Sunday, April 26, 2009

Faith | What I say when I'm afraid

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.


  1. "Afraid"?

    You OK?

  2. I'm not afraid. And that's why management's allies have gone into flame overdrive.

  3. I called you on this a few days ago but you persist. You dumb down the conversation when you insist on making everything black and white. I can disagree with you and still not agree with everything management does.

  4. He's trying to hide from all the mistakes he made yesterday.

    Now he's hoping he can take on a persecution complex and that people will forget about how he tried to make up numbers out of thin air.

  5. Hey Dummy ... to quote a now dead Superbowl TV ad for a Gannett product.
    Rage on, dimwits.
    Rage on, ninnies.
    Rage on, homophobes or people hiding behind them.
    Rage on!

  6. Jim prefers the KY jelly ads.

  7. The Good Book says,
    "FEAR NOT!"


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