Thursday, March 12, 2009

On furloughs, layoffs -- and next week's meeting

In a rising tide of comments and e-mail, many of you keep asking:
  • Are the rumors about another layoff true?
  • Will there be more furloughs in the second quarter, which starts in less than three weeks?
  • Should I be prepared to lose my job?
I cannot tell you anything definitive about layoffs or furloughs. Common sense says they'll always be under active consideration, so long as revenue and earnings tumble -- a trend we assume continued in the current quarter, when ad sales probably fell off a cliff. (Chief Financial Officer Gracia Martore's decision last fall to stop publishing monthly statistical reports only contributed to our lack of visibility.)

Perhaps we'll learn more next week, when Martore is expected to join CEO Craig Dubow and other senior executives speaking to the March meeting of the Media and Entertainment Analysts of New York. (Wednesday, 12:45 p.m. ET. Webcast details.)

But I can answer your third question, about whether you should be prepared for sudden job loss -- i.e., pay off debts, enroll in night school -- with 100% confidence. The answer is:


Please post your replies in the comments section, below. To e-mail confidentially, write gannettblog[at]gmail[dot-com]; see Tipsters Anonymous Policy in the green sidebar, upper right.


  1. Someone posted two weeks ago about how March 18 was the date when we would find out about new job losses. Whoever that poster was, he/she was right. I find out more advance notice of what is happening in this company on this blog than anywhere else. Just more evidence of why we need to keep Jim financed and running at warp speed

  2. Someone posted two weeks ago about how March 18 was the date when we would find out about new job losses. Whoever that poster was, he/she was right. I find out more advance notice of what is happening in this company on this blog than anywhere else. Just more evidence of why we need to keep Jim financed and running at warp speed

  3. Someone will call you a fearmonger for this very truthful post.

  4. Umm, how exactly was that person right? Has there been an announcement that March 18 is the day? I mean, other than an anonymous post on gannettblog?

  5. Typical of journalists, everyone keeps asking what, when, how, why. The "who" is a given, insofar as who would initiate more cuts.

    However, the "who" i.e., who is on the layoff list is probably who went on the last list and for some reason did not get cut by corporate HR etc. in August or December because of:
    a) ethnicity
    b) age (skewing toward worrying about too many 40-and-overs)
    c) time at Gannett (that's what I was told)
    d) most likely, salary, right?
    e) position (anyone on digital side is safe, I would wager)
    f) someone you work with just plain doesn't like you.

    But I am only hypothesizing, based on the two rounds of layoffs I experienced, the first which I escaped and the second, which got me.

    I wish you all well, truly.

  6. Laura Hollingsworth announced Wednesday at a meeting with all advertising staff at The Des Moines Register that there will be furloughs again in the Second Quarter. This came as a blow right on the heels of our first quarter of furloughs. In the meeting, she spoke with all attention focused on online potential. It was like she was sweet coating the bad news with fake enthusiasm. There were no questions asked and she read Q&A from notes. Was there going to be a 10% cut in Pay. The furloughs were the cut in pay.

  7. My manager is an idiot. He left the names & dates of the employees who are schedule for layoffs in the next week out on top of his desk. Along with the salaries that will be saved. AZ Republic bites.

  8. I hope 4:08 p.m.'s manager is added to the top of that layoff list. Please let us know, won't you? Where do they get these doofus managers?


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