Monday, February 09, 2009

Honolulu: Union members OK pact, 10% pay cut

Today's ratification vote by six unions representing about 550 employees was 248-40 in favor of a nearly two-year contract with the money-losing paper. The deal imposes the pay cut for as long as the paper's expenses exceed revenues, The Honolulu Advertiser says.


  1. So, if we use Honolulu as the model, this means profitable Gannett newspapers should be seeing an increase in pay or at the very least holding steady....

    NOT! CUT 'EM!

    But do pass out executives bonuses, by all means.

    This makes perfect sense.

  2. The Hawaii newspaper must be led by the most incompetent union on the face of the earth! Jesus these people are stupid. The union told them they should take the deal cause Gannett would shut down the newspaper and they had no choice but to accept the cuts. hahahahahaha...Didnt they just build an 80 million dollar plant and pay a couple hundred million 10 years ago or so??? walk away??? hahahahhaha....

  3. Heh and don't forget they still get to pay dues to the fat cat union bosses. In addition, not one union boss has been laid off. Thousands of articles around the web and not one about Union leaders getting laid off. Resepct and dignity lemmings. Keep sending in that dues!!!!

  4. Honolulu Advertiser unionized workers will still do very well even after the 10% pay cut is taken and the union dues are paid. Also the unions have preserved the pensions which are not frozen.


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