Friday, February 13, 2009

Warning to Gannett Rumor's publisher

Updated at 11:56 a.m. ET: This anonymous author has still not written to me. My advice to you all: Avoid this site like the plague. I am deeply suspicious of what's going on. Meanwhile, to the publisher: I will continue blocking and deleting all your posts until you identify yourself to me fully; otherwise, you're not welcome here. Contact me immediately at gannettblog[at]gmail[dot-com].


  1. Didn't this blog start out anonymous?

  2. Yes. But I think it was clear from the tone and direction of my posts during those four months that I wasn't Corporate's tool.

  3. what, just a regular tool?

  4. Tools are good.
    As are tool belts, tool boxes and tool kits.
    Corporate tools, however, are not so good. Unless they're open and above board about how they're being used and what they're trying to fix.
    I think Jim has been very transparent about his mission.

  5. Actually, Jim was not transparent about his mission initially. He presented his anonymous blog as authored by somebody without any grudge. That's a laugh.

    Methinks he is afraid of a little competition.

  6. I love competition -- from trustworthy rivals.

  7. It is his blog.
    He who holds the tools, rules.

  8. I think there is a larger issue that some folks and Gannett Rumor are missing. Is it possible that this Gannett Rumor blog is a ruse just to get people to post there so that corporate can find out who is behind rumor mongering? Gannett Rumor could be tracking IP addresses. Jim is just attempting to protect the folks who feel they can post on this blog without fear of reprisal from corporate.

  9. If you can't beat them, join them.

    Sounds like someone at GCI is trying to join Jim in the spin zone. Maybe GCI is trying harder than ever to control the message.

  10. Love visiting the blog to get my daily fix of whining, abusive posts and paranoia. Yum Yum.

  11. This reminds me of that other Gannett glob (ha ha) that was supposed to be the antithesis to Gannett Blog?

    What was it called?

  12. gannettblogsucks rules!

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


Jim says: "Proceed with caution; this is a free-for-all comment zone. I try to correct or clarify incorrect information. But I can't catch everything. Please keep your posts focused on Gannett and media-related subjects. Note that I occasionally review comments in advance, to reject inappropriate ones. And I ignore hostile posters, and recommend you do, too."

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.