Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How I support myself on $24,000 in annual wages

Regarding occasional questions about how I support myself in pricey San Francisco, I just wrote the following comment.

Short answer: Debt kills! (Just ask Gracia Martore.)
I paid off all my debts in spring 2000, when I sold my home in Louisville, Ky. I always pay off charge cards at the end of each month.
Also, I was reared by thrifty New Englanders (hi, Mom and Dad!), who taught me a super-duper secret to instantaneous wealth:

Spend less than you earn, and save the difference!

I did just that, and here I am today.

Earlier: Inside the secret world of Gannett Blog

[Photo: San Francisco's copper-clad Columbus Tower, with the better-known Transamerica Pyramid in the background. Filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola bought the 1907 flatiron building in the early 1970s]


  1. Yes, if you have no debt and live modestly, you can survive on little---especially if you don't have kids !

  2. oh, who cares. get a real job, Jim.

  3. Seriously, I bet most of the people bitching about how Jim supports himself don't even financially support the blog. Cough up your $5 folks, you know you've spent way more than that on other forms of less-educational entertainment! If you can't afford $5, then click on some ads!

  4. Jim
    I wish you wouldn't respond to questions and comments on your financial arrangements. You don't need to justify what you're doing. And you certainly don't need to answer to people who obviously are jealous that you have created such an important meeting place for people who care about freedom of speech and it's abusers. You do an honorable days work on this blog, and how you finance and manage is no one's businesss but yours. Why take the bait? Take the high road.

  5. 11:08 pm. Thank you.

    But, in fact, these are legitimate questions that someone should have pressed a long time ago; I'm surprised it's taken until now.

    The inference, I believe, is that I'm being secretly backed by the Teamsters, the Newspaper Guild or maybe a group of short-sellers. That would be beyond the ethical pale -- if true.

    But it is not true.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Jim, I thought you were being backed by a group of gay Guild writers who also drive trucks on the weekend? That would make the plot so much more interesting.

  8. 2:08 wrote yesterday:
    How do I know my donation is not going to your lavish lifestyle?

    You never answered the question, and there is no inference to the Teamsters, the Newspaper Guild or a group of short sellers. How you came up with that is puzzling.

  9. Wm. Stout Books is just a stonesthrow from where that picture was taken; Stout books is a great book store, especially for architecture. It was written up in the NY Times a month or so ago (not in USAT, surprise, surprise.)

  10. It's really none of flipping business on how Jim supports his life style. Hell, for we know, Sparky might be rich.

    I don't ask my local reporter how in the hell he affords a new Jag.


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