Wednesday, February 25, 2009


GCI's directors: Starting on the top row, left to right, with powerful executive committee members in boldface: Dubow, Elias, Harper, Louis, Magner, McCune, McFarland, Shalala, Shapiro and Williams.

I go offline for a couple hours, and look what happens: the board of directors does the right thing! Now, let's see how Wall Street's big dawgs react. Short iPhone post. Comment, below, please.


  1. This is the first good news I've heard from Gannett since the December layoffs (of which I was a victim), and the furloughs. I'm really happy for my co-workers who are still at the paper and glad the board did the right thing. Also glad not to have to rage at the machine for a change. Of course, if I owned shares, maybe I'd be annoyed, but it looks like the alternative to cutting the dividend to 4 cents would be much, much worse.

  2. For the first time I feel more confident about the survival of Gannett and I am deeply thankful.
    This is wonderful news.
    Now, reduce the debt and start the innovation.

  3. This is the first good news in a long time from our corporate brain trust. Now they should all resign and make it 2 for 2!

  4. I think this sends a pretty clear message to employees that they want to spread the pain around.

  5. Glad I got in at $3.60!

  6. Why wouldn't they react by sending the price down even more? What's left in it now with a .04 cent dividend.


  8. This definitely makes one feel better about working for the company. There's much to complain about, but this at least indicates the board is looking to the future.

    Thank you.


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