Thursday, February 26, 2009

Now, and then: How to look when times get tough

[Sober vs. smiley: Dubow's annual mug this year (left) vs. last]

CEO Craig Dubow's newly published letter to shareholders in the 2008 Annual Report is illustrated with a photo showing him looking more serious than he did in in last year's. (Of course, this year, his less-cheerful letter used phrases like "unprecedented global economic downturn took its toll,'' so its hard to maintain a sense of humor.)

Now, for Rorschach test fans, here's his signature:

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  1. I'm probably not the only one, but I've never see such flaming pinkish WHITE people as this craven bunch of Gannett management ghouls appear to be in their propaganda leaflets, the Ganneteer, etc. My lord, these people NEVER SEE THE SUN, do they? I mean, even the rare African Americans look WHITE. And their body types are all the same, too. Ghoulish milk-fed boobs. Is it any wonder the only solution they can come up with to keep their sinking enterprise afloat for another quarter is to CUT JOBS? It's over for Gannett. These stupid white people who can't figure out what they're doing wrong are caught in the death spiral. How long will it take them to kill the company?

  2. yes - discourse is hitting an all time high on this one. of course this was pure flame bait from word go

  3. I reaaly don't think he looks somber in that mug.

  4. What will be the look on his face in next year's picture?

  5. 4:24 pm: You're right. That was my mistake; I meant sober -- not somber. And I've fixed it.

  6. Craig is not "fit" to be CEO

  7. He just looks like a national head supporting a bunch of local content gathering bodies to me.

  8. Make sure you are ”nimble”

  9. Looks like "GARb" as in garbage.


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