AM - where are you from? Which paper are you talking about? Do tell!

  54. 8:35am
    It use to be that when advertising revenue fell at papers the advertising director and advertising manager were replaced.
    Should be done company wide. Newspapers need new ideas to generate growth.

  55. The Ariz Republic is having a staff meeting this afternoon. No details on the subject matter.

  56. To all you Todd Bashers---WOW--GCI is at 3.75/share!!! Now use your skills and go to Reuters and look up the absolute WORST performers in March, 2009---Guess what---one of them is Gannett!!! But you're right 3.75 is awesome---Go out and celebrate---GCI is on the way back to 88.00/share. You idiots are so stupid--it's a wonder Gannett is still in business.

  57. The Best of Gannett Gold Medal and President's Ring winners have been announced. No surprises -- nor should there be, with this ridiculous list of judges: Craig Dubow, Bob Dickey, Kate Marymont, Ann Clark and Anne Saul.

    My only question: Why wasn't Tara Connell a judge? What mischief can the conspiracy theorists make of that?

  58. Good luck Reno, you've got the last OC member jumping out of Asheville. She won't be replaced...nor will she be missed.

  59. Todd
    3.75 a share or not the ad revenue is still tanking. GCI is done.

  60. Is it possible the Republic is a gold medal paper or someone has won editor of the year? Those winners still are not posted on the website, which makes me wonder if it is because of the time difference in the west and east...It would utterly amazing if the Republic won, given its total slide into mediocrity in the past year, but stranger things have happened...

  61. I do enjoy this website because it is mostly written and read by newspaper folks who still respect the written word. Keep it up Jim.
    As a former Gannett reporter for 10 years, it is sad to see my friends and former co-workers getting the shaft. When I left last year I knew it was getting bad, but I had no idea it would come to all this. When I was finally able to roll over my 401K and retirement (it took 6 months for the moratorium to expire)the stock went from about $30 a share down to $8. I'm still waiting to receive my retirement check that I cashed in as I didn't have much confidence in the longevity of an annuity.
    My heart goes out to all of you!

  62. Todd, you do make yourself a pretty easy target when you write "it appears the investors aren't considering Gannett at all" on the same day that a major investment firm announces that it has doubled its holdings in Gannett. It does make you look, what's the technical term ... Oh yeah.

    Pretty fucking stupid

  63. Dear 3:19 PM,

    You wrote:

    "It use to be that when advertising revenue fell at papers the advertising director and advertising manager were replaced.
    Should be done company wide. Newspapers need new ideas to generate growth."

    4/09/2009 3:19 PM

    My question:

    Who would you replace all these people with?

  64. Something going on at USAT when two of the long-time insiders Jill Lawrence and Mark Memmott leave for greener pastures. I fear that the ax is going to next week, especially with yes man Hillkirk overseeing the operation.

  65. Guys, they are passive investor that see us as way under value. That value comes from the cuts that we made and are making, our plan, and the apparent strength in the economy. We will not be broken up. Further, if Gannett was broken up it would be the death of many of the GCI papers. I have been reporting here for a while now that we have strength. This is one sign, and next week's earnings will be another. As I have said before, hang in there guys! We have all been working hard to make it through these tough times. When positive news like today happens you can all take ownership in it. Gannett continues to change and succeed only with your continued support. Each of you should be proud of the work you are doing. I know that I am proud of each of you. Keep up the good work.

  66. Big meeting in Detroit Monday morning. No details as to what's going on. Anyone know?

  67. So, what happened at the Republic meeting???

  68. Every other week someone wants to delay there head being on the chopping block by suggesting that training is the problem. "The sales people need more training", "the admins need more training". The have created every kind of BS training to waste your time and none of it is worth the paper it was printed on. How about this Republic, how about a little ROI training. They will try to "train" you on how to explain to a 25 year furniture store owner that the Republic is more of an expert in that industry than the owner of the company himself. The Republic has always been so arrogant! The only training they have never provided..... how to ensure that the customers ad actually worked. Why? Because they don't care. All they have ever cared about is scheduleing the ad and sending the bill. If you don't believe it, ask some of the homebuilders, furniture stores and car dealers in the valley. Many who have gone out of business owing money to the Republic.

  69. Any news from the Republic meeting?

  70. FROM NJ POSTS about Blue-Collar Lay-Off & Carrier Terminations

    Anonymous said...
    yeah, 5:39, maybe they'll bring "it" back to neptune and publish the paper on a copy machine or one of those presses in Ernie's old print shop ... did i just type that building-related reference?

    the interesting thing -- if this report of 25-30 folks getting pink slips -- is, where is the outrage? just because they weren't news staffers, these folks contributed in their own special way to the daily publication of the newspapers. too often, all these support departments are just ignored, as if they aren't connected to the enterprise ... what a shame ... for their loss and for their continued disrespect ...

    4/09/2009 6:02 PM
    Anonymous said...

    I was whacked in APP-Home Delivery Circulation last Thurday---along with 100+ Home Delivery Carriers. No one thinks of all the below minimum wage carriers who are gettinjg their pay cut -yet again.

    These people, like sweat-shop workers, come in a 3am to get the papers out. From Gannett, they made $0.13 Monday-Saturday; $0.23 on Sunday. They pay for plastics bags $0.01. The use their own cars, pay their own gas, pay car maintainence (and let me tell you delivering papers KILLS CARS).

    These thousands are unseen, not thought about by the rest of GANNETT. They are little migrant workers that no -REALLY- give ashit about.

    Well, If you're up early one morning I hope some you you white-collar types at least say hello to a carrier in your own would be nice.

    4/09/2009 7:59 PM

  71. Talk about arrogance at The Arizona Republic and their not caring about advertisers, a couple years ago they did a promotion with a local furniture store where everybody who spends a certain amount gets a subscription to the newspaper. A pile of free advertisements were given for the promotion, visibility online, internal bragging... People were turning down the subscriptions at the stores, very few subscriptions were generated (far less than the low end expected) yet someone in the Marketing department submitted the promotion for Gannett's Best and other recognition.

  72. Oooh, I can't wait to hear who won Gannett rings. I'm so excited. I hope it is my publisher so we can hear him brag how wonderful he is and how much he appreciates the little people who helped him get this and the to those who were laid off who helped keep his numbers in check so he can get that wonderful ring! Joy!

    4/09/2009 11:42 AM

    ROFL - you made my day with your insight and you are right on target!

    another worker bee (one of the many that contributes so that they get a ring). LOL!

  73. Well, la di dah. A president's ring for Randy Lovely at the Republic, who basically is given all the credit for the hard work of the staff. The judge said: The judges said:
    “Randy Lovely’s work reflects his passion for news and his ability to inspire innovation. He is the right leader at the right time for The Arizona Republic, and the Phoenix community.”

    Unreal, but then of course Gannett has to pat itself on the back coz it ain't never winning any Pulitzers. The Republic is a gold medal winner again, too, cited for, among other things "sophisticated" coverage of John McCain's presidential run. Gimmee a break. The paper routinely was beaten on key stories by the national media and never looked at McCain with a critical eye. Oh yeah, that's right: They got rid of the reporters and editors who wanted to do those kinds of stories.
    What a total and complete joke.

  74. 5:26 - Brilliant! Brought a smile to my face.

    I have a pet name for Todd. Fucktard.

  75. Jim: did you check out that detroit memo posted at 12:18? looks like deja vu all over again of the Sherm Bodner forgery. If it is true, right now, a half-way decent severance, one week for every year at least to 26 weeks, like the most recent one, plus benefits to the end of the severance (stil a kick in the ass for longtime dedicated workers) is the only thing keeping over 55 employes from filing age discrimination suits. If they decide two weeks pay and that's it, I for one will tell them to shove it up their collective corporate asses and they can talk to my lawyer.

  76. 2:07 -- Good for you. You keep feeling secure. Those folks always have the biggest surprises on their face when they're led out the door. But it won't happen to you. No way. You're much too valuable. Keep telling yourself that. And then, when they lay you off, report back here after you recover from your nervous breakdown.

    4/09/2009 10:06 AM

    You don't get're a tool who should be making shoes. The reason I'm confident about my role and future is that my skills transfer to dozens of other industries immediately. If I was shown the door I'd thank them for the time together and go on to the next.

  77. You can still afford a lawyer?

  78. If we hit four bucks a share, I predict a split.

  79. The biggest problem with the "Gannett culture" has always been the dropped in, rotating, clueless about the community they are sent to ... publishers and EEs/MEs.

    Airlifting in a corporate-approved publisher who stays around at the "little" community paper for a couple of years, but of course does not LIVE in the community (usually always a major metro market somewhere about an hour away) and could care less about the town ... this is one of the big problems with this company.

    Add to that the EEs and MEs who are the same thing, airlifted in to some poor, unsuspecting Gannett-aquisition community paper.

    How many publishers and EEs actually LIVE within the city limits of the town for which the newspaper is named??? Not waaaaaay out in the outer suburbs... but actually in the town?

    Not many, I would bet!

  80. Like him or not, Cincinnati's editor, Tom, won a ring. I do not like the direction of Gannett and thank the heavens I sold my stock at the high. At the same time, I live in the community. The "paper" does nothing to inform me or my children. What are you all doing about that?

  81. Ok, boooooooring. Everybody fighting over gramatical errors! Who cares! We need the meat and potatoes here! What the heck is going on at your paper? That's why we are all here. Not for petty BS about spelling. Go to your english teacher for such things. Most people want to know about layoffs, Cobra, Severence pay (if any) and jobs. Nothing else matters.
    And by the way, I'm sure there are tons of errors in this email! Blast me for it, if you must!

  82. Randy Lovely? you must be kidding. What's he have maybe less than 10 years with the republic? What has made him so special? I remember when they annouced his coming too town........woopee with "HIS partner". Glad for the guy! Gannett rewarding the peeps that don't need it and laying off the peeps that shouldn't be!

  83. ONE QUESTION? What kind of "human being" with this economy do you have to be to recieve a "Gannett RIng" now aday? Slimeballs.

  84. ANAL retentive= Grammer corrective

  85. You don't get're a tool who should be making shoes. The reason I'm confident about my role and future is that my skills transfer to dozens of other industries immediately. If I was shown the door I'd thank them for the time together and go on to the next.

    4/09/2009 9:57 PM

    We'll see. You'll get your chance soon enough.

  86. Say what you will about Randy, he deserves the ring and recognition. This guy came to the Republic and put up with the jokes about being gay and homo pranks that were played on him. This guy stuck it out and has done a great job. I'm not thrilled about the crazy bitches he's surrounded himself with. Randy's better than that, but what the hell he's gotten the job done. Congrats Randy you deserve it!

  87. 11:21...lets take it offline. WTF is your problem.

  88. "homo pranks"

    Now THAT'S something we need to near more about.

    I mean, it's fun to razz Jim, especially because he takes it WAY too seriously. But this could be entertaining.

  89. Randy Lovely deserves a lot of credit. He's more of a people person than any of the editors we've had at the Republic in the 20-plus years I've worked here. He's a decent man who seems to really care about his troops. I'm as cynical as the next person, but I think the despair he felt during the layoffs was genuine. I talked to several people who were laid off in December and they had nothing but praise for the way Randy handled very difficult phone calls. I agree that the people who surround him are challenged -- well, at least a couple of them.

  90. "I agree that the people who surround him are challenged -- well, at least a couple of them."

    Jim's blog is factually challenged. And many, many of the people who post here are mentally challenged.

  91. "The way Randy handled very difficult phone calls..." ????

    How hard is it to fire people OVER THE PHONE!

    Hell, I can do THAT!

    No, this is just another Gannett Corp. stooge - plain and sinmple. They ALL are.

    Get used to that folks... NONE of those at the top in Gannett are worth spit, why else would they be with this awful company??

  92. So, Callinan won a ring too????

    No surprise.

    Just another drop-in corp hack sent to ruin another newspaper. In this case, not a very good one to start.

    This guy is worthless. Ask anyone who works there.

    So of course the Corp. folk gave him a nice little ring. He's a good little boy, pat him on the head and send him out to ruin the newspaper some more. Just like that idiot Silberman.

  93. see...over 100 people laid of at APP and there isn't a response to it at all. Instead it's the continuous childish sniping. You all have way too much time.

  94. I'm told Jim wears a ring, but we don't want to know where.

    Word ver.: suploggi -- When Jim mixes mealtime with playtime. Suploggi -- mmmmmmmmmmmmm!

  95. "Why, if Jim reads comments before they are published, do we have language and disrespect like:"Hey dickshit, I have a job....Maybe that is why I was able to find a new job, I treat my fellow average Joe's with respec, and not like shit I like you bastards. SO once again, fuck off." in a post below?
    This does nothing to advance any conversation. We're all in distress right now, let's not make it worse."

    You suck. Stop posting -- today.

  96. 6:06pm
    I would replace the AD's and AM's
    with new blood, perhaps existing ad reps who know how to sell,have pr abilities and understand the market that the particular paper is in.


Jim says: "Proceed with caution; this is a free-for-all comment zone. I try to correct or clarify incorrect information. But I can't catch everything. Please keep your posts focused on Gannett and media-related subjects. Note that I occasionally review comments in advance, to reject inappropriate ones. And I ignore hostile posters, and recommend you do, too."

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